Plot Summary: Sakamichi Onada is a wimpy high school freshman who loves anime. He initially wants to enter the anime club, but winds up joining the cycling club after meeting two classmates who are already famous cyclists. He undertakes the grueling training to compete in races, and discovers his own hidden talent in cycling.
Finished watching Yowamushi Pedal a few weeks ago. Overall, I really enjoyed it. It was a slow start, and the rest is a full season and a half solely in one particular race event. Even so it I felt it produced entertainment all the way through even if the main character is a bit on the wimpy side, but a good character to have nonetheless. The whole gag with anime and the "Love Hime" song was brilliant in my opinion in its usage in the series, tons of fun.
I also loved the main antagonist.
Honestly, it also had the best after episode scenes I've seen in the history of anime. And I thought the series had some funny moments too, something I'm not particular about overall.
Anyways once the second season ended I thought it finished in a very satisfactory fashion.
But now I learn we'll have a third season:
Not sure how I'll feel about a third season story wise, since it'll be very hard to retain the interest after the high in which the original two season run ended, but I'm always up for for more entertainment, so what the heck. There was also a movie that I think came out about a month or so ago, not sure what was the deal with that.
I recall some of you guys watching this series, did you ever manage to finish it?
Myself, I still lament we didn't get more out of Over Drive, which I particularly liked more.