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Thread: Garo: Guren no Tsuki - The Crimson Moon

  1. #1

    Garo: Guren no Tsuki - The Crimson Moon

    Garo: Guren no Tsuki - The Crimson Moon starts in October 9, and it's the sequel to Garo: Honoo no Kokuin - The Carved Seal of Flames.

    I enjoyed the first series more than I thought I would, and in fact am recommending that those who haven't watched it to catch-up.

    As you can see the preview for the new series just came out, and I have to say it looks like it could be better than its predecessor. The main characters seem superior, and though I didn't see any MILFs, the female lead looks damn good.

    No real description to be found, other than this one is set in Japan (or its like) in the Heian period. The first series seemed to be set in medieval times Spain or such.

    In any case, really looking forward to this follow up and will surely be a must watch for me this coming season.

    You can download the first series here from WhyNot:

    New info on the series:

    Plot Summary: Heian-kyō, capital and the center of elegant, aristocratic culture, is heavily guarded by a spiritual force field -- or so it seems. In reality, onmyōji (court magi who create the spiritual force field) can only defend the palace located in the northern part of the city; in downtown, monsters known as "horror" that feast upon human souls roam after sunset. There are, however, a group of heroes protecting commoners from "horrors" in darkness.
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 10-09-2015 at 10:21 PM.

  2. #2
    First episode is out!

    Considering the seeming disappointment many of you have with this seasons series from what I can see, then I recommend you guys watch the prequel to this series and then watch this series instead.

  3. #3
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Man, Seimei's slut form design is retarded. She was far sexier and more attractive in her onmyouji garb.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #4
    I was kind of disappointed with this episode.
    The OP didn't even come close to the first season's.
    I'm not really digging the feudal Japan setting.
    Only the alchemist girl (hilariously Romi Park again) was any good. Everybody else seemed bland.

    They're re-using quite a few voice actors, which is amusing.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I was kind of disappointed with this episode.
    The OP didn't even come close to the first season's.
    I'm not really digging the feudal Japan setting.
    Only the alchemist girl (hilariously Romi Park again) was any good. Everybody else seemed bland.

    They're re-using quite a few voice actors, which is amusing.
    Oh? I'll see about it later.

    My first impression of the first series wasn't that good, so we'll see.

  6. #6
    Just watched the first episode, and agree with the sentiments shared so far.

    I agree that her "slut" disguise was idiotic.

    And agree, this episode was bland so far.

    We'll see once we get to the meat of the story. I also didn't like the background, it made everything look surreal and abstract, while the first series' setting art felt more grounded and real. Hope it reverts in the coming episodes. Also the soundtrack looks like it didn't transition from Spain to Japan setting, got stuck in the first series.

    Anyways, was hoping for better for this first episode.

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