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Thread: Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry: Chivalry of a Failed Knight - A Tale of Worst One

  1. #21
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yeah, I just reacted to the one to two hit comment you made, but other than that, I agree with you that he should use what he has better.

    I mean, he doesn't even need Perfect Vision if he can move that fast and chop anything to pieces.

    Wait, that was Ser-vesta.
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  2. #22
    Here's 5:

    So... now he's the most badass fighter in the school apparently. Although a meh episode, I'm finding the series more watchable than initially assumed. Looks like we'll be fighting tougher battles from now on, but the focus in this episode was clearly the romantic development.

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    He's only the most badass in the eyes of losers or the mediocre. I guess he would be a hero for those since he was just prior called the Worst, yet now he has gained some serious fame. Probably the lesser fighters dream they could pull off similar miracles, never realising Ikki is training like a madman every day. Some of the girls might be just fangirls as well.

    Stella is huge trouble to deal with. I feel sorry for the dude.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    He's only the most badass in the eyes of losers or the mediocre. I guess he would be a hero for those since he was just prior called the Worst, yet now he has gained some serious fame. Probably the lesser fighters dream they could pull off similar miracles, never realising Ikki is training like a madman every day. Some of the girls might be just fangirls as well.

    Stella is huge trouble to deal with. I feel sorry for the dude.
    Well, he only needs to act as her master and everything would be settled. If he wanted, Stella wouldn't be of any trouble

  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 6 - HS

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    Are the authors of Asterisk and Rakudai exchanging notes when they write their stories, or something? The similarities even episode by episode are going too far.

    It seems a bit unfair to me that in Ikki's school students who use their weapons without a formal permission are kicked out, yet in other schools in the area student are free to fight anybody they want no questions asked. It's pretty hard to avoid bullying and icky situations under such circumstances when the people concerned are all immature student fighters.

    Looks like the dude at least managed to upgrade his nickname, even if the new one is weird.

    The scene of adjusting the posture was quite hot, I have to say. Innovative fanservice. Much better than just showing a lady in a swimsuit like in the other show.

  6. #26
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The funny thing about this story is it feels like the author wrote himself into a corner by making Ikki so godlike in terms of swordplay.

    First we have an invisible hunter, now we have a sword eater. It's like every antagonist so far is designed to defeat Ikki but will lose easily to Stella and her AOE full power attacks.
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  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 7 - HS

    - - - - -

    Ikki's horse is so high already that the dude's head is safely in the stratosphere. It's a great view from up there to look down on people and tell them what's right and wrong, what they should be doing and what not, how to live their lives, how to feel and how to think. His attitude, methods, and acting made this episode far more amusing than any purposefully written comedy could have. He's such a self-sacrificing saint.

  8. #28
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This was a ridiculous episode.

    1) Reaction time doesn't do shit for offense. You don't REact when attacking.
    2) Ikki was struggling with a scratch on the chest. He friggin went Super Saiyan when his chest was stabbed through before...
    3) Ikki didn't use Ittou Shura..? At least it wasn't shown. If so, why? Just beat down comedy characters like this guy.
    4) The entire dojo stealing concept was as forced as hell.
    5) Reaction time means nothing if you can predict the enemy's movements. Just fucking predict where he will dodge when he reacts to your attack. Even if he can see it, it's meaningless if the muscles can't keep up, and that naturally happens when you know what the enemy will do next.

    Overall, this series is suffering because of the ridiculous abilities they gave to the MC. If you have blade steal and perfect vision, plus Ittou Shura, you simply can't be beaten in sword combat. This arc was a desperate attempt to make things exciting with those conditions (limitations).
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  9. #29
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    When Ikki started smiling during the fight, I thought it was because he was realising he's already easily within top 10, considering how the opponent dude, while formidable, didn't even require him to use Ittou Shura, yet he made it to the best 10 the previous year. It was also a good call not to use his special technique when he didn't need to. No use showing his cards to every opponent, especially those from other schools.

    I reckon Sword Eater's muscles were as super as his reaction time, making it possible to adjust his attacks and defences faster than normal humans could. They were also referring to that by saying he ran out of stamina rather quickly.

    Betting the whole dojo on a single fight seems excessive, for sure. The old man is a rather selfish person despite all the preaching he does about how the fighting style is meant for protection. For sure he couldn't protect his daughter from the consequences of his own pride and inability to admit he has grown old.

  10. #30
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Ittou Shura isn't a secret though. Everyone who has seen him fight already knows about it, so rankers from other schools would too.

    Having super muscles isn't enough to allow you to dodge everything, but I guess it isn't nearly as ridiculous as perfect vision. The problem I'm having with these abilities is that they contradict rules the story itself established. Prediction >>>>>> Reaction for obvious reasons.
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  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Ittou Shura isn't a secret though. Everyone who has seen him fight already knows about it, so rankers from other schools would too.
    True enough. But perhaps there's some difference between knowing academically and experiencing it first hand. Ikki might need to fight this dude again under official circumstances, unless somebody else beats him first.

  12. #32
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Of course there is a difference. Letting the gangster villain cutout experience it first hand would've been a lot more bad ass lol.

    Still, the funniest thing in this show was when Ikki wrecked the face of the building when he kicked off of it to save the kendo girl and land in water. Dude, you didn't have to kick that hard... It was such a short distance. And if your legs can do that, just land on the ground normally. I'm pretty sure the durability needed to wreck that building exceeds what is necessary to jump from a rooftop with a girl in hand.
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  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 9 - HS

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    Was the fat Italian mafioso hired by Ikki's old man to get rid of the wayward son, the shame of the family name? At least it did look like Ikki was the primary target, not Stella, and they were talking about "him".

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'm only @ episode 8 so far and maybe it's just me but the relationship between Ikki and Stella is really boring and more importantly very inconsistent. I can't even say their interactions are "funny" or anything like that. His little sister doesn't spice things up either.

    I don't need or want them to be "do you really love me? really, really, really love me?" I'm fine with them being established as a pair already. But this show isn't working with it at all. Even SAO managed to keep it interesting in some way or another.

  15. #35
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Episode 9 - HS

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    Was the fat Italian mafioso hired by Ikki's old man to get rid of the wayward son, the shame of the family name? At least it did look like Ikki was the primary target, not Stella, and they were talking about "him".
    We've had this in the other generic anime from last year with God reincarnation... It was related to bets and the likes.
    Could be the same here, as we get that fat mafioso to fit the stereotypical role.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A very good observation. I completely failed to take that into account, despite such a thing having appeared before recently.

  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    EP 10's fight was seriously good.

    Lots of diversity, nice Water/Ice magic which wasn't boring to look at.
    Pretty strong episode in that regard... Stella and Ikki are so boring in comparison. The "all knowing Onii-san" is really starting to get out of hand/on my nerves.

  18. #38
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 11 - HS

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    What a shitty world they are living in. Kind of like nazi Germany or soviet Russia. An underage person is arrested for 9+ days because of a single consenting kiss, with no right to a lawyer and the judge is a known mafioso working for a biased party. He's treated poorly and with violence, his wounds left untreated, and he's not allowed to meet or contact anybody outside. And the whole omnipotent agency is called Ethic Committee. The nazis or the commies would have been proud.

    This actually creates the strange paradox that if they live in such a shitty society, it should be full of resistance. Unfortunately Ikki is about as intelligent as an average rubber boot, so he's playing by the screwed rules of the through and through corrupt society. Instead of, for example, cutting down the fat mafioso and being done with it.

  19. #39
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    It's because he's the kind and most loving Onii-san you'll ever get to see.
    Not even kidding when I'm saying he's more fucked up than that Sasuga Oniisama from that Jesus-dude show. (Mahou something something)

  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    This show was shit.
    Only fight worth watching was Sister vs Lightning and everything else is better off ignored. Especially the romance stuff.

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