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Thread: GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

  1. #81
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    And why the hell are those omake knights so arrogant? Did they just threaten the one being seriously trying to get a peaceful link with their world? They really need some punishing, eromanga style.
    To them, they're threatenning the green soldier who is part of the group responsible for destroying armies. I don't know exactly how informed their people are about the forces sent through the portal to attack Earth.

    The fragile lives that Itami carelessly abandoned as he twiddled his thumbs on whether to send reinforcements from his end of the wall, which includes Rory the imba loli, didn't seem too precious to me.
    Didn't he call them in from the beginning when he had the "favour to ask"?(Ep05, 15:45) And he balanced politics with his decision. It's not his fault that the princess turned out to be too proud and noob. After the afternoon battle I thought she had a cool head on her shoulders as well at first.


    edit: rather than portraying something about human life, I think this show about showing off JSDF prowess by matching them with Medieval soldiers.

    Americans have their Hollywood movies with a hot intel officer or spy. Japan has anime with elf/loli/mages as eyecandy.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 08-08-2015 at 12:06 AM.

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  2. #82
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    In a better anime, Itami would've convinced Princess to leave one or two of his people on each wall for better communication, allowing him to negotiate with the Princess about resource allocation the moment it became necessary. But oh well elf loli anime sells.


    To put it in simple terms, this could've been so much more than loli orgasming, Wagner flaunting random violence with fantasy ecchi service. But it isn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    To them, they're threatenning the green soldier who is part of the group responsible for destroying armies.
    AHAHAHA. That is brilliant. Threaten someone, likely a representative based on his behavior (that did not show hostility, btw), from the force that casually brutalized yours. Applause.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sat, 08-08-2015 at 12:58 AM.
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  3. #83
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm with Kraco though. I wouldn't split my force. Despite how friendly the townsfolk are, JSDF is still in enemy territory. The Rose Knights reminded us that.

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  4. #84
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But he left himself hostage with those same Rose Knights. He could easily leave scouts in each area without revealing themselves. For example, they could easily disguise themselves as townsfolk in order to get a better grasp of the area. Even without doing that, he could've negotiated the moment he realized the Princess was trying to make them sacrificial lambs. If they show how competent they are, the entire stupid massacre of townsfolk never would've happened. There's no point in keeping the JSDF's martial prowess a secret if they end up sending a fleet of (randomly dancing WTF??) choppers to the scene.

    But yeah, elf and loli.
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  5. #85
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Oh this was fun to watch.

  6. #86
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    1) They approached the town to trade. Their mission was the escort the three girls.
    2) They found the town was under siege so lent their aid to the commanding officer there.

    In either case, it wasn't their job nor interest to infiltrate it or upset the command there. Once he realised the officer didn't trust his men, he sent help for aerial support.

    The Princess expected to pay dearly for having the JSDF aid them in the end. Imagine what they could have done if all 12 of his squad had their backs open, posted around the city walls? Their strength also comes from fighting as a unit, not as individual hitmen/spies/assassin.

    As for lending himself as a hostage - it meant the knights didn't pursue his men particularly hard. They answer to the princess, so he just needs to follow them and have her explain everything. It is by mere coincidence that he's now in close proximity to blonde ringlets and white roses.

    I don't know about the dancing choppers. I really thought they were just going to blast scary music to freak the enemy out as their "peacekeeping" mission...

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  7. #87
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    In either case, it wasn't their job nor interest to infiltrate it or upset the command there. Once he realised the officer didn't trust his men, he sent help for aerial support.

    The Princess expected to pay dearly for having the JSDF aid them in the end. Imagine what they could have done if all 12 of his squad had their backs open, posted around the city walls? Their strength also comes from fighting as a unit, not as individual hitmen/spies/assassin.
    The thing is Itami isn't that stupid. The Empire already knows how strong the SDF is, they've lost 5-6 armies to it.

    But what they didn't know is how little the cost is for the SDFs overwhelming power. It doesn't take them years of weaning dragons for aerial cavalry, it doesn't require mages upon mages. What Itami accomplished with the "basically nothing" peace accord is showed the Princess that the overwhelming display of power they saw firsthand is something the SDF can routinely do. One of their soldiers can kill a dozen of their shielded fighters in a matter of moments, their armored Pegasus can take out half a battalion is less than a minute...and they brush it off as no big deal or cost.

    They took a pittance for all that effort. A tax exemption, a request that the enemy combatants are imprisoned and not executed, a little information, and a handful of exotic prisoners. They expected him to ask for the entire city or huge shipments of grain.

    That peace accord was more horrifying to the Princess and her attendant than the display of power.

  8. #88
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't see the connection between your post and mine. Was it misquoted?

    Or did you mean the Princess isn't that stupid?

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  9. #89
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The dancing choppers were just the soldiers being warfreaks.

    I didn't say they should become individual hitmen. What they severely lacked in that battle was recon. Itami looked like he was completely unsure what was happening on the other wall, and so many lives could have been saved had he been able to communicate with the Princess. A single representative left with the commander of the forces could've resolved that. I mentioned that that person should disguise himself because you brought up the fact that they didn't trust the Princess (which still sort of doesn't make sense because Itami's "trust" in her led to so many people getting killed).

    That same trust problem extends to lending himself hostage. What's the guarantee that he won't just be suddenly killed when his men scrambled off or when he was shouting and waving telling them to run? Because plot armor.

    I completely understand your point about it not being their business to defend the fortress or save lives (seriously). Itami did what was convenient from his standpoint, making saving the lives of the fort soldiers second priority. That's why I'm finding an inconsistency in the message the show is trying to deliver. Is Itami an idealist or a pragmatist? His actions are all over the place.

    Of course, you can also argue that Itami simply wasn't smart enough to think of contingency plans and completely believed that the brigands would attack their side of the wall.
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  10. #90
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    This is so frustrating to watch. Those girl knights are alive pretty much only cause they´re girls. Had they been guys, Itami didn´t make the impression of having intervened then. So dumb. And of course that enemy harpye girl survived, too. Too much otaku fantasy at work.

    The Rory orgasm was dumb, too, though even dumber was the lack of reaction from the soldiers surrounding her. A goth loli girl is having an audible orgasm and everybody keeps a straight face? LOL

    On the other hand, I really want to see Rory fucked now. Gonna see if i can find doujins or whatever. At least Itami copped a feel. Yay.

    The fighting was boring. Both the helicopters and Rory are way too overpowered. there never was any doubt about who would win.

    Playing music during a mission where you´ll kill human lives is also super fucked up. the commander should lose his rank.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #91
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Don't forget how the choppers kept dancing to the music in midair for no reason. This happened way before they arrived at the battlefield.

    On the other hand, I actually liked Itami's choice of prisoners. It actually answers my question about this show's direction. The plot basically follows Itami's whims, and according to his own mouth, he is an otaku first and a soldier second. Which otaku wouldn't want to be left alone with two hot female knights? His desire to conquer them must have boiled over.
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  12. #92
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    he is an otaku first and a soldier second. Which otaku wouldn't want to be left alone with two hot female knights? His desire to conquer them must have boiled over.
    that´s basically the only explanation that makes sense ... and it´s fucking stupid, lol.

    On a sidenote, shinta: please keep an open eye for hot Rory-pics. She´ ll definitely be the girl for my fall season signature ;P

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #93
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    The fighting was boring. Both the helicopters and Rory are way too overpowered. there never was any doubt about who would win.
    That's the fun part in this show. I'll have to admit that at some point, I want to see them struggle, but that's hopefully a few more eps away and it's probably not the empire that'll give them a hard time but maybe another nation or something.
    Right now, I want them to kick ass and leave an impression.
    If the enemies were to have a chance right now, it'd be even worse in terms of "realism" (lol) and believability

  14. #94
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    well, the enemies having no chance against modern weaponry is okay. But Rory´s power is ridiculous. It´s pretty much "is Rory there? Okay, let´s retreat with our 1000 men army!"


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  15. #95
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What I'm on the fence about was whether Rory would've been fine without help. There were several scenes where enemies snuck up on her flank but were taken out by support. Was she so awesome that she could predict when and where ally fire will come from or was she just really composed despite being in actual danger?
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  16. #96
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have no doubt Itami made the decision to have his troops retreat and let himself become a captive not because of any fancy plans for greater good or anything like that, but because they encountered a group of sexy bishoujo knights and he wanted to become their prisoner. He wants to be manhandled by them hard M style. Otherwise the whole scene simply can't be explained at all as it makes zero sense. The knights were of no consequences as a threat, and if the knights happened to attack first, they wouldn't be protected by any treaty. I don't know if I can really blame him, though: He didn't want to be an active soldier anyway, so maybe this is his dream and fantasy come true.

    I had no problems with the rest of the episode. Like I said before, Itami handled everything professionally by ordering air support instead of risking his own men. He only left for the scene when the choppers were there, so the risk was getting low. Or would have been low without that one lunatic.

  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    I have no doubt Itami made the decision to have his troops retreat and let himself become a captive not because of any fancy plans for greater good or anything like that, but because they encountered a group of sexy bishoujo knights and he wanted to become their prisoner. He wants to be manhandled by them hard M style. Otherwise the whole scene simply can't be explained at all as it makes zero sense. The knights were of no consequences as a threat, and if the knights happened to attack first, they wouldn't be protected by any treaty. I don't know if I can really blame him, though: He didn't want to be an active soldier anyway, so maybe this is his dream and fantasy come true.

    I had no problems with the rest of the episode. Like I said before, Itami handled everything professionally by ordering air support instead of risking his own men. He only left for the scene when the choppers were there, so the risk was getting low. Or would have been low without that one lunatic.
    Itami pretty much only had two choices here:
    1) Open fire on the knights
    2) Surrender

    Only moments ago, he made the first peaceful treaty with the enemy. The last thing he wants to do is cause an incident by slaughtering the princesses' personal knight squad.
    He very quickly had to make the decision, and decided that it would be better to just go with them back to the city and resolve the incident. That is the simplest option and nobody has to get hurt.

    On the episode as a whole, I thought it was pretty good. Quite a few war freaks between the helicopter squad and the crazy CQC soldier girl. I totally believe some people would be like that, though. Especially since the JSDF probably never gets much action.
    The Rorygasm was a bit much, but the stunned looks from the squad were pretty amusing.
    The absolute terror instilled in the princess came across very clearly.

    Pina's attendant staring at the terms trying to figure out how that could possibly be all was pretty funny.

    Itami picking out subhumans actually makes complete sense. Wouldn't you want to take the new species back to learn more about them? Regular humans aren't nearly as interesting, and he already has a few refugees back at the hill.

  18. #98
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    Itami picking out subhumans actually makes complete sense. Wouldn't you want to take the new species back to learn more about them? Regular humans aren't nearly as interesting, and he already has a few refugees back at the hill.
    Completely agree. They have all the intel they'll need for a while on the human nations because of the 1000 silver of information they purchased in lieu of more currency.

    What the SDF severely lacks is information on non-human cultures and how they tie into the geopolitics of the nearby area. The elves were a neutral village, and there may be many more non-human villages out there that Japan can befriend for access to rare goods and to recruit native spies.

    It's not him being an otaku and picking those girls because they are fantasy clichés, so much as him recognizing the potential value of fantasy land non-humans for their political/combat efforts because he is an otaku. A narrow, but very key distinction.

  19. #99
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    It´s just completely unrealistic, how Itami risked his life there. No soldier would do that, and I´m saying that confidently without ever having been one. Give a round of warning shots or something.

    No, he did what he did cause it was a group of sexy lady knights.

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    The Rorygasm was a bit much, but the stunned looks from the squad were pretty amusing.
    screenshot pls

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  20. #100
    Firing warning shots sounds like a surefire way to start a massive battle. They would just assume you're using some magic to create sound as a distraction and charge you or something.
    Itami is also basically held at swordpoint, so they can't really screw around.

    Right after Rory says she's going to go crazy, the two older guys look at each other like "What is wrong with this girl?"
    Then it cuts to the two younger guys who are like "What in the world is going on over there?"
    Considering they probably have no idea what she's even saying, it seemed like a pretty appropriate reaction to me.

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