It could be said Oshutoru falling to that petty trap is proof he's not part of the strong, thus deserves dying by Vurai's standards.
It could be said Oshutoru falling to that petty trap is proof he's not part of the strong, thus deserves dying by Vurai's standards.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Indeed. It's not like Oshitoru couldn't have handled the matter differently. I guess he blamed himself pretty severely for being so gullible that the criminal managed to use him as a proxy. It's like it never visited his mind someone could target the princess in order to take over.
That too.
We know in the end he will get the upper hand and catch the conspirationists. But allowing the poisoning of his futur ruler really is a severe mistake.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Who was it that picked up his mask, though? It's pretty strange Dekoponpo isn't all vexed about it, but I still think it didn't end up back into his hands. I have a feeling whoever has it will suddenly send it into Oshutoru's hands when the dude is again back on his feet and trying to make things better - and really needs it, naturally. At least that would be nicer than some scumbag actually being able to use its power. Although I suppose it would fit the show if Haku used it instead.
Maybe Haku will get it and finally make a real difference.
Vurai was loyal to the emperor, but I don't read that as being loyal to the Imperial bloodline specifically. He only follows the strong.
Oshutoru kinda relinquished the idea of being strong by doing two things:
1) announcing the powerless Anju as the next ruler
2) allowing his power (mask) to be taken away.
Vurai could have actually made his move after 2), since:
Originally Posted by Kraco
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
pick-up-mask man.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Vurai is like the sneakiest macho man in anime.
Episode 23 - HS
- - - - -
I reckon Vurai will toss the mask back to Oshutoru so that they can have a decent fight.
This ep felt stetched. The endless alley running and ambushes were starting to get tiresome.
Rurutie, what the absolute fuck.
Good slap by the bird, but why did it even have to go there? As if she wasn't weak enough.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Stretched episode. I began skipping through it midway.
So I'm guessing Oshtoru's gonna die here, and Haku is gonna inherit the mask. They aren't gonna get past Vurai unscathed, unless Touka and Onee-sama show up, that is.
They really should've just tapped Kuon's powers and pawned everything in Yamato. I wanna see her laser cannon the shit out of Vurai and his copycat mask powers.
The only decent person in the entire city outside of Haku's friends is the other general who let them go, who is also actually Haku's friend IIRC.
HS Episode 24
^ pretty much what happened.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Oshtoru died
What now???
Yeah right. I'll believe it when I see it.
EP 25:
Oh wow. So this was the prologue to the actual story that we will never see. Okay.
Turns out Kraco was right.
Poor poor Kuon. She needs a hug, preferably from Haku but I don't mind taking the role.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
The weirdest ending I've seen for a while. Might make more sense if they were animating an unfinished story. Was the game only part 1 or something?
Itsuwari no Kamen was actually a 2015 VN. I'm guessing there's a sequel in the works.
EDIT: I was right.