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Thread: Gakusen Toshi Asterisk - The Asterisk War: The Academy City on the Water

  1. #61
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    Arguing or slapping faces (abusing one might say)... I think the distinction needs to be made.
    If the one being slapped is a stronger fighter than you are and very obviously stronger than the slapper, what business could you possibly have to interfere? Well, other than in the "get a room, don't make a public spectacle" kind of way. One thing is clear: You aren't defending or saving anybody. Unless, of course, Ayato wants to claim the geezer's role and take care of Toudou for the rest of her school days (and possibly the rest of her days, being the gentleman he is). Poor Julis in that case!

    There's simply no intelligent excuse for Ayato not to know after all this time. He isn't anymore a transfer student of the same day. He's simply totally disinterested unless it momentarily suits his ego.

  2. #62
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    If the one being slapped is a stronger fighter than you are and very obviously stronger than the slapper, what business could you possibly have to interfere?
    I don't like this. That's basically saying domestic violence against males isn't a thing.

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  3. #63
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I don't like this. That's basically saying domestic violence against males isn't a thing.
    I realise there could be lots of complications and even a physically stronger person could be blackmailed into submission, but we are talking about fighters here, not random civilians. Futhermore, she's the number 1. The school would be exceptionally shitty and low grade if the number 1 can't protect herself according to her own will. Since we also saw the whole thing from the beginning till the end and Ayato ended up fighting Toudou, there's nothing ambiguous left at all. She was fully condoning everything that happened. We don't know her circumstances, but since she's the number 1, not everything can be bad even if she has to accept some slapping as a compensation.

    Like I said before, the only thing justified for Ayato at this point would have been to protest against the public nature of the incident (not the duel but what made him interfere).

  4. #64
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    She's submitting to her uncle like how black people submitted to white people. They think that's how things are in the world, and it's particularly ingrained in traditionally vertical societies like Japan.

    They "willingly" do prostate themselves because they don't have any other choice. The solution is to present to them this alternative. Not just say "oh you can just leave", but actually prepare a whole new place for them to be: both physically, socially and emotionally. Only when this is option is a reality can you say they willingly accepted the slapping.

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  5. #65
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Isn't she a student living in a dorm? She already has a whole other place to be in. Possibly she wouldn't be the top fighter if she didn't follow her uncle's commands, though, who knows.

    In the end I don't think I'd have had much against this incident if Ayato had had the wits not to fight Toudou. He stepped in to stop the geezer, yet ended up being played by the man like a tool. Somebody like that has no business trying to meddle in other people's affairs. He should grow up a little first to be able to finish what he started, lest he only makes things worse (like he now did).

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Isn't she a student living in a dorm? She already has a whole other place to be in. Possibly she wouldn't be the top fighter if she didn't follow her uncle's commands, though, who knows.

    In the end I don't think I'd have had much against this incident if Ayato had had the wits not to fight Toudou. He stepped in to stop the geezer, yet ended up being played by the man like a tool. Somebody like that has no business trying to meddle in other people's affairs. He should grow up a little first to be able to finish what he started, lest he only makes things worse (like he now did).
    So, your philosophy in this is to turn a blind eye unless it's convenient to oneself. Got it.

  7. #67
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    To be fair, Ayato is very strong. He just got paired with a stronger enemy. Moreover, he was challenged to a duel, so it would be counted as his loss if he declined.

    Personally, I still would've declined even if I lost by defaulting because fighting with the abused party, even if it is for their own good, is kinda messed up.
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  8. #68
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    So, your philosophy in this is to turn a blind eye unless it's convenient to oneself. Got it.
    Yeah. Kind of comparable to what the USA and allies did in Iraq. The place wasn't a paradise under Saddam, but when the USA & Co were finished, it had turned into a hell on Earth. Ayato achieved nothing with what he did now, only made things worse for himself by not avoiding the public duel, and on the other hand he lost the bet in the fight against Toudou, thus only reinforcing the scumbag uncle's position. If he had merely stopped the initial strike, told the old man to not cause a disturbance in the public (that's such a magic word in Japan anyway), he would have hurt nobody. Instead he just had to accept the idiotic, pointless duel because of his half-assed philosophy.

  9. #69
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 6

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    Just like I thought, Toudou perfectly accepts working under the uncle, as scumbaggish as the man is. Naturally it could be said that she's so young she doesn't know any better or can't seek for less disagreeable ways, but that's just a reality of life. If she doesn't have the means to do it on her own, she can choose to follow someone else. The other alternative is to adandon her goal. I wasn't so bothered by Julis turning her coat since she's in love with Ayato and tried to score some loose points, but it did bother me considerably more how much Ayato was apologising. If he's sorry for what he did, then don't fricking do it in the first place.

    Ayato's ignorance is really starting to shine. He doesn't know shit about the school he's attending, and apparently has zero interest in trying to change the situation. It's quite remarkable he even bothers to go to school in the first place. He must be getting failures from all the exams as well with his attitude. Not to mention he has never read or watched any fiction (or even non-fiction in that world of theirs) in his life as made evident by his inability to imagine the cores of the gel dinos. Really, the dude is an idiot.

  10. #70
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Ayato's obliviousness allows for scenes like the lunch-trade scene with Juils though.

    I gotta admit, I'm a fan of Ayato and Toudou nerding out about sword techniques.

    I do have two questions about this episode though:

    - If Claudia can see into the future, and is scary strong, how did Toudou defeat her? Or is it that they've never directly challenged each other and Toudou has defeated more scrubs than Claudia?

    - What exactly is the goal of the two girls from the Green school? Last episode they said that Seidoukan is allied with their school, while at the same time they keep sending constructs to attack Seidoukan students. I get that they want to beat Seidoukan in whatever tournament is coming up, but the two girls don't seem to be at all interested in that, rather some other vague bullshit about new weapons or something.

  11. #71
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It wouldn't surprise me if President Fanservice granted them a permission to keep sending the constructs. She's kind of shady. Ayato has been of special interest to her from the beginning, so the choice of a target is probably connected to that as well, if indeed this is a part of the collaboration. I find it hard to believe she wouldn't know.

  12. #72
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Just like I thought, Toudou perfectly accepts working under the uncle, as scumbaggish as the man is.
    Yes, because she has no real alternative, like I've said before.

    You ask domestic violence victims why they don't leave, and they'll say accept their situation because leaving has xyz setbacks. It doesn't make things exactly "fair". It's like saying slave-labour wages are fair because you don't have to accept the work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    - If Claudia can see into the future, and is scary strong, how did Toudou defeat her? Or is it that they've never directly challenged each other and Toudou has defeated more scrubs than Claudia?
    They've never faced each other. They're both undefeated. Toudou gets the #1 rank because she's not using any special equipment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    - What exactly is the goal of the two girls from the Green school? Last episode they said that Seidoukan is allied with their school, while at the same time they keep sending constructs to attack Seidoukan students. I get that they want to beat Seidoukan in whatever tournament is coming up, but the two girls don't seem to be at all interested in that, rather some other vague bullshit about new weapons or something.
    I'm not entirely sure myself, but Allekant isn't an ally so much as someone who has a joint-project agreement with Seidōkan. Add to this fact that they were essentially blackmailed into accepting this deal, sabotages can be expected.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 11-08-2015 at 09:05 AM. Reason: spelling/words

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  13. #73
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Toudou gets the #1 rank because she's not using any special equipment.
    This is just speculation. Toudou is amazing because she doesn't have an ogre lux, but that isn't the reason she is #1, at least according to this episode.

    Everything else, agreed.
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  14. #74
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    This is just speculation. Toudou is amazing because she doesn't have an ogre lux, but that isn't the reason she is #1, at least according to this episode.
    Did the episode specify a reason, or do you think it's an unknown at the moment?

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  15. #75
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Unknown at the moment, but I bet she just beat more strong opponents, all according to her uncle's plan.
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  16. #76
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Yes, because she has no real alternative, like I've said before.
    Dunno how you could say for sure anything before, especially since back then we didn't know even the little we know now. We still don't know if working under her uncle was the only chance for a decent life she could see, or if it was just to satisfy her ambition. Apparently she does have a pressing reason, but wouldn't most have in a school whose aim is to train strong fighters and pit them against each other and those from other schools? It's not exactly just like a normal high school, which would mostly be a step toward the next form of education or even just a regular job for those not interested in schools.

    I'm sure she actually would have a real alternative or a few with her skills and potential, but she's too young and shy to try to find them. It didn't seem to me like the uncle was specifically blackmailing her. It looked more like by helping him she was helping herself.

  17. #77
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    He obviously spoiled from the light novels. Buff is an avid reader of them.

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  18. #78
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 7 - HS

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    I believe it's rather usual that people with solid martial arts background are scrutinised more deeply for excessive force in self-defence, but it was rather ridiculous in Toudou's dad's case. Decades of imprisonment when he was saving her little daughter from an armed criminal? In the first place if they went through all the levels of the justice system and that judgement still remained the same, how are they supposed to change it now?

    Other than that, I like Toudou now much more. She's obviously kind of timid as a personality, but she still has the guts to push forward so quickly and meet Ayato eye to eye with the duel, joining the training, and switching to first names. I guess things are much easier when one isn't a tsundere, har har.

    It's a pity Ayato and Julis aren't a couple now like the MCs in the other series. That's so refreshing compared to a harem.

  19. #79
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    A boob grab with enough force to crush a badge? That's rough.

    I still don't understand how this is helping her father, unless publicity = solves my problem, which seems to be where this story is going (publicity/wealth from winning).

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  20. #80
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 10 - HS

    - - - - - - --

    MacPhail is so full of fail. You aren't supposed to simply stand still when your opponent goes to suck her sister's neck as if she had all the time in the world. You are supposed to keep attacking, not giving a second of rest as soon as the match begins. Good thing the dude dropped out. He has got no business being there.

    I like the sister much more in this show than the other one. Kind of a douche move from Ayato to not go to any of her matches using whatever excuses.

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