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Thread: Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: The Town Without Me

  1. #61
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    I kind of think his smart friend can also have that power, because he seems way too smart for a kid, even though that is pretty much an anime thing.
    I think he needs to tell his mom what is going on so they can work together, or at least somehow warn her that she's going to be killed on the exact date.
    I don't trust the manager, either..

  2. #62
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Kenya becoming a cop/detective and a culprit ?
    Somehow it felt the cops arrived very quickly when Satoru's mom was killed. But it might just be the scene cut.
    And yes, that manager really did try to trap Satoru. It wasn't just telling the cops.

    That probable kill shows how deep in shit Satoru is, the culprit is at least one move ahead of him, if not 2 or 3.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #63
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Somehow it felt the cops arrived very quickly when Satoru's mom was killed. But it might just be the scene cut.

    And yes, that manager really did try to trap Satoru. It wasn't just telling the cops.
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I wonder if the enemy also has a power similar to Satoru's.
    I don't think it is anything special in the way that Satoru jumps backward. His enemy is just really really powerful.

    I got the feeling that I was not far off the mark the last time that I guessed it was two people, with one of them covering for the other. I was on the right track, but it is either much worse (full blown conspiracy), or only a single person. The key moment in this episode was where Airi caught part of the conversation between the manager and mystery person. That mystery person is either the killer, related to them, or works for them.

    The critical element to that scene was the pin the faceless person was wearing. It's either a Japanese Diet pin, or a Japanese Prosecutor pin, almost certainly the former. They discussed that the faceless man arranged the pizza joint to get more business by mucking around with the bureaucratic process. A favor for a favor long ago. The faceless man also figured out that the manager has the hots for Airi, and seemed to empathize with it (though some of that might be my imagination).

    That leads me to believe that the faceless man is either the killer/kidnapper himself or the person covering for the kidnapper if it is two people (he's clearly the killer). Big connections, big power, etc. That's why the police showed up exactly when they could catch Satoru, that's why the news is covering it as a major story, and that's why they feel they have enough power to burn down Airi's house without repercussions.

    Satoru and his mom wandered into something big back then, but when they connected to it again by mere happenstance, it had become something HUGE.

    It's likely that no matter how many times Satoru fails, he won't ever be able to take down this person in the present. They simply have too much power, too many connections, and too much to lose. He has to take him down in the past. Every time he returns to the present, it is only going to get worse and worse because there is no way he can possibly win.

  4. #64
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I tried to check the official badges of Japan. The design is very similar to the one of the House of Representatives members, ie the Japanese Diet lower chamber.
    So that Nishizono clearly has relations with politicians, police, he's also a local mofo as he helped the pizza business at town meetings...
    Now it relates to the clamping down of the press too, meaning the guy already had powers 18 years ago.
    And I wonder if that tv journalist is the pizza manager father, although it's hard to guess par parentality from faces in anime...

    Satoru really needs to think on a larger scale and as pointed before: use his mom skills.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #65
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's really too bad he ran like a criminal. Even if it's the Japanese police/justice system, they wouldn't immediately convict the son who returned to his own home. Not to mention the murder weapon is missing his fingerprints (if he has such a sucky lock that anybody could have fetched a knife beforehand from his kitchen, then he can only blame himself. Actually he and his mom should both blame themselves for not keeping the apartment door locked in the middle of a fricking city) and there're also possessions missing, such as the phone. It doesn't really take a Sherlock to come to the conclusion he didn't do it. But now he pretty much turned all eyes on himself by running like a real culprit.

  6. #66
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    His (very awesome) mother gets murdered, still bleeding even, and another housewife witnesses it by chance, but the cops show up even before she would have had a chance to call them (Confirmed later as an "anonymous tip").

    He's clearly being set up, and the police would force a confession out of him in their typical style of incompetence.

    Running was the only option.

  7. #67
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's the problem with the Japanese police, but on the other hand that same Japan still respects parenthood more than lots of other countries, so I imagine the son being the prime suspect of murdering the mother isn't as "natural" as it might be elsewhere. But running certainly made sure he won't have any say in the matter.

    I'm still not sure if this is better or worse for Satoru's own investigation. On one hand with this he's forcing the murderer to pull off more tricks, thus exposing himself more, yet on the other hand his ability to do any research is limited since he's a wanted man who needs to avoid the public. Not to mention he personally still doesn't know what we, the audience, know. At the very least, assuming he doesn't jump very soon, he will learn that the murderer could also track down his visit to Airi's house. So, he can deduce the murderer has some kind of a connection to the pizza joint.

  8. #68
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    He needed to run so that more people can die and trigger his power. If he obediently got captured, then Kayo is a true goner.
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  9. #69
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    So, is anyone else curious about how Kayo died?
    Because reading what has been said so far, I believe you guys assume it was her mother?

    Just wondering if I state the obvious or if my train of thought is rather "exotic" when I say that her mother only gave the opportunity for the killer to do his work and that the killer planned it and knew about what is happening in Kayo personal life.

  10. #70
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    That's also possible. The mom and the deadbeat man in the house are mixed users of alcohol and drugs, yet at least the mom still cares for her outward appearance, which requires addition funds. So, it's not impossible she would accept money from some pedophile. However, let's not forget that this killer is not leaving traces behind if he can help it. I deem it exceptionally unlikely he would leave Kayo's mom and the man alive and with the knowledge of who he is. That would be only asking for later blackmailing when they need more money for drugs and booze.

    So, no, for the time being I think poor Hinazuki died due to domestic abuse. In fact that might have even be the cause of her death in the original timeline and it merely happened to coincide with the serial killings. The mom could have dumped the body wherever and announced her missing. Just like she did this time.

  11. #71
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Were the dead bodies of the girls found? Just wondering if maybe Kayo died from some disease and her mom simply hid the body. Which would be tragic because itīd render Satoruīs efforts useless.

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  12. #72
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    However, let's not forget that this killer is not leaving traces behind if he can help it. I deem it exceptionally unlikely he would leave Kayo's mom and the man alive and with the knowledge of who he is. That would be only asking for later blackmailing when they need more money for drugs and booze.
    I was thinking more about the fact that she gets beaten by her mom on weekends and after she did that, she escapes to that small shed in the backyard and guess who was waiting for her there? It was really weird that footprints (which led away from the house they live in) where there after all.

    Imagine this: Mother beats Kayo -> Kayo drags her beaten body to the shed to escape from the havoc she has to endure every weekend -> Killer/Kidnapper is waiting for her there, because he knows she is doing that after watching that family for a while (remember, he did the same thing in the present with Satoru) -> Killer kills Kayo (or.... well, I don't want to imagine it, poor Kayo) -> Mother who knows she is in the shed (like always) finds Kayo's dead body and thinks she overdid it this time -> mother tries to hide it because she thinks she is the killer.

    This way, the killer is never in any real danger in terms of leaving traces and so on.

    And if we look at the people who know about Kayo's situation....well, the teacher comes to mind.

  13. #73
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The killer is Satoru's mother. The scenes where she thinks she saw the killer, it's actually her other personality playing tricks on her. In the end, she killed herself out of guilt.

    And then her political friends torched pizza friends house thinking it was Satoru who killed her.

    This is a joke in case any didn't get it.
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  14. #74
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I was thinking more about the fact that she gets beaten by her mom on weekends and after she did that, she escapes to that small shed in the backyard and guess who was waiting for her there? It was really weird that footprints (which led away from the house they live in) where there after all.

    Imagine this: Mother beats Kayo -> Kayo drags her beaten body to the shed to escape from the havoc she has to endure every weekend -> Killer/Kidnapper is waiting for her there, because he knows she is doing that after watching that family for a while (remember, he did the same thing in the present with Satoru) -> Killer kills Kayo (or.... well, I don't want to imagine it, poor Kayo) -> Mother who knows she is in the shed (like always) finds Kayo's dead body and thinks she overdid it this time -> mother tries to hide it because she thinks she is the killer.

    This way, the killer is never in any real danger in terms of leaving traces and so on.

    And if we look at the people who know about Kayo's situation....well, the teacher comes to mind.
    Sorry, but I have to call you out on this one.

    Kayo being raped would be infinitely better than her being killed. So you should rather imagine her getting banged than getting murdered.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #75
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I actually believe, like Ryll(?), that there are more than just 1.

    If we assume the murderer was already a middle aged man (between 20-30 or maybe evne older) back when Satoru was a child, then he should be between 40-50 (maybe even closer to 60) years old by now. I could be wrong, but the the one who killed Satoru's mom didn't look that old to me.

    So, how likely is it for a middleschool teacher to become a Diet Member in Japan again ?
    The younger culprit could be Kenya? That school scene with him and the teacher doesn't leave my mind, even though I've written it off as the teacher telling him that it's also Kayo's birthday.
    But then again, maybe Kenya is actually trying to tell the teacher about Kayo on his own, he seems to know exactly what is happening to her after all.


    No, raped AND killed is not better than just killed.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 02-08-2016 at 10:08 AM.

  16. #76
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    You wrote "OR"!!1

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  17. #77
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Technically, Mfauli is right in that you wrote "or."

    But I disagree with rape being better than killed always. It depends on the person. Some people commit suicide after suffering from the trauma, and some continue their lives while suffering. Worse, there are cases where traumatized people go on to hurt others passively or actively. That said, some move on and lead happy lives too, so I say there is no hard and fast rule.

    EDIT: But Krayz phrased the entire line in such a way that death was unavoidable for Kayo, so the "or" was clearly a typo.
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  18. #78
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I thought I wrote it in such a way that death is certain (because she is clearly dead after all) and all thats up to imagination is what happened before her death, which is why I wrote:

    "-> Killer kills Kayo (or, I don't want to say it, but just killing her for no reason and just for the lulz is really weird, so it's not unlikely that he did something else to her beforehand, like torture, rape or whatever sick minds can think off)"

    With less words of course

    and after re-reading my
    So, how likely is it for a middleschool teacher to become a Diet Member in Japan again ?
    I realized that it's not unlikely at all, in fact, depending on his position ((Federal) Minister of Education and Science for example) it shouldn't be that far-fetched.
    At least in Germany, most (if not all) of them were teachers once.
    The conversation between the faceless man and the Pizza store owner actually had something to do with a way to school etc. Can't rewatch it right now, but I believe it had something to with traffic-lights and that his shop is in a much better position because of it, or something like that?

    edit: man... this show is fun to watch.
    I like how they subtly drop hints here and there and don't bother to make it extremely Kayo touching Satoru's hand to measure his size for the gloves and all that. (hnnng)

    Didn't realize it at all before the *very* short flashback (the best way to present/introduce flashbacks ! Just like it "clicks" in MCs brain at that moment, the viewer will feel the same).
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 02-08-2016 at 11:37 AM.

  19. #79
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    edit: man... this show is fun to watch.
    No, it's not fun to watch. My fun is all the time ruined by the terrible anticipation that something fell will happen to Hinazuki and there's no happy end for her at all. She's the most deserving of a happy end, the poor child, yet the least likely to get one.

  20. #80
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Maybe she did get a happy-end. You donīt know how skilled her rapist-murderer might have been!!!


    (that avatar is effecting my real personality^^)

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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