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Thread: Rokka no Yuusha: Braves of the Six Flowers

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Rokka no Yuusha: Braves of the Six Flowers


    "When the Majin awoke from the depths of darkness, the deity of fate chose six heroes and bequeathed them with the power to save the world. Adlet Maia, a boy who proclaims himself the strongest on Earth, has been selected among the Rokka no Yuusha (Heroes of the Six Flowers), and he goes to the rendezvous point — but seven have gathered there. The heroes suspect that someone among the seven is the enemy, and the initial suspicion falls on Adlet.

    Source: ANN"

    HorribleSubs Ep01
    HorribleSubs Ep02


    It's off to a good start. The early character building will hopefully pay dividends later in the story as the interactions and motives of the braves become more complex. Average animation quality and is avoiding of the most typical tropes that make me gloss over fantasy anime. I expect this to become worth discussing in the near future. Also, bonus points for any kind of musket!

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This looks immediately better for me with the new girl. I don't hate the bunny girl, but this new one seems more interesting. The knight, or whatever he was, blaming the new musket girl for the hero killings was also a sign of a good plot. Now we don't know if it's really her or if the dude is just shifting the blame on her, with chances being he's in fact the killer. Either one would work for me. I'm also wondering if the extra hero (in the description, and likely meaning the hero killer) might not still be a hero after a fashion, only not chosen by the good gods to fight the demons, but by the demon king to fight the other humans.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Did they say if those Heroes went looking for her or the other way around? If they went looking for her she could have killed them because she didn't want to have anything to do with defeating the evil and possibly dying herself. Preemptive self defense XD

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Considering she killed lots of demons, whose corpses Adlet saw while walking around the town, I'd say she's not against fighting the evil. Of course that doesn't mean what you said couldn't be correct otherwise. She might be killing everything that gets in her way, good and bad alike. It's also possible she was being targeted by the hero killer, unsuccessfully, and she had to keep slaying henchmen and such. Or perhaps the hero killer spread lies about her, and real heroes went after her, believing those lies. After all, the bunny princess might do the same thing now after what the new dude told her.

  5. #5
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 3 - HS

    - - - - - - -

    As expected, the kuudere girl with glorious underboob seems very much worth conquering. Good thing the MC is such a jolly fellow he insist of persevering to see it done. I'm beginning to think the new dude Goldov might not actually be an evil man trying to get rid of Flamie but rather a really serious and suspicious one, and thus exceptionally prone to getting a wrong impression or listening to false rumours. Nevertheless, it's obvious Flamie herself recognizes her own infamy and undoubtedly has greeted people before with her rifle, just like she did Adlet. Maybe Goldov himself tried to approach her and she chased him away violently, thus giving an impression she's the hero killer. But who knows. Sometimes a guilty looking really is guilty.

  7. #7
    This show is awesome so far. Really enjoying it.

    What are the odds that fortress gets wiped out and Adlet has to go push the button? 99.9%? lol

  8. #8
    A little slow developing, but I'm enjoying this.

    Not really much of a fan of any character at this point, there's a bit of inconsistency with them, but we'll see. The action has been enjoyable though.

  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    EP 4 is out

    We finally have all of the heroes assembled; some with more development than others, but none above suspicion! I expect both the revelation of the fake and the reasoning behind their ability to be so will lynch-pin my personal satisfaction with this show, when all is said and done. Also, major animation quality dip this episode (Dat Zoom) that makes me hope they are saving up for a lot of choreographed fighting, instead of making up for the earlier episodes. Unfortunately, the 3d scenes were almost nauseating to watch due to the low cell count of the 2d animation in them... the director should have waited until he had the budget available to animate ambitious scenes like that.

  10. #10
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    While they're obviously going to suspect Flamie (because of what she has done) or Adlet because he's the Saint of nothing and not a particularly noteworthy warrior, I'd actually put my suspicion on Bunny-hime.

    She's a liar, through and through.

    - She was toying with Adlet pretending to be a handmaiden just to talk to him and be entertained.
    - She's either a worse fighter against fiends than the other six, or fakes it while in front of Adlet to get him to become attached to her.
    - The whole scene when Goldov shows up, her demeanor changes instantly, becoming a lot less flippant. She's been putting on a show for the others who don't have her absolute loyalty.

    It's definitely not because she's an enemy spy. My guess is because she wants to be do something interesting, and be eternally famous. Its one thing to be Bunny-hime, the strongest fighter in the kingdom. It's another to be The Brave and Beautiful Bunny-hime, one of the Six Braves.

    She's indulging in selfishness. She's also in the position has a high ranking princess to have her flower brand faked, like a tattoo or whatever. She could have had it for months before they were actually granted, and no one would know because no one would demand a princess reveal her chest outside of her trusted handmaidens.

    The viewers know Adlet is above suspicion because we saw the brand granted to him.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    While they're obviously going to suspect Flamie (because of what she has done) or Adlet because he's the Saint of nothing and not a particularly noteworthy warrior, I'd actually put my suspicion on Bunny-hime.

    She's a liar, through and through.

    - She was toying with Adlet pretending to be a handmaiden just to talk to him and be entertained.
    - She's either a worse fighter against fiends than the other six, or fakes it while in front of Adlet to get him to become attached to her.
    - The whole scene when Goldov shows up, her demeanor changes instantly, becoming a lot less flippant. She's been putting on a show for the others who don't have her absolute loyalty.

    It's definitely not because she's an enemy spy. My guess is because she wants to be do something interesting, and be eternally famous. Its one thing to be Bunny-hime, the strongest fighter in the kingdom. It's another to be The Brave and Beautiful Bunny-hime, one of the Six Braves.

    She's indulging in selfishness. She's also in the position has a high ranking princess to have her flower brand faked, like a tattoo or whatever. She could have had it for months before they were actually granted, and no one would know because no one would demand a princess reveal her chest outside of her trusted handmaidens.

    The viewers know Adlet is above suspicion because we saw the brand granted to him.
    I then ask, wouldn't the "fake" one be the same one that activated the barrier? If that's the case, I think it means that none of the original four should be a fake I'd say... if we work under the assumption of sabotage within their ranks, which might not be the case with the 7th Brave as you mention.

    We'll see.

  12. #12
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    If we work under the assumption of sabotage in their ranks, you could also put Bunny-hime in as a suspect because her panicked flailing broke one of the stones, potentially locking them in there. She may have had a human subordinate activate the barrier once they were all within. She's a decent enough actress to pull off that little hissy fit performance.

    However, I felt that her panic was genuine. Being trapped kind of ruins a plan to gain fame.

    I agree that if there isn't another layer to this and the 7th really is just a traitor, there is a decent likelihood that one of them could even be a fiend now that we've seen they can assume human form. In that case, with each one eventually demonstrating a supernatural feat, if one of them refuses to use their vaunted Saint power, they'd be the prime suspect for an imposter. In my mind, this removes suspicion on the frog girl, since she was ready to kill Flamie in the middle of the temple using her power until she was stopped. Assuming traitors, I'd put cat-boy and the mountain priestess as the lead suspects for an imposter-traitor.

    I suppose we don't really have enough info to start to guess at who the fake would be if they really are a traitor. I just like the idea that there isn't a traitor and the imposter's desire to be a hero are genuine.

  13. #13
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I don't remember Goldov having a special power, in the four we know of.
    Having the intruder in the newcomers would be a bit bland, because we know nothing of them yet.
    And as you said, the 7th one might be an impostor, but not necessarily a threat to the other six.
    Should we really exclude Adlet? He's a clever fighter... but is always declaring he's the strongest man. A bit suspicious. I don't remember the scene when he gets his mark, making him a genuine.

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  14. #14
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Should we really exclude Adlet? He's a clever fighter... but is always declaring he's the strongest man. A bit suspicious. I don't remember the scene when he gets his mark, making him a genuine.
    First episode, 18:22 through 19:07. His right as one of the braves is fairly indisputable. Unlike all the others who's selection we didn't see.

    The reason he declares himself the strongest in the world and fights the way he does is explicitly so he could be chosen. His master trained him to kill fiends. He uses specific weapons and tactics against specific fiends, as shown in the subsequent episodes. Adlet is trained as a demon slayer.

    The awakening was sufficiently obvious to the continent such that Bunny-hime could determine that now is the time to reveal her "selection" as well.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    First episode, 18:22 through 19:07. His right as one of the braves is fairly indisputable. Unlike all the others who's selection we didn't see.

    The reason he declares himself the strongest in the world and fights the way he does is explicitly so he could be chosen. His master trained him to kill fiends. He uses specific weapons and tactics against specific fiends, as shown in the subsequent episodes. Adlet is trained as a demon slayer.

    The awakening was sufficiently obvious to the continent such that Bunny-hime could determine that now is the time to reveal her "selection" as well.
    Other than the Saints and the use of their powers (females), we haven't seen any gains from the being chosen as a Brave power wise right?

    Like all these characters are all fighting the same whether chosen as a Brave or not, so I wonder if we'll get to the point in which powers are revealed and if that happens, how it'll change on who we suspect or not. But if the Brave is a female, they can hide behind their Sainthood powers.

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Flamie is the real deal as well as Adlet. I mean Flamie did create a bullet in this episode at 10:15 so she does have a power. Bunny has her power as well. Adlet...well.. he has skills but we saw him get chosen. However I do not trust Goldov. His desire to help/defend the princess may be real but I think he pretends to be a Brave just so he could be near her. Don't know enough bout those 3 new ones. Hans seems too obvious to be it. Maura and Chamot seem to be real to me. So I'm going for Goldov.

  17. #17
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I do not believe Bunny-hime's powers are indicative of being a brave. In fact, none of the power are.

    I mentioned them before only because a fiend disguised as a famous brave would not display a particular supernatural power like Bunny-hime's, Flamie's or the frog girl. The ability to use a power only ensures they are not a fiend in disguise.

    Judging by her reputation as the 2nd strongest fighter in the entirety of her nation behind Goldov, this leads me to believe that though her abilities are the real deal, her abilities are natural and not the result of being potentially chosen as a brave.

    I'm sticking with the idea that the, "7th brave must be a traitor!" concept is pure misdirection. Whoever the unchosen fake is, their goals are genuine.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Hey, that young one might have gotten her Brave 'status' from an older generation if such a thing is even possible. There might not be a traitor or fake at all. They've always said 6 were chosen by the Goddess. Maybe when an older one died he/she could have somehow transferred it to someone else so that way the Chosen Brave would have died but the mark would still be on the receiver? I dunno just throwing it out there

  19. #19
    Why can't fiends have superpowers? That seems like an arbitrary distinction.
    I also don't think the superpowers have anything to do with being chosen or not. There appear to be multiple generations of people with superpowers between the hundreds of years when the braves are needed.

    I agree that the 7th brave is probably not a traitor and almost certainly didn't trigger the trap.

    Nashetania (sp?) does seem like most likely to have faked being a brave. Her motive would be seeking out thrills and adventure. Her power is kind of amazing, but she doesn't seem super competent. This also explains why she super freaked out when they were trapped, as this prevents her adventure.
    Adlet, Goldof, and Flamie have all kind of proven their skills in combat, so it makes sense they were all chosen.

    The 3 new people are pretty much unknowns at this point. Seems unlikely they would be fake, but they could be a traitor.
    In fact, I think the traitor has to be among them, since Goldof/Nashe/Flamie were all together when the trap was triggered and we followed Adlet.
    I suppose most suspicious is the tiny boy?/girl? Chamot, especially if the other 2 were together.

    I suppose we could also have a Gilgamesh situation here, as well.

  20. #20
    I'm not sure but it kinda seemed like the only thing the seal of the brave granted was immunity to that mist thing that would otherwise kill anyone that enters the area where the demon king lives. So unless the traitor is a fiend they should die after entering the demon land.
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