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Thread: MSG Iron-Blooded Orphans - G-Tekketsu

  1. #41
    Its all a matter of taste really. I loved 00. I wasn't a fan of AGE or Gundam Reconguista. A lot of fans also seem to treat Zeta like it's the second coming. Same with Turn A. SEED and SEED Destiny are still my favorite series, but I would agree that IBO does have a better story though so far and I would say its on par with the first season of 00. But, as I've said time and again to many a person, every Gundam series has its strong and weak points that appeal to or abrogate many people. That's one of the nice things about Gundam, there's something for everyone.

    Anyways, back on topic....

    HS episode 14
    Last edited by vejita613; Sun, 01-10-2016 at 09:11 AM.

  2. #42
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's cruelly realistic that under such circumstances a newbie, ignorant crew like Tekkadan would be easily used by the estalished power for smuggling weapons and stir up trouble serving some shady political motives. They never even thought to check the cargo they were hauling, which means it never occurred to them someone could be using them as mere tools. It's a good sign Orga immediately sensed things were taking a bad turn when their fame was suddenly out of proportions.

    Fumitan's real purpose was confirmed now, but luckily she has grown too attached to Kudelia, no doubt because Kudelia treats her like family and is always relying on her. She has a far bigger heart than her stiff and cold behavior would suggest. Kudelia herself was damn cute in this ep. A nice contrast to Mika, who was acting like nothing out of ordinary ever happened.

  3. #43
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Putting preference aside, I really think Orphans beats all other Gundam shows in terms of execution. They know what they are trying to do and doing it well. It's much harder to find glaring faults and far easier to point out highlights in this show.

    I love the fact that Mikazuki's kiss probably saved Kudelia's life. If it weren't for that scene, Fumitan could very well have followed orders. It was that show of cuteness and innocence that pushed Fumitan (seriously, I love this name lol) to save her.
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  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    (seriously, I love this name lol)
    You aren't the only one! I always imagine it as Fumi-tan, which would be funnily ironic considering how purely professionally she's trying to act, avoiding fraternising with anybody, even seemingly keeping Kudelia at an arm's length, the best she can. Although she failed terribly this time when Kudelia came to ask for advice.

    You are right about this show: It's quite hard to try to regularly find faults in it. It's far easier to keep mentioning the good things. Of course it does have it weaknesses like the uninteresting villains. At least the visible villains. Although that's still far better than something utterly stupid and unlikely, of course.

  5. #45
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    The biggest fault this show has, is that the mobile suits can be more present. They feel heavily underutilized. I think the most we've seen of them were in training sessions. Then again, there wasn't really a need for it. That, and the fact that this aims to be a more realistic gundam show. No dragged out fights, the fights are 'dirty' and fast. However, to me the stars of a gundam show must be the mobile suits. If this wasn't called a gundam show, this would all be fine. As I've stated before, I expect certain things from a Gundam series. I'm not writing it off or anything, but right now, it's just not yet Gundam to me.
    Maybe it's just me, but I think the characters are rather 2 dimensional. If you really think about what we know about the main characters, I'm not getting very far. No backstories, no real motivations.

    Another flaw is that right now, they are still building the characters and the world, without a whole lot going on. I've read recently that the series will only run for 25 episodes, so things are getting critical.
    I'm assuming this will be a 2 season show (nothing announced, AFAIK), like 00 (can we get an awesome series like FMA: Brotherhood in between as well??) since they're building up só much it'll be a waste of effort otherwise. I mean, they are only 11 episodes away from the finale, and in episode 15 they introduce the masked villain... more episodes please! If they get 50 episodes, there is more than enough time for story and action to balance out, but as it stands now, they will need to rush things and it might become a clusterfuck like Reconquista. This series deserves to take it's time to develop. Potential enough to become a Gundam Universe of its own, like UC.

    All the negativity aside (although that was the point of this post), I will rewatch the series with the Gundam-bias glasses off to see if I can get more out of the series if I see it as just a show. Besides that, I can also easily make a post praising the things the series does very well, so please don't think I don't like the series.

  6. #46
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harima Kenji View Post
    I'm not writing it off or anything, but right now, it's just not yet Gundam to me.
    Which is actually a good thing, lol. Mech worship is a negative aspect in Gundam, IMO. The mechs are there for the story, not the other way around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harima Kenji View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but I think the characters are rather 2 dimensional. If you really think about what we know about the main characters, I'm not getting very far. No backstories, no real motivations.
    It's just you. They've developed most of the characters, even the side characters, very well. We know their past (as seen in the flashbacks, which are rather short because they are kids) and dreams. We know exactly what makes them tick, yet they are still relatively unpredictable, like Mika's kiss or Orga's respect for brotherhood.

    Thinking about it, I really like this show precisely because it isn't like a Gundam show.
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  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Harima Kenji View Post
    I'm assuming this will be a 2 season show (nothing announced, AFAIK), like 00 (can we get an awesome series like FMA: Brotherhood in between as well??) since they're building up só much it'll be a waste of effort otherwise. I mean, they are only 11 episodes away from the finale, and in episode 15 they introduce the masked villain... more episodes please! If they get 50 episodes, there is more than enough time for story and action to balance out, but as it stands now, they will need to rush things and it might become a clusterfuck like Reconquista. This series deserves to take it's time to develop. Potential enough to become a Gundam Universe of its own, like UC.
    Honestly, I would say 50 is too much. I think 35 to 40 would be much better. Granted it would be very awkward for a time slot. Gundam seems to do much better when confined on time like 8th MS Gundam or something. It makes them really get down to the point of the story. That being said, IBO really does seem to be dragging on for a 25 episode series.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Which is actually a good thing, lol. Mech worship is a negative aspect in Gundam, IMO. The mechs are there for the story, not the other way around..
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Thinking about it, I really like this show precisely because it isn't like a Gundam show.
    That's....absurd. Why are we even calling this a Gundam show then? Why don't we just get rid of the mobile suits all together and have the setting take place in, I don't know...America. The whole crew is traveling from Oregon to Washington DC to protest labor laws or something. Oh, but not after taking detour after detour to Texas, Florida, and New York of course.
    Look, I'm not saying the mecha porn has to be the defining part of the plot, but it certainly needs to have a bigger role than what we're seeing right now. It's like having a Godzilla movie and barely showing Godzilla. Ha, glad that's never happend before.
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    It's just you.
    It's really not, but I'm trying very hard to reserve judgement until the end of the series. I'm hoping to be surprised. But, as it stands right now, most of these characters are fairly boring, Mika included. Seriously, Heero had more personality than him.
    I speak only when I feel it's necessary.

  8. #48
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Let's agree to disagree then. Gundam fans apparently see things very differently for some reason. I for one am glad I don't see gundams flying around every episode.
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  9. #49
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
    That's....absurd. Why are we even calling this a Gundam show then? Why don't we just get rid of the mobile suits all together and have the setting take place in, I don't know...America. The whole crew is traveling from Oregon to Washington DC to protest labor laws or something. Oh, but not after taking detour after detour to Texas, Florida, and New York of course.
    Look, I'm not saying the mecha porn has to be the defining part of the plot, but it certainly needs to have a bigger role than what we're seeing right now. It's like having a Godzilla movie and barely showing Godzilla. Ha, glad that's never happend before.
    You do realise that typically the science fiction held in the highest regard depicts issues and dangers of our modern society and times in a future setting by exaggerating or separating it to be seen more clearly, or to avoid pointing fingers too blatantly. Of course this is partly due to the fact that a totally alien setting, alien mindsets, alien cultures, and alien everything couldn't draw in anybody or get them invested emotionally. So, like you said, this could have told about the practical slaves and neglected children of our times, but such stories are often easier and more interesting to tell via science fiction. So, if you ask "why don't we just get rid of the...", you are actually dissing the whole sci-fi genre.

    Mika has been staring at his Gundam multiple times. There are also a bunch of other signs. The Gundam worship is definitely there, but in a very pleasantly subtle manner compared to many other Gundam shows. It always annoys me if the mecha take the role of the main characters, not the people. It's equally annoying if mecha arms race ends up deciding the winner, not the skills and ingenuity of the operators and strategists. This is just my personal preference, but considering quite a few Gundam shows serve exactly what you wanted, it's only fair there's a Gundam show that, so far, serves my interests better as well.

  10. #50
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    HS-Episode 15

    Ugh.....yet another masked man. Seriously what's up with the Gundam series and their masked men fetish?

  11. #51
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    HS-Episode 15

    Ugh.....yet another masked man. Seriously what's up with the Gundam series and their masked men fetish?
    Going with logic stated in previous posts, I think you'd be questioning one of the very features that defines Gundam.

    Atra was a great punching bag. Hats off to her.

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  12. #52
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Atra is made of tougher material than I'd have given her credit for. She's a qualifying member of Tekkadan based on this.

    Gundam themselves looked like armoured men with a fully masked helmet. I always thought that's why it kind of fits that some mofo in Gundam always goes with a mask (like Char), aside from the more obvious reasons anyone would wear one.

  13. #53
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    I think it just all started with Char to make him mysterious. He was popular, so they thought "hey, let's make this a gundam thing from now on".

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  14. #54
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Has there even been a Gundam show without a masked man before Char came along?

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    Has there even been a Gundam show without a masked man before Char came along?
    *Hesitates in case this is a trick question*

    No. The point of it though, is that the mask may not have been intended to be a defining feature of Gundam before its implementation. They didn't think "We're going to make a Gundam show. Gundam shows must have masked men. Every Gundam show will. Let's call the first one Char."

    Making the mask iconic for the franchise was a decision made after seeing it's popularity.

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  16. #56
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Don't die Fumitan!!!

    Ok, so even with gundams, people don't have mobile phones in their world. Any form of wireless communication would have prevented all this drama. Kudelia is pretty stupid for going off on her own. And did mask guy trick her into leaving the hotel? Or was he genuinely warning her?

    And that mask is so fucking stupid looking.
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  17. #57
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    About the masked men in gundam series: Char was indeed the first one, since 0079 (or simply Mobile Suit Gundam) was the very first gundam series. Char had the mask on to hide his true identity, because revealing that would make him a prime target for assassination given his lineage. If I remember correctly, every next full length series has had a masked/disguised man in one way or another. To me that's not something that defines a gundam series, just a recurring theme. I'm fine without one.

    On this episode: I enjoyed it a lot. Atra sacrificing herself for Kudelia's sake was unexpected of her and shows just how strong her feelings are for her new family. As expected, Fumitan was revealed to be working for 'the enemy', although her feelings for Kudelia conflicted with her orders. Tekkadan not wishing to have anything to do with the conflict was a nice way to go. Usually this is where anime heroes step in to defend the opressed. Once again, the writing was good, and they set the mood well.

  18. #58
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Ep 16.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Don't die Fumitan!!!

    I was thinking this was the weakest episode yet with Fumitan predictably taking the bullet for Kudelia, but that final flashback made it all good. Fumitan had to die to drive Kudelia to revolution. The bloody confession also connected perfectly to the maiden in the book, which drove Fumitan to tears years ago.
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  19. #59
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Glasses-chicks don't really do it for me, so this has been weak and impactless for me. Plenty of impact for Kudelia I'm sure.

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  20. #60
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You heartless doctor! I bet you wear glasses IRL!
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