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Thread: Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: The Town Without Me

  1. #101
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I sum up my feelings about this series the same way others have:


    Bring on more feels.

    Yuuki Aoi and Akasaki Chinatsu both killing it here with their respective characters. If he does ultimately save and end up with Kayo...gotta admit, gonna feel a little bad for Katagiri.

    That said, Minase Akiko may finally have a true rival in Fujinuma Sachiko for the title of Best Anime Mom Ever. Less of a milf, true, but no less intuitive and connected.

  2. #102
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Harem end. He has other girls to save, right?
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  3. #103
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    He was a failure at life, more or less. He only solved the previous time jump cases because they were incredibly clear, like that one case demonstrated where he jumped back some tens of seconds at max and immediately spotted the sleeping driver.
    The driver had a heart attack, he wasn't sleeping.

  4. #104
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    If he saves Hinazuki without Hinazuki being transferred to some far away place, it's hard to imagine they wouldn't end up together. That would most likely result in a timeline where the dude never even meets Airi. So, there would be no need to feel sorry for her. It's also possible he will never particularly get to know the other girls since he can't very well use the boyfriend strategy on all of them.

    It would cool to see an older version of Hinazuki, to witness how pretty she gets if allowed to survive. I hope the show ends with such a sight.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    @Edort - I read what you wrote, and honestly, I'm glad Kayo's life is in Satoru's hands, not yours. No offense. Not everyone is a genius. It's like you missed half the stuff presented in the show. Krayz already mentioned most so I'll stop here.
    And you are right on that. My goal would be to prevent my mother from dying and I from being framed of killing her. Hinazuki is just a collateral. She died 2 decades ago, if with my "machinations" she is to be saved I would be joyous but unless there is a 100% proof (not just some feeling in my pants cause I like underaged girls) that only saving her I can change what I came for I would just see her as another mean to my end.

    If she dies and I catch the killer I would be sad but my mission would be accomplished. Seeing how after whatever happened to Hinazuki there were still more kidnapings I would doubt her to even be so crucial if I act as a rational being. Someone was to be the trigger (if we assume this guy started here) if u "save" Hinazuki without knowing from what/who the serial psycopath would still keep going and I guess that seeing what happened at ep1 on the park and to his mother I would have some clues to think that whoever it is it must be related to me or my mother in some way.

    Its not that I hate the show. I really enjoyed it for the first episodes. 3 & 4 seemed like total nonsense and bs to me and 5 was just crazy. Manager holmes, tyson airi, kidnaper goes into their job sniffing, then goes arsonist and uses the mothers phone, tracks mate even the 17 y/o girl knows this and phones remember in what tower you were at the time of messaging even if u later plant the phone to the MC it would still be inconsistent, not even syaing that police does some work and has the phone undersurveillance at all moments, just to get rid of a kid... dunno I find it lousy.
    Last edited by Edort4; Thu, 02-11-2016 at 06:36 AM.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  6. #106
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Anyone can like or dislike anything. I just find your reasons for disliking this show flimsy at best. The alternative you offer doesn't even make sense with your initial posts. At first you said he was wrong for not trying to save the other girls when he failed to save Kayo, now you say he should focus on just saving the mother and trying to catch the killer. This flip flopping sounds like you're just searching for reasons to dislike the show instead of having them first and then disliking the show.

    Satoru's thinking was clearly explained. He wasn't even sure if he could change the past, seeing as how his actions seemed to mimic it without him meaning to. That's why he focused on doing at least one thing (he thought was) in his power, which is to save Kayo. It's his first concrete step in trying to stop the killings, not the final goal of his trip.

    In the end, he failed to do even that, leaving him with no other clues as to how to save the others. It's not that he just got depressed and gave up. He simply did not have the info and resources to save the other girls.

    TBH, I really just think it all boils down to you wanting him to be much smarter than he is, and that's fine. That doesn't make him stupid. He just isn't a genius.

    The nonsensical stuff to you aren't really nonsensical. Everyone else who watches the show has explained the logic behind Satoru's actions and why it is quite believable given the context. This is similar to Mfauli not getting that OPM is a parody. It simply doesn't coincide with the direction that you want. It's a story about a normal guy sent back in time with limited info, not some emotionless (how can you NOT like Kayo?) genius sleuth who is destined to catch a killer on his first try.

    And sorry, I tried understanding your last paragraph and failed.

    I tried again and sort of got the phone thing. Turning off the phone disables any GPS tracking, so the killer can keep it off until he used it. When the killer used it to message the girl, it was intentional in order to frame Satoru for the killing. The mother's phone went missing when she was killed, and the main suspect is Satoru, which means that any messages coming from that phone are from him. That makes him the prime suspect for killing the pizza girl, assuming the police are able to retrieve the message in some other way other than the burned celphone inside pizza girl's room.

    The killer is very thorough. He simply kills anything and everything that might know about him as soon as he can, as he did with Satoru's mother. The only reason Satoru is still safe is ironically because he is living under a bridge.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Thu, 02-11-2016 at 08:56 AM.
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  7. #107
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    An anime director got his reputation tarnished and almost ended up in a prison because the Japanese police was dead sure that if a crime was performed from a certain IP address, then the owner of that IP address is automatically the mastermind of the whole crime. Only after a public outcry (because the person was connected to the anime world and thus the case was followed by otaku, that is, people who can actually tell a computer and a vacuum cleaner apart unlike the Japanese police) was the case properly studied and it turned out to be remote control malware installed on his computer and he had no fricking idea what was going on. The ANN article.

    So, yeah, you can forget about the Japanese police checking phone location inconsistencies and other shit. I doubt they have ever even heard of such things, apart from the anti-terrorism and anti-espionage groups. He might or might not have been doomed when he found his mom dead, but he was doomed the moment he ran.

  8. #108
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What phone inconsistency, though? I explained one aspect in my post before yours. Did I miss anything else?
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  9. #109
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    He can't turn it off as he would be unable to turn it back on. Unless he even has contacts that would help him crack the pin code.

  10. #110
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You're assuming Satoru's mom's phone has a lock. I don't have one. The killer wouldn't be able to text using the phone if it was locked.

    But even if it was, I'm pretty sure it's not hard to find someone who can crack a celphone lock. People do that for a few bucks in my country. Maybe the killer can even do it himself from net videos lol. You can just crack it at a temp location, turn it off again, and move somewhere else. Then turn it on and send the message. Japanese police, or most local police for that matter, aren't the FBI.
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  11. #111
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Perhaps. Then we would have one more corpse: the person who cracked the sim card for the murderer.

  12. #112
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    And you are right on that. My goal would be to prevent my mother from dying and I from being framed of killing her. Hinazuki is just a collateral. She died 2 decades ago, if with my "machinations" she is to be saved I would be joyous but unless there is a 100% proof (not just some feeling in my pants cause I like underaged girls) that only saving her I can change what I came for I would just see her as another mean to my end.
    In addition to what Shinta wrote:

    His "ability" (time travel) seems to always bring him to a point where he can prevent what is going to happen.
    Wouldn't that mean that his 18 year time-travel to the past, a few days before Kayo disappears, mean, that the person of interest is her, no matter how you look at it?

    And remember what he said in ep.1? When he talked about how he *has* to look for anomalies and how he has to prevent or defuse the situation no matter what and he can't explain why?
    Do you understand why he has this "urge" 4 episodes later?

    Exactly, it's because of what happened to Kayo and his inability to do something back then, even though he (believes he) could have.
    Him being back at that time most likely triggers his urge to "do the right thing" even more than ever before, either conciously or subconsciously... my guess is the latter. Why? Remember that his present-time-and-now-deceased mom told him that he was "on the brink" back when all this happened, and Satoru wasn't even 100% sure about what she was referring too? It seems like he barely escaped depression or some other kind of mental illness back then. His mom probably didn't even want to mention it further because she feared it could come back to him.

    Finally he is able to redo that scene, that one decision that (so he thinks) could've prevented her death.
    All these small hints about his motivation and his reasoning are spread throughout the whole series so far and this is why I believe this show is so great, it doesn't slap it into your face with 5min flashbacks or extensive train of thoughts but all the hints and explainations are there and thats the best kind of storytelling there is imho.

    The attention to detail is so big in this show (I always feel as if I have to say "so far" though) and the overall level of quality (throughout all criteria, pacing, animation, storytelling etc. etc.) is ways above what most animes (maybe not all, but I would have to think really hard to find something better right now) could ever hope to reach.

    edit: this came out a tad more fanboy-ish than I hoped, but I think I judged this show objectively so far.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 02-11-2016 at 12:39 PM.

  13. #113
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    new episode is out

    so assuming heīll go back to childhoo, he now has two options: idle around, then return to present and see who this guys is ... or try savin Kayo again, at the risk of changing the future, where the perpetrator will be gone then.

    Oh, and FUCK those two women. "Whatīs an adult doing here?", you mean, like yourselves? And at least one of you didnīt have a baby. Fuck you.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  14. #114
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Satoru learned a whole lot in this episode. He knew very little beforehand, now he knows a lot. The killer even got so arrogant he couldn't help but come to witness the arrest, to leer at Satoru. That's what happens when your plans proceed perfectly for years.

    I reckon Satoru could now land at a slightly later time. He doesn't anymore need to win Hinazuki on his side since she's already her tiny girlfriend. So, rescuing her from the shack would be far easier, if it gets to that point. But then again, he also needs to go after that name he learned or things might not change for good. Saving Hinazuki is only the beginning.

  15. #115
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't think Satoru got a chance to look at the "previous suspects" list. Airi called her phone just as he was about to look at it. He only knows the "remaining suspects," which he strongly believes aren't the true killers.

    Now that we've gotten a slightly better look at the killer, I find it hard to believe that he is all that much older than Satoru. They might even be close to the same age. That means that Satoru could be looking for a peer or at most a high school student. This gives credence to the "multiple suspects" hypothesis, because I doubt the modern day killer was murdering up to 6 middle school girls (and one boy) all on his own. More like joining in the act and now taking up the mantle.

    Though, given that I also assumed Hiromi was a girl who hung out with the boys in the class, and the leading theory is that he was murdered to throw off suspicion from people close to the victims...the likelihood that a classmate (or relative of a classmate) is involved is astronomically high. They'd be pretty much be the only ones who would know.

  16. #116
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Touching on the very basics of the mystery: WHY did the perpetrator murder those girls? They werenīt raped, right? If thatīs the case, there must be some special motif behind the killings (especially since this is an anime! :P). What could it be?

    With the murderer being not too far from Satoruīs age, like Ryll mentioned, I cannot shake off the feeling that Satoru is somehow the root of those crimes. Not necessarily by committing them himself in some sort of schizophrenic act, but in that he somehow triggers something that leads to those deaths.
    This is even more important when we extend the girl-murder case to the animeīs overall mystery of Satoruīs "skill". Since this is a 1-cour anime (righ?), itīs pretty much a necessity to clear up the matter of his ability (unless the author leaves us hanging in the most frustrating manner) during this murder-case.

    If that is correct, then I think the whole thing is a lot more personal for Satoru than just being a friend of Kayo and having his mother murdered because of it. And itīs very likely that the perpetrator knows of Satoruīs ability or has it himself.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  17. #117
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Why is this show so good? Is George RR Martin writing this? If not, they should team up and write the greatest epic ever.

    Game of Time Traveling Thrones.

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I don't think Satoru got a chance to look at the "previous suspects" list. Airi called her phone just as he was about to look at it. He only knows the "remaining suspects," which he strongly believes aren't the true killers.
    I think Satoru has seen the "previous suspects" list, since he looked very frustrated and said he has "hit a roadblock" that the suspect was not on the list when Airi told him about the suspect she believes saw the schedule. That wouldn't have been the response if Satoru hadn't seen the "previous suspects" list as well.

  19. #119
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You know another thing that makes this show good? Internal monologue. A lot of shows, especially those adapted from VNs and LNs, forgo the internal monologues of the protagonist, taking away a gigantic chunk of content and characterization (i.e. Grisaia, SAO).

    It's bad to overdo it, but cutting it away completely is a dumb decision, I think.
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  20. #120
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Oh man, that scene where the women suspected Satoru to be unemployed seems to be a real issue in Japan. These people are nuts, seriously.

    I've heard this being said in a documentary once too where a german manager went over to Japan as a company boss.
    He was totally shocked when he realised that they work from 7:00-19:00+++ (inofficially, like.. he came out of his office really late and saw them walking around) and they were all like: "Well, we don't leave before our boss leaves, that would be rude"
    The way he handled that situation was rather funny. The next day, he went into their respective work areas at ~16:30 and said: "I'm leaving now, and if you arn't done with your work for today by now, you are working inefficiently, so you guys better finish up fast".
    Obviously japanese people don't want to be told that, since they'd lose face and managed to finish their work 3-4 hours faster after that, but they were actually scared to go home because other people and their neighbours might think they are unemployed. Turned out they were just slacking off most of the time... and did nothing productive. One of them said something along the lines: "well, at first I didn't want to do it (because of what I wrote earlier)... but I realised that he is right, we really didn't do much and it's nice to see my wife and family sooner"

    WTF is wrong with them? Holy shit.... I thought it was a special case but now I know he was totally right. They enslave themselve to work because they fear that other people might look down on them if they show up at ~15:00 @ home and by the looks of it (after watching this ep), THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING THAT. Japan and it's scumbag society, god damn.

    I couldn't help but realize that the author might criticise behavior similiar to that, maybe even japanese people directly. Just look at it. Everyone is *so* superficial. No one bothers to realize Kayo's problems and no one sees how kind and beautiful she truely is, the police is quick to assume the wrong because of "how things look" to them, people don't bother to believe or trust someone as soon as they see something "suspicious" or rather, they don't bother to ask or think it over first.
    And then there is Airi, who is doing the polar opposite - someone that is actually able to believe or trust someone. A glimmer of hope that there actually is someone that believes you and that you yourself can believe in for the very same reason.
    And also the murderer, who is probably using that superficiality to rise in rank and power.
    It's as if the murders are there to show that he is able to do whatever he wants as long as people stay the way they are... and he's been doing that for years and will do it for years to come(!).

    Btw super hyped for episode 7, that ending was such a tease.
    I could be wrong here, but unless they wanted to make it extremely clear in the next episode anyway, I think they might've given away too much of the murderer's face. (and he looked a whole lot older in that pizza store imho)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 02-13-2016 at 10:01 AM.

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