I don't really see why Jesus would want to annihilate the humanity. That's my biggest problem with the Christ theory. Anime/manga usually depicts Christians as evil, but it's not like in the past the church wouldn't have been full of zealots and especially in the past priests were guilty of great many crimes and even today misconduct is still discovered regularly all over the world. However, there's still a big step from that to making Jesus the source of all evil when he's depicted as such a jolly fellow in the Bible and would rather offer his other cheek as well if he's hit on one cheek.
Episode 8
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As expected, Nobunaga fell totally in love with the gattling gun. There's still a long way ahead of them to be able to replicate it and produce ammunition. Not to mention without industrialisation it's going to be a bitch to make enough ammution of sufficient quality for such weapons.