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Thread: Rokka no Yuusha: Braves of the Six Flowers

  1. #121
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    The sun brave was still alive and her powers were part of the trap. Why is it so important to be part of the six, when you have former ones whose powers you can use ?
    Hmm..? I thought she was just a saint. Becoming a brave doesn't grant a saint the powers (apart from the miasma tolerance, I guess). It's the other way around: some level of power is necessary to even dream of being selected as a brave.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Hmm..? I thought she was just a saint. Becoming a brave doesn't grant a saint the powers (apart from the miasma tolerance, I guess). It's the other way around: some level of power is necessary to even dream of being selected as a brave.
    Yeah, I don't recall those particulars, so I'm going by what you guys are saying. I'd have to recheck somehow if there's been mention of who the previous Braves were, not sure how to go about that though.

    Edit: OK, I did a bit of cheating, and I didn't find any Sun Saint in the previous Braves. And there seems like there are about 300 years in between Brave generations or so, so not a Brave I'd say.
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 09-16-2015 at 02:07 PM.

  3. #123
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
    And there seems like there are about 300 years in between Brave generations or so...
    Yeah, because the demon king doesn't try to conquer the land every decade. That would be a major bother. Bad for business and stuff.

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Yeah, because the demon king doesn't try to conquer the land every decade. That would be a major bother. Bad for business and stuff.
    Krugman and all his Keynesian scum folks would disagree.

    And yeah the sun lady was a saint not a brave. It seems like there are lots of saints and only a few get choosen, probably strongest ones but that doesnt mean they cant help with their powers until they reach the miasma.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  5. #125
    Earlier in the series Adlet suggested two culprits. If that's true, do you believe it's 2 fake Braves? Who would be your choices if so?

    Also, that would mean that a real Brave might be dead already or maybe stuck outside? Or... one legit Brave switched sides?

    Not sure what to think in the end in all honestly, guess I'll have to wait and see how this is solved and hope it makes a semblance of sense in the surface at the very least.

    If it's two culprits, and they're both braves, then I'm not sure how that would be true. We've seen plenty interaction between pairs, and even some introspection, to believe two of them are in cahoots.

    Even with my suspicions of Nachetanya and Goldov, their interaction together doesn't suggest that both are traitors as a combo. Maura's actions don't lend itself to the belief that she and Nachetanya might be working together.

    Goldov and Maura? Maybe, but Goldov blocking her plans of killing Adlet at the end seems contradicting.

    Maura and Chamot? Could be, but somehow I don't think this will be.

    Hans, he's pretty much interacted with almost everyone while by himself and nothing has stood out really to suggest he's working with any of these guys.

    Chamot and Goldov? Would be interesting...

    Etc., etc...

  6. #126
    I think the "8th" that Adlet suggested is the Sun Saint.

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I think the "8th" that Adlet suggested is the Sun Saint.
    Hmm, yeah that's true. Forgot about that angle.

  8. #128
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I think the "8th" that Adlet suggested is the Sun Saint.
    Yeah, although that was Adlet's old theory that didn't manage to save his skin. I reckon at that point he also thought the 8th would be working willingly, but in the end that doesn't make much difference. Just like it's doubtful the false soldiers who gave the incorrect instructions were really working for the demons because they wanted to.

    Although I said the opposite before, but thinking about it more carefully, there's one critical factor we don't know: Is the Seventh working willingly for the demons or being forced to? If it's the former, it would make sense it's somebody like Maura or Chamot who's actively seeking to slay the others. If it's the latter, it's like Goldov or Hans who would do the absolute minimum but would be willing to stop the slaughter as well because it's not really what they wanted. After all, the deal probably only included trapping the braves in. They are isolated now, so nothing much makes a difference anymore. Ever since the most vocal ones became obsessed with killing Adlet, they haven't done anything at all to get out of the barrier.

    All that doesn't matter if the Sevent doesn't know they're the Sevent, which is why it's my favourite theory. But it would explain Goldov's recent actions even if he was knowingly the Seventh. He might not want to see a slaughter even if he was the ultimate cause of it. It would still count as a minor resistance against the fiends, to soothe his conscience.

  9. #129
    Here it is, the moment of truth... episode 12:

  10. #130
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    First Flamie's competition was removed by making Bunny Princess the traitor, and then when they introduced the second extra character, she's ugly, being no real competition. Adlet and Flamie are really pushed together by fate! Yet poor Flamie is still highly jealous.

    It was pitiful how after all this, the cliffhanger included, Adlet was reduced to uttering yet another accusation based on nothing but a hunch, just like the ones before that first targeted Flamie and then got him all wounded. Until we suddenly got new concrete evidence out of nowhere in the best tradition of deus ex machina. What an annoying arc.

    I have a feeling the demons were dealing out a bunch of brave marks to people, both traitors and innocent, to confuse them majorly. I'd guess Adlet's own mark is one of the fakes, like has been suggested before. Funnily enough it's still possible it will protect from the miasma nonetheless. Since the fiends were trying to make human allies, it's plausible they did develop a method to protect their allies from their poisonous atmosphere, and then one of them got the great idea of faking braves.

  11. #131
    Last episode, I guess the reveal, was a let down. Not because who ended up being the culprit, but just of how the whole reveal played itself out.

    I kinda liked the aftermath portion, of how things came a bit full circle once again with the new dilemma. I do hope we get another season.

    For all it's flaws and stupidities, I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

  12. #132
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Man, fuck this show. Bullshit Locked Room Mystery from start to finish. No way for the viewers to correctly guess anything because they deliberately leave information out until the reveal, when some miraculous occurrence (like finding a second set of tablets with one literally being instructions) allows the mystery to be resolved.

    If we don't get a second season and this was all just a promo for the novels...double fuck this show.

  13. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Man, fuck this show. Bullshit Locked Room Mystery from start to finish. No way for the viewers to correctly guess anything because they deliberately leave information out until the reveal, when some miraculous occurrence (like finding a second set of tablets with one literally being instructions) allows the mystery to be resolved.

    If we don't get a second season and this was all just a promo for the novels...double fuck this show.
    When the solution was presented, my first thought actually was "Man, Ryllharu is going to fucking hate this crap".

  14. #134
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, I knew it was Nachetanya quite early on. Everyone else were obvious red herrings. Only she was safe for the most part, and she told Adlet to go ahead to the altar. Then she went random berserk and tried a bunch of things to alter the barrier.

    A lot of fake outs, but if you think meta + existing clues, Nachetanya was pretty obvious.
    That and I read the book.
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  15. #135
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Nachetanya was obvious, but not in the way (an actual traitor) or reason (her motivation went completely unforeshadowed in any possible way).

    The series spent eleven episodes showing her to be a flippant person seeking adventure. It would have made more sense if her brand was painted on because she wanted to go on an adventure and it was a coincidence they all got trapped, as if the fiend plan was only partially successful and it wasn't the true deathtrap they planned it for. Someone who would have ended up turning back or started dying from the miasma (which also sounds like a myth because the dandy crocodile guy had Adlet's village immigrate) once they reached the peninsula.

    Instead she has this elaborate plan that is both insane and comes completely out of nowhere. They couldn't have even added a single line with a double meaning early on? They showed that she wasn't as naïve a fighter as she showed Adlet, but they couldn't throw in a line about her hoping for peace?

    They even fucked up the explanation, actually explaining that basically, the barrier activation was accidental. Nachetanya didn't activate it all by herself, Goldov, Adlet and then Nachetanya activated it. She didn't drop any blood on it, only Adlet. Adlet may have done the work for her, but you can't use it as rationale that there was any evidence it was legitimately her and not accidentally her. The series showed the opposite of what they were explaining.

    Finding an extra set of tablets at the last minute, with instructions on them no less, is also pure bullshit. No one deduced a thing. They still thought it was Maura (with actual reasons for it) until Chamot showed up with the tablets and turned everything on its head again.

    Oh yeah, and then they add another seventh brave...

    All this said, I did appreciate that Maura really is dumber and more naïvely innocent than Chamot.

  16. #136
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I'm in with you on the barrier activation. It's a phase process that miraculously involved different people doing the right things at the right time...
    Adlet, Goldov and Nachetanya.
    Nachetanya out, Adlet and Goldov are candidates for the seventh... and might both be fakes since they can add braves anytime like they just did.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  17. #137
    Well, I guess my meta-analysis of why it shouldn't be Nachetanya was just trying to read too much into it.
    They did solve the problem of eliminating Nache from the story - looks like she'll just show up again later. This also solves the problem about Goldov not being an interesting character without her.
    Nache's motivations are stupid, we didn't really get any sense that she could have gone outside the castle to set up this ridiculous plan, and some of her actions are just crazy. Like, she wants to kill them, but she doesn't? And we're supposed to believe she also has the foresight to set up this master plan involving another saint and science and everything?

    Why did they have to say you have to pull the sword out and then put blood in the altar and then break the tablet?
    Like, why not just have breaking the tablet be the trigger? All of that extra stuff just makes the explanation more ridiculous.

    All that said, I really enjoyed this show. I like that they reintroduced another brave to bring back the problem (reminds me a bit of Umineko and # of people on the island). Flamie is adorable.

    Might go check out the light novels at some point if they're translated.

  18. #138
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The 7th Brave is Flamie. Since she's half-demon, she won't die from the air anyway.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #139
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The biggest question is WHY Nachetanya loves fiends and humans. And she couldn't have set up the entire thing herself. At most, she's just a cog in a larger plan.
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  20. #140
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I have to add, that holy shit the new brave's design is awful.

    It's not because she's chubby (that's a nice surprise), it's not her stupid elephant cow armor (Goldov's armor is ram-inspired after all), it's not that her armor is more European to the general Mesoamerican styling of the series (Hans is very streetrat European and Maura is like 50/50 SE Asian and Crusades Era Fertile Crescent), it's not because of her slutty overdone makeup, it's not because Kanemoto Hisako is using her whiny voice.

    It's those godforsaken red plastic glasses.

    They're so out of place with the rest of her design that it is appalling.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 09-20-2015 at 09:58 AM. Reason: fixed

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