Plot Summary: On the edge of his death bed Shimazu Toyohisa, is swept into a portal that links to other worlds. This portal has claimed other Drifters people taken from different times, places, and periods and, are used to fight in the ultimate chess game of blood, destruction, and madness.

Just came across the news from some months ago that a Drifters anime adaptation was in the works and got excited, from the mangaka of Hellsing, Hirano Kouta.

Not much info out there that I can see, not sure if this will be an OVA like Hellsing Ultimate or a TV series. Here's a cam preview:

As you can see, violence galore... so OVA might seem appropriate. I haven't gotten too far in the manga, I need to catch up. It was a bit hard to get into because of irregular releases early on, and the beginning of the series is a bit chaotic.

That said, one of the anime series I'll be keeping my on in the future. Hopefully it comes to materialization soon.