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Thread: Boku Dake ga Inai Machi: The Town Without Me

  1. #81
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    There is hope imho! Satoru's sentence is what got my hopes back up "The past is not set in stone, if I can get back one more time..."

    I strongly believe that we'll see something among the lines of the movie: Butterfly Effect. He'll safe her! I'm sure of it, the question however is with whom (if any) will Satoru end up with? Airi wouldn't be a bad catch either.

  2. #82
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Of course he will save her. This is anime. Cuteness is justice.
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  3. #83
    This series is going downhill. Not a surprise cause it was hard to keep the premise without falling unto incoherence. Episodes 1 & 2 delivered. Then it started to add filler stuff and incoherence. This last episode was the epitome of that. He just directly thinks and acts like a kid. More so as a pretty dumb kid. Right now dunno whats the point of having him "travel" to the past so far (adult to kid).

    It you are going to write it like this (or simply cant write it like it should) just make it that the "travel" is just a few months or a 1-2year (like anniversary thing) after the incident. The kid with the red eyes will grow to be the man with red eyes that kills the mother, and whatever evolution or shit that happens during those years, and whatever is going on with this "powers", but he fucked up with the man/kid being unable of keeping him in character. It was pretty hard to do but it has failed so hard that for me its ruinning it completely. Just thinking how awesome it could be and how mediocre and nonsensical its becoming.

    Lets see how this evolves but from favourite show of the seasson (eps 1&2) has gone to garbage that doesnt deserve even a fast forwarding watch.
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  4. #84
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm not getting anything you're saying. Could you cite examples of the issues you found? What is filler? What is incoherent?

    I'm guessing your dissatisfied because the dude isn't Light or Lelouch. That's because he isn't. He's just a normal 29 year old guy who suddenly got his mother murdered and is being chased by the cops. And he has no other friends, apparently. His power doesn't make him smarter.

    There's also a reason for the large jump. The only way to stop the killer from killing his mom is to stop him from the very beginning. That means it is literally (physically, etc) impossible for him to stop the killer any time after that. His power is ultra convenient that way, but that's the premise.
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  5. #85
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'm really confused, what exactly do you think he is supposed to do as a 11 year old that doesn't know who the killer is?
    All he can do is to stop the incident that lead to his mother's death, the murder of Kayo.
    If Kayo's isn't dead, there is no reason for his mom to die either because she doesn't have to "remember" or "identify" the murderer... and at the same time, he's able (or trying) to sort out his "mistake" in the past (not talking to Kayo and thus not saving her)

    This show has been nothing but 10/10s so far.

    Then it started to add filler stuff and incoherence. This last episode was the epitome of that. He just directly thinks and acts like a kid. More so as a pretty dumb kid.
    I didn't see it like that at all, what exactly made him look "dumb"? Or act like a kid more so than ever, he's playing the role of a child and has been doing so all the time ever since ep.1
    After Kayo got killed, he was getting depressed because he didn't know what to do from now on... it's not like he can control his power and can jump back and forth whenever he likes. His plan, saving Kayo and thus saving his mom, failed.

    The kid with the red eyes will grow to be the man with red eyes that kills the mother, and whatever evolution or shit that happens during those years, and whatever is going on with this "powers", but he fucked up with the man/kid being unable of keeping him in character.
    I don't understand what you are trying to say here, there is no kid with red eyes so far, if anime eye colours arn't a thing in this show, I'd say the only eyes that stand out are Kenya's amber/yellow ones... and what has that to do with the second part about Satoru's character?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 02-10-2016 at 02:34 AM.

  6. #86
    I was talking about episode 4 there, I lagged behind. He has this weird power that lets him go back in time and change things. Never has gone so far into the past but it isnt something completely shocking, he has experienced it before and even knows what he must be watching for, so I assume that even if this time the rewind is larger he still has sanity.

    He is now a kid so he isnt working from 8am to 7pm he has lots of time to think, recall, remember, plan... basically find that "oddity" that has to be "fixed". Instead he is spending it hanging out with kids, taking strolls to mountain, going to museums, buying gifts, having parties and everytime he gets struck by his past memories. Hes had days to think but everything is taking him by surprise. He knows who the (wrong) culprit was but gives 0 fucks, he nows who the targets were so instead of watching, investigating common things, people in their lifes, whatever he wastes days befriending her just for the sake of it.

    When I said filler I was talking about all that. Do we really need to watch how he skates or loses a full evenning taking a stroll to mountain? He is panicking even worse than a 10 year kid would over every small thing. I would say that he has a panick attack every episode over the smallests of things.

    He is letting the teacher take care of things, he could perfectly go to the police and say that he has heard a child screaming and being hit and even if I know that Japan is a shithole when it comes to morals im sure that things would got really interesting when they see the kid beaten with testimony from a (false) witness, teachers, etc. Even his mother seems to be somewhat suspicious and trusting of him. But he just focuses on having a good bday party. Exactly what a 10y kid would do 100% of time. Trusting adults, giving up at everything, not thinking, not planning., just living in the moment and being awestruck cause he is fked.

    Actually the beginning of episode 5 is even worse. So she dissapeared and he stays 2 days at home doing nothing? griefing? and then goes and stays put with the lie about her moving out? no vigilance of the place? of subsecuents targets? no alibi for the retarded guy? not being asked to testify (except her mother he was the last one seeing her alive) wtf? This is nonsense at creationist level.

    I dont remember the name of the kid, the one that seems to be smart, has a mix of brown and yellow eyes that sometimes look like redish. Just as the guy he crosses in the 1st episode that has this redish (not pure red) yes and that the mother recognizes and seems to be around his age 30-ish. This is just an assumption, nothing to do with the rant, about this show being some kind of butterfly effect with minor details having huge impacts thus the need of going to the past etc. I mean if later on everything (even those that I call "filler"-nonsensical parts) makes sense and is connected, interrelated and explained I will gladly come here again to be owned and pray for mercy .
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  7. #87
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    All that which you called filler was meant for saving Hinazuki. His hypothesis was that Hinazuki was targeted because she was a bullied loner and he would simply need to change that and get her past the exact original date of disappearance. So, he made her a normal kid in that sense, with friends and things to do, instead of just an empty park where she would loiter to avoid going home. Sure, he still did things wrong which is why he failed. But in the first place he was no super smart hero. He was a failure at life, more or less. He only solved the previous time jump cases because they were incredibly clear, like that one case demonstrated where he jumped back some tens of seconds at max and immediately spotted the sleeping driver. No need to be Derrick to solve that case. I'd assume the other cases have been more or less similar.

    People do stupid shit all the time because they believe they know what they are doing. Many of the worst accidents caused by humans happen due to that.

    If I don't recall entirely wrong, the teacher said officials have visited the Hinazuki household a couple of times already, but the mom is cunning and came out clean.

  8. #88
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think the reason Edort is complaining is because this show likes to leave the viewer to connect the dots. There are reasons for most of his complaints. The show just doesn't slap it on your face.

    What cannot be resolved is his desire for a genius main character. You won't get that in this show. This isn't Death Geass.
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  9. #89
    I know I know I ask to much and rant even more. I wish I could lay back and just go along but common at least to some extent you gotta be with me on this. U get a guys life ruined for a chocolatte bar and no1 gives a shit about a child being abused that even teachers know about? Cops dont ask the prominent witness? He cant think for shit in the past but as soon as he wakes in the present starts "deep" thinking again? Its too inconsistent to feel natural.
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  10. #90
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The chocolate bar was found with the dad. It was hard evidence vs. a child's testimony. Crime is crime and will ruin your life, especially if you were set up (which the dad probably was).

    The authorities were sent to investigate Hinazuki's abuse, but the family was always out whenever the inspectors came. That, and Kayo herself always denied all the claims. It's ridiculous sounding but realistic. It's more of a Japanese cultural thing where each family is left to their own devices. That's also why bullying is so prevalent in that country even now. You also have to consider that Satoru's youth was almost two decades ago, when laws weren't as good as they should be now.

    Satoru was thinking the whole time in the past. He even had a plan. The problem is he underestimated the killer, who he didn't know a damn thing about. Add to that the fact that he was a kid who no one would believe should he admit to his powers, he really had no other choice but to behave the way he did.

    I actually think the apparent incompetence of the authorities in general in the show is intentional. Either it's to show the general trend in their world, or a critical message the author is trying to get across, especially if the killer is a powerful figure. It's an individual versus the system conflict.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Wed, 02-10-2016 at 09:14 AM.
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  11. #91
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    If you look back at the episodes, he did helluva lot. He also did many things that people would find embarrassing and thus would rather avoid, especially in an Asian culture where getting embarrassed is an even bigger deal. However, he didn't do the correct things, he just believed he did until proven painfully wrong. After that, when he realised he failed, he was simply stricken by depression and a feeling of helplessness like anybody would be when their vital plan failed incorrigibly.

    That being said, I'm not exactly sure of what he should have done in the past. It's an exceptionally difficult situation with very little intel at his disposal. Considering they live in Japan, he can't do too much of anything that would inconvenience people either, including his mom.

  12. #92
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    He is now a kid so he isnt working from 8am to 7pm he has lots of time to think, recall, remember, plan... basically find that "oddity" that has to be "fixed". Instead he is spending it hanging out with kids, taking strolls to mountain, going to museums, buying gifts, having parties and everytime he gets struck by his past memories. Hes had days to think but everything is taking him by surprise. He knows who the (wrong) culprit was but gives 0 fucks, he nows who the targets were so instead of watching, investigating common things, people in their lifes, whatever he wastes days befriending her just for the sake of it.
    The reason he can't do much is because he IS a kid.

    School from 08:30 to ~15:00 maybe even 17:00 if there are club activities. And then what? Go to her home and grab her and steal her from her mother? He thought alot about how he could rescue Kayo and he came to the conclusion that making her a more difficult target, would lead to her not being target at all. It was clearly not "just for the sake of it" and that was extemely obvious... I'm pretty sure it was explained too.

    He is letting the teacher take care of things, he could perfectly go to the police and say that he has heard a child screaming and being hit and even if I know that Japan is a shithole when it comes to morals im sure that things would got really interesting when they see the kid beaten with testimony from a (false) witness, teachers, etc.
    His plan was to NOT make her a loner, the teacher actually had a point when he said that if it came out, the kids might discriminate her even more. So it would totally work against his own plans. So leaving it to the "adults" is actually the best thing to do for him.. after all, he couldn't do much more anyway... he told someone that she is getting abused, the teacher agreed and said actions are being taken. No difference to what you described... if you go to the police and tell them that, they'd tell you the same thing. (the "we are doing something" part). He has no reason to believe that the teachers in his school arn't trying their best to solve the situation.

    Actually the beginning of episode 5 is even worse. So she dissapeared and he stays 2 days at home doing nothing? griefing? and then goes and stays put with the lie about her moving out? no vigilance of the place? of subsecuents targets? no alibi for the retarded guy? not being asked to testify (except her mother he was the last one seeing her alive) wtf? This is nonsense at creationist level.
    What are you talking about, he visited her house several times after the incident and noticed a police car there, what was he supposed to do as a 10 year old? Break into the house or something? When the police is watching on top of that?

    Meh, in my opinion you weren't paying enough attention tbh.
    I'm fairly content with how much the author thought about this situation... it's all running on the premise that the japanese police is absolute garbage and corruption being a thing, but I actually believe that too, so no problems for me her. After reading some travel/business stories, it has gotten to the point where I actually fear the japanese police a little.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 02-10-2016 at 12:34 PM.

  13. #93
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I'm fairly content with how much the author thought about this situation... it's all running on the premise that the japanese police is absolute garbage and corruption being a thing, but I actually believe that too, so no problems for me her. After reading some travel/business stories, it has gotten to the point where I actually fear the japanese police a little.
    If all the stories are true, the biggest organized crime syndicate in Japan aren't the yakuza clans but the Japanese police.

  14. #94
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Don't forget the teacher's association.
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  15. #95
    Oh well I guess im alone in this one. Just trying to picture it.

    Saturday morning in yakuza town.
    Knock! Knock!
    -Police, Open! - Knock! Knock! - someone home?
    -... no? no one here....
    -Oh well kiddo. You heard that. No one is home, sorry. Better luck next time. Off to the panchiko guys!!
    -Damn clever mastermind of evil. That woman is too stronk, cant beat that. Well so lets go mourn a bit. I mean there are like other 3 o 4 possible victims but I dont give a fuck. Im not here to find a murderer, clues or wtf is going in. Im just hot for this 10 y/o grill. Will have to try again. I want popsicle.
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  16. #96
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm actually curious about what you think he should've done. Could you give us an idea of your alternative?
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  17. #97
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Ya, me too... I mean, he IS physically a 10 years old. And this it not Detective Conan where he can skip his daily routines over days or even weeks.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 02-10-2016 at 02:56 PM.

  18. #98
    I dont know. He could at least plan a few things and try to remember all he could. The plan of trying to befriend her its moronic in my opinion but if you are going to play it that way at least try to stablish a chain of events, situations, what you did, what you saw, etc. I dont remember much of when I was 10, not that I had such an impact moment in my life, but if I try I can tell a few things from that age.

    He knows about dates, he knows about some of the victims, he knows who the wrong culprit was. He could stalk Hinazuki the day of the incident, maybe even catch a glimpse of the one who took her or even scare him. Set some kind of trap making some shit up about him being injured in the park at 8 pm. He could provide an alibi, or convice him to stay home or somewhere visible, or even try to get his help, for the retarded guy so police cant put the easy blame on him and force them to keep looking. It may not help directly in the past but he could get more info and force ppl to search in depth if he fails and goes to the future again.

    He could make shit up about whatever he wants. I mean almost no adult would take a child seriously but when kidnappings and corpses start to appear and you know things its quite probable they will listen.

    He may not be able to stop Hinazuki from being taken (and I have serious doubts that this wasnt "easily" feasible) but he could do thousands of things to make sure its the last and even catch the one(s) who did it. He could tell his mother he saw an stalker robbing pantsu. The day he found Hinazuki beaten he could call police to tell them her mother stole a chocolate bar. That shit puts SWAT on the case.

    So probably except staying all day at home jerking off anything would have been more productive than what he did by my book.

    ps. what disturbs me is the fact that he is only focused on preventing Hinazuki from dissapearing. Thats pretty important ok but what about the culprit? what about the other kids? So he saves her and job done? Fuck those other childs and fuck that there is such a person free even doing it in the present? You gotta go step by step but common.
    Last edited by Edort4; Wed, 02-10-2016 at 03:32 PM.
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  19. #99
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Ok first of all
    I dont know. He could at least plan a few things and try to remember all he could.
    What gave you the impression that he didn't try to remember? You have to realize that Kayo is an unknown book for him, he didn't pay *any* attention towards her in his past. He didn't know her mother beats her on every weekend either.. because he didn't care back then.

    ps. what disturbs me is the fact that he is only focused on preventing Hinazuki from dissapearing. Thats pretty important ok but what about the culprit? what about the other kids? So he saves her and job done? Fuck those other childs and fuck that there is such a person free even doing it in the present? You gotta go step by step but common.
    And this is why I believe you arn't thinking enough (or not seeing things from his point of view), he has absolutely no clue who the culprit is and doesn't have any info nor reason to save the other kids, he doesn't even know about their whereabouts when they were alive. How can he possibly plan something so dangerous and complex if he doesn't know when it happened, where it happened and who he is facing?
    If I'm really honest with you, I don't even believe you when you say you can remember anything *specific* from age 10 that could help you in a situation like that other than what Satoru remembers, like when and where he saw Kayo for the last time and what kind of person she was. Anything more specific would be rather unnatural (just like when he didn't know where his seat was). I was unconscious once and got hit by car once (probably not even close to what Satoru's mind faced back then but still...), all I remember is where it happened and whether it was dark or bright outside (car accident was a rainy day). The days and weeks before that or what happened later on the same day? No freaking idea.
    On top of that, his parents, the school and the community actively tried to hide and to make the children forget about it if I remember what Satoru's mom or Satoru himself said correctly.

    And lets not forget he has to start somewhere and Kayo was one of the first (if not the first) to disappear.

    He could stalk Hinazuki the day of the incident, maybe even catch a glimpse of the one who took her or even scare him.
    that's what he did. Remember that she was in the "safety" of her home when he left her. He made sure to spent as much time as possible with her, up to the point where Kayo couldn't even finish her present in time.

    He knows about dates,
    only vague.

    Set some kind of trap making some shit up about him being injured in the park at 8 pm. He could provide an alibi, or convice him to stay home or somewhere visible, or even try to get his help, for the retarded guy so police cant put the easy blame on him and force them to keep looking.
    That trap part is really wishful thinking, and he wants to *save* Kayo. Every plan that comes after her death is already a failure.

    I'm really not convinced by anything you've written so far and would even go so far and say that you have no reason to dislike this show *yet*, at least not if you are actually looking for a more "realistic" (ya, time travel, I know) story without deus ex machinas.
    I'm aware how silly that sounds... you are obviously free to like or dislike whatever you want, but your reasoning seems flawed to me.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 02-10-2016 at 04:16 PM.

  20. #100
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Edort - I read what you wrote, and honestly, I'm glad Kayo's life is in Satoru's hands, not yours. No offense. Not everyone is a genius. It's like you missed half the stuff presented in the show. Krayz already mentioned most so I'll stop here.
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