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Thread: MSG Iron-Blooded Orphans - G-Tekketsu

  1. #121
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Throwing your melee weapon should be a last resort. You should aim to never part with it. In a world with wrist guns and vulcans it's almost unnecessary.

    A club can be good, but when you're super fast, competent and precise there are better choices. If this fight is any indication, speed is the top priority for Mika.

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  2. #122
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But Mika throws his club ALL the time. And it works.
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  3. #123
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    But Mika throws his club ALL the time. And it works.
    It looks cool. It shouldn't really work as much as it does.

    I'm basing this on man-to-man combat theory though, not mobile suit combat.

    He found clubs and heavy blunt weapons useful because he uses impact and contusion as his way of damaging opponents. Heavier is better as long as you can still hit your opponents.

    He learned how to use a thrusting/slicing attack with the katana against well-armoured opponents this episode. It was a direct response to him gaining yet further control of his gundam.

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  4. #124
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That's why I said the club is better for mobs because he can throw it and it has a larger reach. Mobs don't really dodge and are as durable as paper. For elites enemies who can dodge, the katana is better because of the speed. A lot of people would already be dead (or not dead) without his throwing wrench of talk-is-not-a-free-action.
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  5. #125
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Just saw the last episode. Before all else: I really liked this anime.

    With that out of the way, the last episode was a let down. My biggest disappointment: Lafter and Azee are somehow alive. This sucks. The way it was presented when Ein destroyed their Gundams, it was done in a definitive way, saying "fuck, these 2 are goners". Over the course of the show, I always wondered how the Turbines leader would react to losing one of his "women", because on the one hand, he "loves" them, on the other he sends them into deadly battles. That was too happy-go-lucky and unnecessary.

    Secondly, I REALLY wanted Ein to win this. This guy has no wrong intentions, not at any point of time. He wants to avenge his mentor, who really didnīt have to die. Whatīs worse, Mikazuki is an emotionless asshole who never responds to the people calling him. FFS, is it that much asked to just tell Ein that Crank seemed like a good guy and that itīs unfortunate he died? Fuck you, Mikazuki. Thereīs a limit to how emotionless a "hero" can be. Here, it made Mika stop being the hero. Ein was the hero and he died unfairly.

    Which brings me to the last complaint: "Barbatos, give me everything you have". Ok. Lamest deus ex machina moment of all time. He simply demanded more power, and he got it. Oh, suffering an eye and a hand? Woopideedoo! That was such a lame way to overcome the clearly superior Ein-Gundam. I would have preferred either a team effort, maybe Olga helping Mika. Or Ein shutting down because he ran out of power or something.

    An unfitting overly happy end. And are we getting a second season? McGillen needs to be punished. What a slime.

    Btw. I also was unhappy with Biscuitīs death. Sure, it was serviceable, but it also was the safe "main character that dies" choice. It would have been more interesting if Olga had died at that point, and Biscuit became the new leader. It would have made sense, in that Olgaīs death would have given him motivation to not quit. And itīd have made a bigger impact overall, similarily to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Biscuit also had more room left for development, it would have been interesting to see him as a leader. And last, but not least, I really wanted that Biscuit X Atra couple

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  6. #126
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Heroes suck! Villains should've won! Support the fat guy!

    What's new.
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  7. #127
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Heroes suck! Villains should've won! Support the fat guy!

    What's new.
    You suck, shinta.

    I make a detailed, long posting, you reply with shitty snark. Congrats. Keeping a discussions forum alive :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  8. #128
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Thank you.
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  9. #129
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Thank you.
    You really suck.

    Since I actually wanted to talk about the anime, something you seem to have little interest in for the past couple months in general, Iīll give it a try anyway. I feel dumb for doing so, but I guess thatīs who I am. Here goes:

    Heroes suck!
    Olga is great. Akihiro, Shino, Eugene and the smaller guys are great. Actually, I liked everyone, with the exception of Kudelia and Mikazuki. Kudelia gets so much praise and credit for stuff that requires no effort or happens almost automatically. Sheīs pretty, thatīs all she adds to the show. It broke my heart when Atra felt so hopeless next to her that she reduced her own love for Mikazuki to making her part of a harem. Wow.

    And speaking of Mikazuki, he was fine until episode 24/25. Iīll go into that following the next quote.

    Villains should've won!
    No, they shouldnīt have won. And you could say they did, because McGillen is the biggest villain of all. But thatīs besides the point.

    Ein was NOT a villain. Thatīs why I couldnīt root for Mikazuki in the last fight. Maybe you forgot about the beginning of the series, but Ein never did anything wrong. Then his mentor, who was a fine guy, got slain by Mikazuki. Now all that Ein hoped to do was avenge this unjust murder. We keep seeing Ein participating in fights, and he loses, and loses, and loses. This was the season finale, so I was expecting him to get some sort of resolution. Again, a few simple words from Mikazuki is all that was necessary. "Iīm sorry that we couldnīt do it any other way. He seemed like a good old guy." Thatīs all. But instead, Mikazuki unintentionally mocked him by ignoring everything that Ein said. Ein was punished for wanting justice. That was his mistake. Standing up for justice.

    Also, if you think Azee and Lafer surviving was a good think, you seriously have no idea of what makes for a good story. Them surviving retrospectively makes episode 24 a lot worse.

    Support the fat guy!
    Ok, youīre attacking me here, because Iīm fat, so thatīs why Iīm arguing in favor of the fat guy. Wrong.

    Itīs a simple matter of what would have made the story more interesting. As it happened, Biscuit got turned into a cheap plot device. Orga pretty much did what Biscuit actually didnīt want him to do. And he used his death to motivate everyone, making it all even worse. The series then played out as expected, nothing specially interesting happening.
    Now imagine Olga dies. The whole Tekkadan would be shaken to the core. But then Biscuit steps up. He listend to his heart, made a decision to stay, and to lead Tekkadan to completing their mission. Without Olga, everybody would have needed to step up their game, to think more independently. Meanwhile, Biscuit is one of the most intelligent characters, strategically speaking. He would have made for a capable leader.

    And then youīd have the Biscuit X Atra-couple. Now sheīs reduced to a pity sex-doll for Mikazuki, and we get to see more Olga X milf crap.

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  10. #130
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    and we get to see more Olga X milf crap.
    I hope you're right and we get to see more milf crap.

    Ein wasn't evil, but he had that shit coming. He put the blame on Mikazuki and refused to see things in any other way. He dug his own hole.

    Mikazuki gets more powerful by increasing his integration with his mech. You can arguably pull out infinite amounts of power by doing this, but that's how Ein beat him in the first place, so whatever. He's a prodigy.

    Biscuit stepping up would have been exactly like Gurren Lagann, and frankly that would make this boring. We already had Gurren Lagann. Make something different.

    Biscuit certainly died doing what he told Olga not to do, but that doesn't make Olga wrong. Olga chose to gamble because they didn't have enough to home with. Biscuit chose to save Organ and that's it.

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  11. #131
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Ein wasn't evil, but he had that shit coming. He put the blame on Mikazuki and refused to see things in any other way. He dug his own hole.
    Which I blame Mikazuki for. Had Mika shown the slightest bit of empathy for Ein, they might have even turned Ein to their side and gotten another capable member. Imagine Goku kiling Vegeta when they first fought on earth - would have sucked, wouldnīt it? And thatīs even ignoring that Ein never was as evil as Vegeta.

    Mikazuki gets more powerful by increasing his integration with his mech. You can arguably pull out infinite amounts of power by doing this, but that's how Ein beat him in the first place, so whatever. He's a prodigy.
    The system behind it I can understand. But the way it was done was poor. Simply saying "give me more power" and then actually getting it was so, so, so lame. When other series do the "power outburst outta nowhere", they at least have the character in question display enormous emotional distress. Mika didnīt bat an eye lid. Thatīs what made it look lame. And it was worsened, because it felt like it was mocking Ein, who basically sacrificed his life to be turned into this half-machine half-human monstrosity.

    Biscuit stepping up would have been exactly like Gurren Lagann, and frankly that would make this boring. We already had Gurren Lagann. Make something different.
    Disagree. Mikazuki stepping in would have made it like Tengen Toppa. Biscuit was a more unusual character, again, how many fat heroes do we have in anime outside of comedies and who arenīt cute-i-fied (Accel World)? It would have been very different, specially because Biscuit, at that point, wasnīt shown as a fighter. As a leader, heīd have to become more aggressive, though. That would have been interesting to watch. As is, he served as a stereotypical (best friend of the leader dies, woohoo) plot device and nothing else was made better by it.

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  12. #132
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And are we getting a second season? McGillen needs to be punished. What a slime.
    This actually deserves an answer. Yes, there is a second season coming in Fall 2016. And it's McGillis.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Mon, 04-04-2016 at 11:00 AM. Reason: added season 2 sched
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  13. #133
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I like McGillis. He's resourceful. He's not a nice person, but I admire him for his competency.

    Oh, and he's not evil either.

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  14. #134
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Fuck you, shinta. I keep making elaborate postings, going into detail why I think a certain way, and you either ignore or ridicule it. No idea why youīre even on a discussion board, if you have no interest in ... dicuscssions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post

    Oh, and he's not evil either.
    I think he is.
    Gjallarhorn isnīt evil.
    The world in this anime isnīt perfect, some people have it worse than others, thereīs natural discrimination going on, but there is no evil intent behind it all. Itīs not exactly as bad, but think of slave owners in Americaīs past. From our point of view, theyīre all evil assholes, but back then it was the way to go. Along these lines, the guys at Gjallarhorn arenīt thinking all day about how they can torture and worsen the lives of space rats and the likes. Itīs just the natural status quo of this world, with different hierarchies from our real world.

    So, while Gjallarhorn are the opponents in this story, because theyīre the power thatīs in the way of Tekkadan, theyīre not evil villains.

    Meanwhile, McGillis is an evil psychopath. Even if heīs on the "good side" (is he really?), he is evil. Remember: As a young boy, he got taken in by a rich, respectable family. He grew up there with all the fancy advantage of nobilityīs life. He made friendīs with his step-siblings. And he even was promised to marry the friendīs sister.
    And then he sends one of the friends to death, somebody who loved him. Yet, he always saw her as a mere pawn. And he killed the other friend with his own hands (although thereīs hope heīs still alive, since we never saw anything after the scene changed right at the beginning of the fight).
    Of all the characters seen in this anime, McGillis is the only one Iīd label "evil".

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  15. #135
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm interested in discussions, just not pointless ones with certain people. In case you haven't noticed, I'm probably the one posting the most in the active threads.

    And stop throwing expletives at me. I answered one of your questions, didn't I? Take your candy and smile.
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  16. #136
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Gjallarhorn isnīt evil
    Gjallarhorn isn't evil. It's corrupt. It's lost its original purpose as a balancing force for the good of people/peace and is instead just a power structure trying to retain its own status quo. That's what's wrong with it.

    McGillis is trying to change this, and will stop at no means to try to do so. I don't think that makes him evil. It just makes him amoral. He liked his friends, but he weighed Gjallarhorn's restructuring against their lives and went with the former. He wants to stand on top of all of this, which can make him sound a selfish. It really comes down to whether he really believes he's the only one who is talented enough to rule, or whether he's in it for glory/wealth/power etc.

    McGillis will use and manipulate people and their feelings. He doesn't care for them much. What he doesn't show is malice, and I believe malice, as opposed to amorality, is more in line with the word evil.

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  17. #137
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I can agree with the "Gjallarhorn is corrupt" statement. Which is why I donīt see them as evil. As you said, evilness requires malice thoughts, and those arenīt there with Gjallarhorn. The only member weīve seen who displayed some sort of it was the first ship captain, who just wanted to get rid of the heroes on Mars. Every other Gjallarhorn member carried a palpable sense for honor and duty with them, no evil intents at all.

    Using any means necessary is usually what a bad guy would do, though ;P Amorality also is a trait of an evil person. Not per se, but in relation to those who have an inner moral compass. Itīs basically a "for the greater good" debate.
    In McGillisī case, what really has me swing to calling him evil, is his past and upbringing. He knew his comrades, they liked or even loved him. And he just never bat a lid and killed them or had them be killed. Iīm also thinking: What would he do if somebody "innocent" opposes him? Imo, heīs the kinda guy that would shoot a 100 children in the face, if it meant any risk for his plans. Thatīs how full he is of his own will, and thatīs what makes him the villain in my book.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I'm interested in discussions, just not pointless ones with certain people. In case you haven't noticed, I'm probably the one posting the most in the active threads.

    And stop throwing expletives at me. I answered one of your questions, didn't I? Take your candy and smile.
    Mimicing McGillis here, I see.

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  18. #138
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Gjallarhorn is evil in exactly the same way established dictators, military juntas, and their ilk are evil. If nobody opposes them, even by trying to rise from wretched poverty, then everybody gets to live as they did while the leaders enjoy power and luxury. But if someone tries to change anything at all in the current status quo, then the regime will react with extreme prejudice to maintain itself.

    Ein deserved his fate because he failed as an operator. Instead of developing himself and working for an objective, he was like an angry kid who was given progressively greater gifts. He only sought foolish revenge for a normal casualty of war, losing sight of everything else. Mika was the opposite. His last power up also didn't come from nowhere, far from it. It came from going over the safety margins, for which he paid the price as well. Kind of like overclocking a CPU ruthlessly and ending up shortening its life. Ein probably couldn't have done that even if he had wanted to because he was only playing with toys he didn't understand but still thought he had mastered.

    Looks like Orga didn't die, after all. I do hope for some future milf action for him. This Gundam was a bit lacking in the romance department, I'd say. Still the best Gundam I've seen. Kind of funnily the thing I'm most impressed about remains to be Mika and Orga's sick but highly functional relationship.

  19. #139
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    Orga X Mika yaoi will rain in the next comiket.
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  20. #140
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Probably, but if luck is with me, I'll see none of it!

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