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Thread: Heavy Object

  1. #61
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    If I had designed the scene, I would have had it shoot down the nuke from far away, detonating it but still taking massive damage. Then the Object would just rotate 180 degrees and fire with guns on its back.
    I'm not nuclear weapons expert, but I'm under an impression nuclear warheads (or bombs) have a pretty precise mechanism of detonation. Blowing it up externally wouldn't thus start the nuclear chain reaction, it would just cause an ordinary explosion and spread some radioactive waste (a dirty bomb). This is partly the reason why it was so hard to build a nuke to begin with and why a portion of scientists claimed it's not even possible.

    It would have been better if the object had been under a massive barrage of ordinary weapons fire, thus rendering it unable to detect the nuke in time.

    You can see quite a few kilometers away on the sea. Following your idea the object would have logically destroyed the nuke so far away it would have suffered no consequences whatsoever.

    I didn't realise how young the the MCs were before checking AniDB. I was assuming they were adults and basically at least had graduated from high school already, possibly had some extra education under their belts as well. I mean, I don't see why they would send an uneducated kid to serve as an object engineer. It can't be that easy (and actually it isn't, as we saw when he accidentally tortured the pilot with the seat belts). The only conclusion is what Shinta mentioned: Contrary to total wars having been ended with the objects, it's actually a much shittier world than ours (at large), where even underage civilians are forced to serve in the military because there aren't sufficient amounts of adults left anymore.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I'm not nuclear weapons expert, but I'm under an impression nuclear warheads (or bombs) have a pretty precise mechanism of detonation. Blowing it up externally wouldn't thus start the nuclear chain reaction, it would just cause an ordinary explosion and spread some radioactive waste (a dirty bomb). This is partly the reason why it was so hard to build a nuke to begin with and why a portion of scientists claimed it's not even possible.

    It would have been better if the object had been under a massive barrage of ordinary weapons fire, thus rendering it unable to detect the nuke in time.

    You can see quite a few kilometers away on the sea. Following your idea the object would have logically destroyed the nuke so far away it would have suffered no consequences whatsoever.

    I didn't realise how young the the MCs were before checking AniDB. I was assuming they were adults and basically at least had graduated from high school already, possibly had some extra education under their belts as well. I mean, I don't see why they would send an uneducated kid to serve as an object engineer. It can't be that easy (and actually it isn't, as we saw when he accidentally tortured the pilot with the seat belts). The only conclusion is what Shinta mentioned: Contrary to total wars having been ended with the objects, it's actually a much shittier world than ours (at large), where even underage civilians are forced to serve in the military because there aren't sufficient amounts of adults left anymore.
    Where in ANIDB are their age mentioned?

    Anyways, the presumption that war isn't full of kids is erroneous as well... though I get were people are getting it with all the 13-15 year olds in animes, etc.

    But whatever, it is what it is.

  3. #63
    Yeah watched Gundam and those are pretty bad, not my 1st time saying that humanoid shape plane/ships/robots are nonsensical and a waste of resources, but at least in those shows they pretend that technology has advanced overall with major breakthroughs and futuristic set.

    Im not pissed at the show cause the nuke did almost nothing to that thing. If armor is thick and has absorbers and lead etc it wouldnt be an impossible feat. Afterall there was a serious project to impulse space ships using nuclear explosions and even to put massive objects into orbit that way (to surpass the limitation of fuel rockets where only a really small % of the weight is cargo/payload).

    But you have to be very naive to think that a country with nuclear weapons will let themselves be conquered cause the enemy has one "invincible" tank. Lets not even start talking about how you can attack dozens of targets at the same time (Invincible tank can only stay in one place) even if you have 2nd tier weapons but on a larger scale.

    You could throw conventional warfare and take out eveything except the tank itself. What a great victory. Everything except your tank has been wiped out. Tank will run out of fuel, supplies, ammo, etc. By the time that 2 big cities have been razed certain small isle will surrender no matter how invincible the tank is.

    Is just way beyond stupid all this object warfare. Man I would like to see this in real life. I would start a kickstarter to buy a smal SpaceX (or similar) launch for 20M$ to send a 1 ton tungsten bar to orbit and blow that object thing with physics alone.
    Last edited by Edort4; Tue, 10-06-2015 at 08:11 AM.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  4. #64
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    I find this entire debate of "this is impossible to build" and "these things don't work that way" preposterous. I wouldn't stop just at "Gundam doesn't get the same treatment", I would say no other anime gets this treatment.

    Where are the critics of Gate? Fairies and demi-gods don't exist and are impossible.
    Where are the critics of Death Note? It's impossible to kill someone by writing a name in a notebook.
    Where are the critics of Arslan? Silver Mask's teleporting friend is impossible, because teleporting is impossible.

    Just because the setting in this anime is more realistic and similar to our world, doesn't mean everything functions the same way. The setting is fictional and set into the future, with completely fictional technology. You have no way of speculating whether or not anything in that object is required to power those weapons -- they are 100% fictional and not based on reality. You don't know anything about them -- stop trying to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4 View Post
    But you have to be very naive to think that a country with nuclear weapons will let themselves be conquered cause the enemy has one "invincible" tank. Lets not even start talking about how you can attack dozens of targets at the same time (Invincible tank can only stay in one place) even if you have 2nd tier weapons but on a larger scale.

    You could throw conventional warfare and take out eveything except the tank itself. What a great victory. Everything except your tank has been wiped out. Tank will run out of fuel, supplies, ammo, etc. By the time that 2 big cities have been razed certain small isle will surrender no matter how invincible the tank is.
    This is the only good point I've seen. My guess is that countries have more than one object, and probably leave at least one per major city for defense.

  5. #65
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Or maybe they don't want mutual destruction. Sure they can nuke each other. But they don't want to. It's better to send soldiers, in this case objects, as representatives to limit civilian casualties and environmental destruction/irradiation.
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  6. #66
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I find this entire debate of "this is impossible to build" and "these things don't work that way" preposterous. I wouldn't stop just at "Gundam doesn't get the same treatment", I would say no other anime gets this treatment.

    Where are the critics of Gate? Fairies and demi-gods don't exist and are impossible.
    Where are the critics of Death Note? It's impossible to kill someone by writing a name in a notebook.
    Where are the critics of Arslan? Silver Mask's teleporting friend is impossible, because teleporting is impossible.

    Just because the setting in this anime is more realistic and similar to our world, doesn't mean everything functions the same way. The setting is fictional and set into the future, with completely fictional technology. You have no way of speculating whether or not anything in that object is required to power those weapons -- they are 100% fictional and not based on reality. You don't know anything about them -- stop trying to.
    best world building ever.

    "everything is possible son, this isn't the real world, Oh he survived 5 bullets to the head? Man, these arn't guns we use here in our world, they are alot weaker and can't breach the human skull, only a flesh wound mate"

    That thing literally went through the heat of the sun and came back alive and mostly functional
    And I have no doubt we'll end up seeing alot of controversial stuff that won't even work in the world the author wanted to "create", like... machine gun fire from one of the 2 MCs destroying the sensors, rendering the object useless in a fight.

    Basically a feat that the combined army of 14 nations couldn't handle with equipment worth a trillion
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 10-06-2015 at 09:22 AM.

  7. #67
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    Where in ANIDB are their age mentioned?

    Anyways, the presumption that war isn't full of kids is erroneous as well... though I get were people are getting it with all the 13-15 year olds in animes, etc.
    It's the number under the name, or if you click the name, you get a proper table. I'd assume they are from the novels.

    Yeah, I realise the ages are a detail of no consequence whatsoever. The MCs need to be young because the intended main audience of shounen shows doesn't want to watch old beards. So, the main characters inexplicably need to be kids who shouldn't ever have any business being there. That's just how it is. I could hardly keep watching anime if I couldn't live with that. At least it's still better here than in something like Nanoha, haha.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    It's the number under the name, or if you click the name, you get a proper table. I'd assume they are from the novels.

    Yeah, I realise the ages are a detail of no consequence whatsoever. The MCs need to be young because the intended main audience of shounen shows doesn't want to watch old beards. So, the main characters inexplicably need to be kids who shouldn't ever have any business being there. That's just how it is. I could hardly keep watching anime if I couldn't live with that. At least it's still better here than in something like Nanoha, haha.
    Oh, I never bothered hitting the "Cast" tab there, nice feature... will use it more often from now on. Hope they're accurate and not making shit up.

  9. #69
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lelouch
    Just because the setting in this anime is more realistic and similar to our world, doesn't mean everything functions the same way. The setting is fictional and set into the future, with completely fictional technology. You have no way of speculating whether or not anything in that object is required to power those weapons -- they are 100% fictional and not based on reality. You don't know anything about them -- stop trying to.
    They spend 5 minutes telling us why conventional weaponry (and nukes) don't work. When you give an argument, we pick it apart to see what it's worth. When you just say "Knightmares dominated the battlefield" without further explanation, we're stuck with "suck it up or leave". That's the thing behind explaining things - you can stuff it up.

    As for power source, we weren't told that it was anything special. They all focused on the armour. There is no reason to believe that it's special like the armour. It's probably a nuclear reactor (assuming they even try to explain it at all).

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  10. #70
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    As for power source, we weren't told that it was anything special. They all focused on the armour. There is no reason to believe that it's special like the armour.
    To be fair, there is also no reason to believe it isn't special, like everything else about an object, from pilot to plating.
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  11. #71
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Did they explain the pilot's age? It fell into the "as is" category. They didn't say the power source was special. When you're selling the object that hard, one assumes the power source isn't anything worth mentioning.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #72
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    All we know about the power source is that the meticulously explained armor transmits power without wires (so presumably there are no weaknesses about severing power cables and there wouldn't be any running through Jefferies tubes to reconnect a power distribution matrix to restore power to the deflector shield in order to deliver a properly-modulated tachyon pulse).

    If the armor plating beneath it isn't destroyed, the thing can still fire lasers and particle beams that themselves are not destroyed.

    Like Buff said, they didn't explain the power source, so we just accept that it works. It could be nuclear reactors, it could be sakuradite, it could be GN particles, it could be diesel piston engines or palladium reactors. We don't know, and therefore we can't argue about it. If they claimed it was nuclear reactors or conventional engines, I'd absolutely bitch about it.

    They didn't explain how they float either, so we don't care about that either.

    Suspension of disbelief is hampered by too much detail in the explanation.

    Using the author's other series, espers gain their abilities from the unique interaction with AIM Diffusion Fields (An Involuntary Movement that produces an energy field). That's really all we ever get. Okay...moving on. See how much more effective that is?
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 10-07-2015 at 04:09 AM.

  13. #73
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Are you agreeing with Buff or me? Because I agree with him mostly and just pointed out that the power source receives the same mystery effect as you said. Buff mentioned that they aren't special and are probably nuclear reactors, but they could be powered by a silver-haired loli for all we know.
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  14. #74
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    but they could be powered by a silver-haired loli for all we know.
    Broken Blade taught us that an average dude's spiritual energy is just enough to power up a mecha of a conservative size. Madoka taught us lolis produce so much energy it's worth it for space aliens to come here from who knows where and create a complicated scheme to harvest it. From this we can deduce that if you want to move an object much bigger and heavier than a mecha, you probably need a loli.

    Quite a plausible theory, all in all.

    AniDB lists the operator as 14 years old. I guess she goes for a loli still, with her body type.

    Haha: AniDB Rating 2.75 (40) (weighted)

  15. #75
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 2 - HS

    - ---- -- ----

    Hmm... This episode had one good scene, the correct estimation one. Otherwise it was quite miserable in most possible ways: From the annoying narration in the beginning that assumed all viewers are as stupid as the author to the obvious lack of even basic military skills everybody boasted. I guess the object worship is so deep that people joining the army don't get even a basic training anymore.

    I wish everybody had died already.

  16. #76
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    have fun escaping that mountain surving robot on foot, hahahahaha.... oh wow.

  17. #77
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's pretty safe to say the power source isn't any ordinary nuclear reactor known to us. Must be an antimatter engine or something else producing helluva lots of power.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how they plan to hijack it. That's what they were planning, right? Disabling it purely from the outside is impossible, so it seems unlikely they were referring to anything so simple. I wouldn't dare to expect a plot more complicated than the collapsed cave trick from this show, but who knows.

  18. #78
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I guess the hints might come from the auto-destruct function.
    But they also want to steal that object.
    And the only way would be to have the pilot out. Which is a little complicated when he just has to wait in his very safe and confortable large spherical cocoon.

    Now how do you fool the system so that the pilot believes the auto-destruct activated, so that he ejects and you can then start hacking the system and get rid of all security protocols to pilot it yourself... Is to be shown in a very detailed and perfectly logical way, in a ten seconds scene.

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  19. #79
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Rather than that, it would seem to me relying on human error (in judgement) would be much easier. Get the operator to exit the object normally, surprise her (assuming they are all teenage girls) and take over. In the end the only things those objects can do are to destroy on a rather large scale, shield something for a while, and move fast. If they can create a situation where the operator feels safe to exit and needs to do something outside of the object, it could be possible especially if the objected are only operated by young girls, not grumpy battle scarred veteran men. Furthermore if all the object operators are arrogant like Princess confessed to be, it'd be all the easier.

    But now that you mentioned it, getting it to self-destruct would be the second best option. Hard to say how that would happen, though, if it requires considerable damage. I don't think simply getting stuck in some ravine would trigger it. Those things much cost as much as a whole fleet of ordinary naval ships, so it would be illogical to have them automatically self-destruct too easily.

  20. #80
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    If the pilot were a loli, you can just make her swoon by saying cliche lines of concern.

    Of all the things that bothered me this season, this trend of randomly making girls blush without any sort of build up or development is the most annoying.
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