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Thread: just something i've noticed?

  1. #1
    well theres something else Neji said 'this is the hardest opponent i've fought', now if hes harder then Naruto why isnt Neji down for the count?
    Just seems really stupid how Naruto wins some of his battles considering he has no real fighting style techniques and yet still manages to beat people (he always just tries to either do a straight on punch or a upward kick)
    well maybe Neji could have trained up since then but seems abit out of whack.
    this sound nin is obviously physically stronger and smarter then Naruto by far and yet Neji hasnt been completely annihilated yet, maybe he needs to uppercut Neji to finish it

    'oh no, my glass jaw of Hyuga'

    dont get me wrong, its not that i dont like Naruto but when you compare him to other ninjas and the stuff they pull off his techniques are based around brute force completely

  2. #2
    He said that because Naruto didn't figure out his weak point...

  3. #3
    if he didnt figure out his weak point and still beat him wouldnt that make Naruto the strongest opponent hes ever fought?
    if you figure out someones weak point you're obviously at a huge advantage, if you dont and still win that means you were alot tougher, so thats why it doesnt make sense.

  4. #4
    mind explaining why that one punch was enough to knock out Neji in the fight vs Naruto while hes getting the crap beaten out of him vs the sound nin and still going? Naruto isnt exactly stronger then something that creates a massive hole in Neji's arm. Sorta seems like a plot device as Naruto certainly shouldnt have won that battle by just doing what he did, Neji was alot stronger then that as we see now.
    Brings up the question of whether Naruto deserved that win against Neji in the first place or if it was just convient for him to win.

  5. #5
    its been a while since that fight and im sure neiji hasnt been just doing nothing this whole time. after losing to naruto i bet he trained harder than ever. but going back to naruto's punch ... i dont think a full force, unexpected blow from the power of kyuubi is weak. but yea, it seems he is taking a lot more right now, cant wait to see what happens next!

  6. #6
    Well the only thing I can think of is that Neji was really hurt by Kyubi Narutos. The manga gave the expression that Neji's Kaiten only deflected some of Narutos and he was damaged alot by it. Kinda like how a boxing match one good punch can take the fatigued and damage boxer out.

    In the spiderman fight Im guesing that Neji is like a boxer who took alot of nasty looking bruises and cuts yet he still had energy to go on.

    Well thats my theory. Most likely another poster has a better answer.

  7. #7
    Maybe it's because this guy was practically winning without even using his curse seal and now Neji isn't in a position to do much to him (last page of 196 notwithstanding)

    Without Kyubi Neji had effectively sealed up that fight Naruto couldn't touch him and Neji could destroy him at his leisure.

    He's in the same situation that Naruto was that would make his new opponent far tougher than Naruto.

    This isn't a sudden burst of power Kidoumaru has Neji scouted.

  8. #8
    i like all the "now its just some web chakra knives in he back" "just a hole in his arm".........right. Just 5 or six knives lodged in his back, a gaping hole in his shoulder, and a thin slice out of the sde of his head. and one more gapng hole, right through his middle.....just that.......COME ON!!! you cant say that naruto's DEFLECTED punch was worse...neji got up after that pretty soon after that, i dont think he's quite as happyy right now

  9. #9
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Because Naruto is gooood.

    Because Naruto punched him really hard knocking him out cold. But this just drilled a hole in his arm/chest.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  10. #10
    Maybe Neji has a glass jaw?

  11. #11
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    naruto's punch were filled with kyubi's chakra and when he hit the kaiten with that punch all the chakra was relaesed and damaged both neji and naruto. naruto had the energy to do a clone and kick neji. in that fight both of them were damaged enough so that one punch could take them out. do not underestimate the power of kyubi. in the spiderguy fight neji just got some webkunai's in his back, that nothing like being hurt all over your body by chakra. you cant even compare these fights since neji probably trained alot and the spiderguy is nothing like naruto.

  12. #12
    naruto with his full kyubi chakra out has knocked out more than juss neji. He knocked out haku, gaara, so dont underestimate narutos punch.

  13. #13
    he said kidormaru that he was the hardest opponent he ever fought because he has the feeling he is about to die. he didnt feel that way when he fought naruto. big difference from chunnin exam. but it doesnt prove that naruto is weak or anything.

  14. #14
    If you go back and read, Naruto also got a couple other hits in, and before the final hit when they both meet and hit it specifies that the attack was devastating to both (why they were both put into craters) but Naruto probably had the worst of it due to Kaiten helping Neji. But Naruto is nothing if not a stamina freak.

    Also, Neji wasn't expecting the hit from Naruto, and as was said it was a Kyubi Naruto punch. Look what that did to Haku? Granted that was more Kiyubi, but even still, definately not what I'd call a weak punch.

    Against Spider-Guy, Neji's chakra isn't as depleted, and all of the hits he's been expecting and so has at least braced for them. It's not much, but it would help out somewhat.

    Oh, theres also the fact that here, technically speaking, Neji is fighting for those dear to him, as he's taking Spidey on so the mission can be completed by his friends. And we already know what fighting for someone will do for you in Naruto (i.e. Naruto vs. Gaara, Sasuke vs. Orochimaru, Naruto vs. Haku, etc, etc)

  15. #15
    Well, you see, Kidoumaru has been shooting those projectiles, and they hurt and all, but all they've been doing is getting stuck in his back to test him and cause some huge gaping wounds.

    Naruto shoryuken'd him in the head.

  16. #16
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    just becuase you lose doesn't make a fight tougher. think of it like this.

    Neji Vs Hiashi\Gai.
    it's quite obvious that both of them will beat him easily, but it won't be a mentally\pyshically hard battle, he'll lose becuase the're better than him.

    now he's in anoter state, he's paniced becuse he knows he two best moves (Kaiten and Hakkea) are usless, and he's trapped and has no way to attack and can only keep running.

    about naruto, it is true that most of he's final moves suck and look like "we need to make the hero win" things, but his other battle tactics are much better, think about the forest thing or the other Kage-Henge combinations he does sometimes, and how he set up Neji with the standing out clone, even how he got Kabuto was pretty nice, don't ya think?

    his problem is that he has no cool taijutsu (like lee or neji) and no really cool Ninjutsu (Sasuke or other dudes), all he has are the basics and two more, one was used to many times (Kage bunshin) and one is simply un-cool (Rasengan, it looks cool to practice, but it looks so lame in the fights). the best Taijutsu move he pulled was the Clone body slam, which was sorta advance.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  17. #17
    face the facts neji got knocked down by naruto's punch only because naruto were suppose to win. That was the only way to make naruto win too- You can see that because neji wasn't even knocked out from the punch but the judge ended the fight really fast after naruto hit neji, neji didn't even get a chance to stand up. That's why naruto won like that because otherwise would neji most likely won that battle between him and naruto...

  18. #18
    When you get a unexpected, full-power punch on your head you get knocked out. Why? Because your brains are in your head . If you If you are stabbed or shot it just hurts really bad.

  19. #19
    its funny how the judge always takes ages to declare anyone else but 'whoa that one punch must have really got to him better call it his win'

  20. #20
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Dec 8 2003, 07:04 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> its funny how the judge always takes ages to declare anyone else but &#39;whoa that one punch must have really got to him better call it his win&#39; </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    yeah, it&#39;s like naruto vs kiba....the same thing naruto got his rendan on kiba and the judge ended the fight in like seconds but naruto got a really long time to get up each time he got knocked down.....

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