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Thread: GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

  1. #521
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Ok, Shinta doesnīt need to defend this, itīs his life dream come true, lol.
    I haven't seen the episode, but even I have standards. That loli sucks. If it were Kayo on the other hand...
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  2. #522
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Oh, okay, Iīm sorry. And 12 is only one year away from not being loli anymore, anyway. :>

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  3. #523
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's not about the age. It's all about the body. There are those amazing things called lolibaba.
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  4. #524
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    But then you whine when Bisque transform back to her true form!!1

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  5. #525
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    You're not making any sense.
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  6. #526
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Who knows how the dude really feels. I took as Sugawara being unable to stomach watching how the girl is taken away to be executed later. And who knows what would have happened to her before the exection in the prison. Considering what sort of a man the new emperor is, I reckon all of his underlings copy the behavior patterns of their superiors in a cascading manner resulting in a huge amount of sexual violation and death. Sugawara hasn't exactly been thrilled about the loli's feelings and intentions, quite the contrary. There wasn't much else he could have done her anyway, with the girl already being in enemy hands outside of the Japanese soil. So, he had to somehow associate her.

    Only the next episodes will tell if he really turned into a pedophile or if this was just grand theater. Assuming the series gets back to it.

  7. #527
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    So how do laws go in this scenario? Sugawara is a Japanese citizen and therefore can't screw the loli, but what if he does it on the other side of the gate? Aren't crimes based on laws where the act is committed? I think screwing 12 year olds is okay in that fantasy world. Would Sugawara get tried in Japan if he did so?
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  8. #528
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't know about Japanese laws, but I think in Western countries people are prosecuted for travelling to some third world countries to take advantage of the local underage prostitution, regardless of what the laws say or don't say in those countries. My memories are a bit dim because this was a big topic like 20 years ago. I haven't seen much talk about it for years, so I imagine curbing such nefarious sex tourism became the norm.

  9. #529
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Captain Knight Beefeater made an accusing remark towards Sugawara about touching Sherry, so it sounded as if banging 12yo girls is frowned upon in the fantasy world, too.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  10. #530
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It wasn't an accusing remark. If anything, it showed that screwing a loli was completely fine.

    And judging from Sugawara's lady boss's comments, it's fine in Japan too!
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  11. #531
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    MFauli, Sugawara doesn't want to bang the loli. He actually sacrificed his happiness so he could save one girl from the Empire's grasp. Somehow you managed to turn the morality of that act completely around.

    These "cleaners" are hilarious. I have no idea what the wolf-dress is about, but they're trying to make a point so badly they have brooms for spears. Who even does that?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #532
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    As of now, Sherry si on Japanese soil. So Sugawara is under Japanese laws whatever he does with her.
    If he goes to the empire, it's possible earth laws do not apply due to gaps in semantics about the qualification of that other world and its inhabitants for example. And we do not know if the treaty brings fundamental laws between Japan and the empire. We do not know if it applies to other races, or if human like inhabitants are really considered humans, Sherry included. But then there are zoophilia laws too (I know, it's provocation on my part )
    In the setting of the show, there's a rule that applies to every leaper: no sex with other side creatures...
    Empire laws, we do not know much about those. But even if tolerated, Sherry has a nobility status that might change rules.
    Then in both universe, there's more than laws and rules, proper etiquette/behavior probably is against having sex with underaged, regardless of their wits.
    Regarding both individuals, as smart as Sherry is, I do not think she is prepared for sex and should engage in such relations.
    I do not think Sugawara wants to either. And not just from his age statement. But showing romantic feelings for an underaged is already a violation...

    On broader scale, linking Sugawara and Sherry -when she's legally allowed to- could be a nice political move. But it's far in the future, many things can happen like the gate closing instantly without a warning.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  13. #533
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I realize that the author felt it was easier to name empire citizens after drinks and booze than think up a lot of names, Nanoha names its characters after car models after all, but at some point, he should have stopped and thought about how terrible that ends up sounding. How retarded the names get. Nanoha shifted to having their names be inspired by car models, not named directly after them.

    "Gimlet" bothered me this episode. Wow, that's a dumb name, I thought. But the dude is a douche, and he's probably going to die some ignoble way that matches his goofy name.

    But then...


    I hope that is her family name...

  14. #534
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'm kinda confused that Japan didn't take them in from the beginning.

    I mean, they are kinda supposed to, Geneva Convention and all that. Or is that kind of agreement only for states that are part of said contract and not human beings in general?

    1 step onto that grass and they are pretty much forced to grant them safety.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 02-27-2016 at 03:24 PM.

  15. #535
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Why is nobody talking about the latest episode? Itīs been out for several days :>

    Iīm only 5 minutes in, but, oh god, Iīve gotta get this out: "Hi, I was raped for several weeks as a slave in this world, thatīs what enables me to lead you around and introduce you to this world *smile*"

    W T F ?!?!?!?!?


    Oh god, could everybody please never again say the name "Beefeater" out aloud? :/

    Pina refusing to resolve the heated situation is unacceptable. She has no business standing up against her brother just for that "father-in-law" and the loli bait. "Fuck my people and everything, Iīll refuse you, brother, JUST BECAUSE!"

    I also hate that itīs sooo obvious that all those thousands of soldiers will be mowed down with ease by some JSDF soldiers. So frustrating.

    On that matter: OF COURSE, only male knights were killed during the initial battle in this episode. None of the pretty lady knights lost their lives.

    Tuka calling Itami "dad" again ...

    The only upside is that Zolzal feels confident, going by the preview. Of course, itīs highly likely that he wonīt succeed, but seeing how Tyuule is confident, too, it means their plan is more elaborate. Also, Iīm surprised how Zolzal and Tyuule pretty much already ARE a team. You can say "well, Tyuule still secretly wants to kill Zolzal and the ruin the whole Empore", but nothing in this episode made it look like that. Instead, we have a strong Tyuule who isnīt being displayed as a slave at all, but more like the right hand of the new king. Hereīs hope that she and Zolzal will be able to land the first sensitive blow against the JSDF - even if theyīre ultimately bound to lose, yeah, yeah.
    Last edited by MFauli; Sat, 03-05-2016 at 08:41 PM.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  16. #536
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Iīm only 5 minutes in, but, oh god, Iīve gotta get this out: "Hi, I was raped for several weeks as a slave in this world, thatīs what enables me to lead you around and introduce you to this world *smile*"
    Why not? She knows the reality of that world, its society and politics. Because she was one of them, the same as any other ordinary person without power.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Pina refusing to resolve the heated situation is unacceptable. She has no business standing up against her brother just for that "father-in-law" and the loli bait. "Fuck my people and everything, Iīll refuse you, brother, JUST BECAUSE!"
    Uh... She was trying to resolve it. She stood up against her brother who wants to slaughter all of his political opponents. Pina knows such a thing won't make the empire a better place, nor does it make dealing with the Japanese any easier.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I also hate that itīs sooo obvious that all those thousands of soldiers will be mowed down with ease by some JSDF soldiers. So frustrating.
    Well, yeah, that's the bunny princess's plan, which the new emperor is happily following. Can't be helped.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The only upside is that Zolzal feels confident, going by the preview. Of course, itīs highly likely that he wonīt succeed, but seeing how Tyuule is confident, too, it means their plan is more elaborate. Also, Iīm surprised how Zolzal and Tyuule pretty much already ARE a team. You can say "well, Tyuule still secretly wants to kill Zolzal and the ruin the whole Empore", but nothing in this episode made it look like that. Instead, we have a strong Tyuule who isnīt being displayed as a slave at all, but more like the right hand of the new king. Hereīs hope that she and Zolzal will be able to land the first sensitive blow against the JSDF - even if theyīre ultimately bound to lose, yeah, yeah.
    Their plan? Zolzal hasn't got a single plan in his muscle brain. It's all Tyuule's plans to destroy the empire and Zolzal's friend's nasty plans to kill their own citizens (it wouldn't be a miracle of Tyuule in fact gave them a few hints). Considering how this story has in general progressed, it's of course possible that Zolzal and Tyuule will lose their power before they manage to annihilate the empire.

  17. #537
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Lelei was boss.

    "I'll forgive you. It's safer here"
    "No, they're bait."

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #538
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm more surprised Itami didn't figure that out.

    @Kraco and Mfauli - You gotta admit sending someone whose family was murdered beyond the gate and who got raped and enslaved there for a period to guide the media isn't the most logical or realistic choice.
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  19. #539
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    But didn't they say that they brought over only journalists who are critical of the operation?

    They seem to be intent on showing the Japanese public that, 'even our strongest detractors aren't able to find fault with what we've been up to since we pushed back the invasion and took control of the gate.' Very similar to the move where the member of the Diet that interviewed Itami and the girls was chosen from the most vocal of the opposition.

    The featured journalist wants to show them lazing around wasting money on this boondoggle or even doing inappropriate things, but between the harsh rules about fraternizing with beastgirls or empire citizens and the imminent need for another operation defending the empire's citizens from their own rulers, he will be forced to show that they're only doing noble things...exactly what the Defense Ministry wants.

    If that's the case, choosing her seems to be a very calculated move. She's suffered incredibly, is a civilian, can't be sent back home yet, and will be interfacing with the JSDF's harshest critics. It gives her something to do, as well as being a hidden Special Interest Story for anyone who asks why she's here.

  20. #540
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Why not? She knows the reality of that world, its society and politics. Because she was one of them, the same as any other ordinary person without power.
    She was raped for a prolonged time, treated like a sub-human being, traumtized (even if sheīd claim to be fine). You donīt send somebody like her back to where her worst nightmare took place. It makes no sense. Please donīt defend that :/

    Uh... She was trying to resolve it. She stood up against her brother who wants to slaughter all of his political opponents. Pina knows such a thing won't make the empire a better place, nor does it make dealing with the Japanese any easier.
    She was not trying to resolve it. She wanted to help the JSDF and the loli bait and father-in-law. Working against the kingīs will is not "resovling it". And if sheīs such a moral woman, why can she not realize that her action of helping the JSDF embassy here could easily result in the deaths of thousands? Whereas supporting her brother at most has two people killed - which is not confirmed he even wants. Loli baitīs parents were asked to come with the wolf soldiers, but instead committed suicide. Thatīs their own fault.

    Well, yeah, that's the bunny princess's plan, which the new emperor is happily following. Can't be helped.
    Once again you insult Zolzal of having no brain and Tyuule being a mindless revenge-thirsty cunt. As weīve discussed plenty, I disagree with that. But I wonīt discuss it this week, because next weekīs episode seems to focus on Zolzal and Tyuule, so we might get some hard-fact evidence of whatīs really going on.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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