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Thread: Schwarzesmarken

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    The story follows the East German Army's 666th TSF Squadron in its battles and political conflicts during the BETA's westward push in 1983.

    The East German Army 666th TSF Squadron "Schwarzesmarken" (Black Marks) are a special-forces unit tasked with assaulting BETA forces through unconventional tactics; specifically, they target Lux and Magnus Lux to deny the BETA the advantage of ranged firepower. Their orders are given the topmost priority, such that it is common practice for the 666th to ignore allied distress calls that will result in deviation from their original mission, even if only for a short moment.

    Source: Muv-Luv Wiki

    HorribleSubs Episode 01


    I've been fascinated by the Muv-luv alternate universe ever since I read the VNs back in the day. That no doubt plays a part in my enjoyment of this. Part of it is how every new story seems to be completely unconnected to any others except for the universe itself. They even go out of the way to occur at different time periods.

    This iteration carries on the general themes of hopelessness, regret, PTSD, an uncaring world and political intrigue, though that facet is usually saved for until the latter parts of the previous stories. In Schwarzesmarken, the juicy era of espionage during the iron curtain in divided Germany makes for an interesting backdrop.

    Excitement aside, the last series had a strong first few episodes itself before devolving into largely formulaic harem hijinks, so a warning there. Cautiously recommended for fans of Sci-Fi apocalypse style stories.

  2. #2
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Oh god this anime is bad. :/
    I don´t think I can take more of this shit.
    Other nonsense aside, seeing those little girls being the DDR´s primary agents in war is just too ridiculous. I´d really love to see more good anime that take place in Germany (loved "Monster"), but these extremely generic character designs just don´t mesh well with this setting.


    Had to laugh out aloud when I saw the pilots inside their mechas. Just lol. It looks so silly and cheap.

    Oh, and when the super little girl they saved asked to join their mecha squad. YES! The fucking DDR, a bunch of old, conservative, very strict people, will allow a 12 year old girl from the enemy side to pilot their best weapon. Incredibl ...y stupid. Fuck wow.

    And why use tanks at all, when they cant even take on those "small fry" red quadruple legged aliens? The mechas are way too overpowered in comparison. And it doesnt even make sense. There´s no reason why those tanks couldnt feature machine guns of the same caliber as the mecha. ugh

    I really dont know why stuff like this gets its anime-verison. Bad, non-sensical story, generic, bad character designs. And animation is noticeably worse than those of other new anime I started. Will wait for the h-doujins, but unless I find myself seriously bored ... dropped.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  3. #3
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This is from the muv luv universe. Everything you mentioned actually has an explanation if you read the visual novel. Otherwise, yeah, it would seem ridiculous.
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  4. #4
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    This is from the muv luv universe. Everything you mentioned actually has an explanation if you read the visual novel. Otherwise, yeah, it would seem ridiculous.
    Okay. Explain the boobs.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  5. #5
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The design is obviously fanservice, but here is why it works. There is simply no need to make it thicker because of the technology.
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  6. #6
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    There´s no explanation for the boobs at all. And omg, boobs EVEYWHERE lol

    Why waste so much detail on such dumb character designs? sigh

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #7
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What boobs are you talking about? If it's the pilot suit boobs, there's a very clear explanation in the article. There's no point in making that part thicker or look more armored. It'll only reduce mobility and comfort. The material also stops bullets, IIRC.

    "Its midsection is made of a reactive material that hardens upon detecting a sudden shock or blow,"
    "Despite its apparent material thinness, the suit can insulate the pilot from moderate differences in external temperatures, and contains electronics to regulate and record a pilot's vital signs."

    There's also this sorta weird one:

    "The form-hugging suit also has another psychological function; to represent equality and tear down civilian concepts such as modesty between men and women, since the harsh reality of the battlefield makes no distinction when it comes to gender."

    So while you are minding their boobs, these soldiers are busy fighting for their lives, is what that means, I guess.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sat, 01-16-2016 at 11:00 AM.
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  8. #8
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    [myriad of complaints]
    It's basically the slutty version of the auto-inflating neck brace pilot suits from Aldnoah. It's really not a big deal. There are remarkably few mecha series that get this right, without a handwave of some sort of inertial dampener system they never mention. The see through bits are pure fanservice as shinta mentioned. The reasoning is just an excuse to make it fanservice.

    They use tanks and jets because TSFs are expensive as fuck this early in the franchise. It's set in 1983, only 10 years after the BETA first invaded. Granted, a 2-minute explanation intro like we got for Total Eclipse would have been nice, because not everyone has played the VNs (I haven't) or seen Total Eclipse (which I have).

    The suicide squadron uses TSFs because there's literally nothing else that can kill laser class BETA. Otherwise the East Germans would probably just give them a hover bike (if they exist) or jeep and a rocket launcher.

    The heroes from this story are allied with the fucking Stasi. Of course they're leadership would accept an enemy soldier into their suicide squadron, who willingly asked to join it. Think of the intel, and if you send her on enough missions she'll be dead anyway. Problem solved. No political fallout because she asked to do it.

    Of course you're gonna hate it if you don't pay attention.

    I'll give you the tanks vs TSFs though. This episode needed a little exposition for that one to work.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 01-16-2016 at 11:17 AM.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 2 - HS

    - - - -- -

    Did the Stasi boss just commit suicide? He announced his unit will head out to fight in the crucial battle, thus becoming an integral element of the greater battle plan. Yet in the end he and his unit were drinking tea back at the barracks instead of fighting. I can hardly see many plausible ways for him to avoid court-martial and execution. But then again, he's like the last boss villain, so of course he can get away with it, but I'm really looking forward to seeing his excuse.

    Waldheim is really annoying. Too bad she's a main character and can't die.

  10. #10
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Hmm... If this really is a muvluv story, being a main character shouldn't save her from anything. But then again, this was adapted into anime, unlike the original story.

    I like the IrisXTheo pairing. I hope that's what materializes and moe-character just stays a sister figure.
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  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I like the IrisXTheo pairing. I hope that's what materializes and moe-character just stays a sister figure.
    I'd give this series a higher score if Waldheim became a sister figure, but then later the real sister appeared, having been brainwashed into a stasi killer. The real sister would tell Waldheim not to steal her precious big bro and shoot her dead in a true yandere fashion.

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'm amazed at how accurate the german text is... it's most likely copy & paste from some originals? If you stop the newspaper article you'll see that the blackened out text is actually the same text as the one on the right

    They forgot to black out Alfred Strauchwitz in one line btw. GJ Stasi!

    I mean, this is weird for me, because japs are freaking awful at english and even worse in german (FSN anyone?) But these texts were actually 100% correct and newspaper worthy.

  13. #13
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    They got something right then! Good find.
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  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Not only that, the text on the PC and the old newspaper article are both relevant to the story.
    The one about MC's dad pretty much explains why the Stasi hunted them down (his musical criticized the goverment). The one about Alfred Strauchwitz explains troop movements and hints at a strategy to defeat Betas without using anything but tanks, mines and soldiers. (TSF didn't exist back then?) The Beta Destroyer-Class was also being mentioned.. and maybe even how he took them down (which was blackened out)

    Both got alot of praise from the population too. You can guess what the Stasi didn't like about that.
    In Strauchwitz case, they were actually pretty certain that he'd be able to fully defeat the Beta or at least retake lost territory as long as he gets to lead the troops.

  15. #15
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That really is great information, especially the one about Strauchwitz. What the hell.

    Maybe they got it from the VN and just copied it directly? I dunno.

    And I didn't even know FSN had german.
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  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Rins spellcasting is german, and extremely broken gibberish too.
    Aldnoah Zero's ending theme has alot of german in it too, doesn't make alot of sense either.
    Attack on Titan's Gloria too, which is "okay".

    This show here however has close to *perfectly* written german in it. The only mistake I found while skimming through the text was a missing "h" in the word "Gegenmaßnahme". But that's an error people might even do today and who knows, maybe in ~1980+ before the orthography reform, this might have been written that way, I can't remember.
    The official order (the one were they had to split up their forces) had a mistake in it too, steh"en" instead of steh"t" and the sentence about assisting the retreating forces is not 100% correct either but "written as a German would speak it".
    So basically, the german is alot better than my english in this show. And I consider my own language alot more difficult to learn. So kudos!

    Yet the title is even more funny now... like.. they *can* do it properly, but they decided not to do it?

    Another thing that might interest you: A Political Officer promised Strauchwitz new, more advanced tanks to retake the Ukraine. Just like a certain Political Officer promised reinforcements?

    And the girl that was sent with Waldheim is not called "Pham" but "Thi-Rang" which sounds chinese to me.. and looking at her makes me think she *is* chinese.
    Unless Thi-Rang is her last name and she's called Pham Thi-Rang but then why do they say "Lieutenant Pham" (first name) and "Second Lieutenant Waldheim" (last name)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 01-18-2016 at 03:44 PM.

  17. #17
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Maybe she is Vietnamese or something? Thi-rang sounds more that than Chinese, but I'm not an expert in either.
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  18. #18
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    In any other series the throwaway line about Waldheim pissing herself on her first sortie would be some sort of gross fetish fanservice. In muvluv, it is remarkably fitting. Actually, it's not even remotely surprising.

    I always appreciate the technical aspects to muvluv and its TSF combat. Where terrain-following is not only important, but critical. They have to take out the laser classes for anyone else to have a remote chance, and the only way to do that is to just barely fly over and through the BETA ground forces.

    TSFs all sorta look the same, but the different characteristics and development specifications make a surprising amount of difference. They really are like the jet fighter/bomber craft they semi-replace. Overall forms are similar, but minute details differentiate them.

    Pham (Pham Thi Lan) (ファム・ティ・ラン) is Vietnamese, almost guaranteed. Her boobs are ridiculously oversized, but it's muvluv, most of them are.

    Irisdina is much more charismatic and authoritative than any other leader character shown in muvluv anime thus far. Big improvement over the whiny brats of Total Eclipse.

  19. #19
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Until she drops her panties for Eberbach.
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  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Irisdina is much more charismatic and authoritative than any other leader character shown in muvluv anime thus far. Big improvement over the whiny brats of Total Eclipse.
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Until she drops her panties for Eberbach.
    Doesn't matter. Isn't Eberbach a total bishounen as far as seinen shows go? He's also at least an average special forces soldier if not a better one (meaning he's much better a soldier than any regular forces dudes). He hasn't done many mistakes or needed too much saving during the operations we have seen, despite grumbling all the time when others act unprofessionally or witlessly. He's also an independent thinker and hates stasi like any man with at least half a brain should. So, all things considered, wouldn't Irisdina be strange if she didn't drop her panties for him, given a chance?

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