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Thread: GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

  1. #561
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Your reasoning here is terrible, Kraco.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #562
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's called escapism, I believe. By not going back to Japan, she can avoid facing the finality of her situation. The defence forces also seem to be a great fan of that concept based on how insufferably long Itami entertained Tuka.

    Other than that, I don't know if it's so relevant to speak about good writing and this show in the same sentence. Quite honestly, regardless of if what you said was true or not, it can't shake the general level of writing here.

  3. #563
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, if we take bad writing for granted, I can't complain about anything, can I?
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  4. #564
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You can freely complain that Tuka is still a "major" character while poor Yao is a side character! And that her calling Itami "father" still, even in a teasing manner, is creepy as fuck. That shit should have stopped ASAP.
    (For the record, I find any situation where a woman refers to her husband as "Daddy" also creepy as fuck)

    You can also complain about the recent drops in animation quality.

  5. #565
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Isn't everything you mentioned aside from the animation quality bad writing problems?

    Well, the daddy thing is debatable. Some people actually like that, so it's intentional.
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  6. #566
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    More conceptual than writing imo.

  7. #567
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 22 - HS

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    I was sure it was pre-designed plot to have Shandy seemingly attack Lelei because that would have been the only explanation for Itami & Co apparently dropping all security suddenly after the first attempt. But turns out it was just poor writing. Just like Itami being unable to shoot was.

    Poor Pina. But she had that coming. Everybody can see from 1000 miles away that the new emperor is a scumbag through and through, his own siblings foremost, and the slave bunny is suddenly getting such a lofty attitude despite being nothing but a slave, so there's no reason for Pina to act all relaxed all the time, thinking she's safe and secure no matter what happens. She personally witnessed the other brother evacuating himself as well. Maybe it was her upbringing that caused it. The old emperor, after all, let her play the knight game and probably many other things, so she grew a disposition of believing that while she might not have much concrete power, nothing can happen to her either. She really should have had a look around her, how the empire is collapsing from inside out.

    It's also getting strange how nobody puts a sword through Tyuule. Of course nobody is normally allowed to kill another man's slave, but when the slave acts like a master in front of nobles and other prideful people, she could only blame herself (and in fact it would be Zolzal's own fault for not keeping his slave in check). I guess Zolzal already killed everybody with a backbone.

  8. #568
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'd rather spend my 20 minutes ogling this (Sankaku link. The content is not NSFW, but the ads are.) instead of watching this show nowadays.

    The whole assassination thing suffered from both poor writing and direction. I'm not sure if the text was detailed enough to look this idiotic, but it is the director's job to fix issues like this. See the recent Fate adaptations for reference.

    To be fair, all these attempts at Lelei's life are so stupid I don't think any director could fix them enough to be palatable.

    I hope Pina gets raped by her guards. I mean, she deserves it for being so stupid and spoiled. She even insulted her captor by pointing out her race! She had it coming, alright.

    This show also suffers greatly from the lack of a capable antagonist. Every enemy is, well, as stupid as the dragon...
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Fri, 03-11-2016 at 07:49 PM.
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  9. #569
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    This show is such sexist scum, itīs outrageous. IF YOUīRE FEMALE, YOUīRE IMMUNE TO PUNISHMENT!

    Seriously, wtf?!
    Why does this Nonra bitch get to live? She was hit by 100s of spells, she sould be dead and deservedly so!
    Same goes for, whatīs her name, Shandy? That bitch doesnīt even feel for her murder attempt after getting stopped and demands in everybodyīs presence to kill Leilei. "Fuck Leile, Pina is more important!". As she says herself, she isnīt being tricked. Thatīs truly what she thinks. Kill somebody whoīs worth less to save somebody whoīs worth more. Why is she not harshly punished?!

    Then you have those ridiculous lady knights. From what it looked like, they were outnumbered at least 2:1, rather 3:1. How are the keeping their position?! This is such bullshit. "Weīre pretty, so weīre stronger!" No other explanation to be found.

    And now the JSDF will officially intervene. *yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn* Once again the JSDF showcases its imperialistic bullshit.


    Also fuck Pina. See, Kraco, this is where youīre simply wrong. Painting a picture where Zolzal is sooo bad and evil. Guess what, if the Empire had been such a healthy place all along, none of that shit could happen now. Those lifeless looking prison guards? They didnīt come into existence yesterday. Pina at best simply ignored how rotten her homeplace is. Sheīs the worst, a dumb, naive, uncaring aristocratic bitch that tries to act all high and mighty when itīs not her call anymore.
    And no idea why you think Tyuule acts out of her league. Sheīs Zolzalīs right hand as I predicted :P

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  10. #570
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Then you have those ridiculous lady knights. From what it looked like, they were outnumbered at least 2:1, rather 3:1. How are the keeping their position?! This is such bullshit. "Weīre pretty, so weīre stronger!" No other explanation to be found.
    They already said in the episode the imperial troops had no moral and motivation. They didn't want to fight. So, they fought extremely poorly and only because they are afraid their families would suffer if they didn't at least seem like they were fighting. This is what happens when the coup isn't carefully planned and slow enough. The troops and the general attitude among the population isn't yet so bad that ordinary soldiers would slaughter their own fellow (human) citizens without so much as a blink. It was only the death squad that could do that. They were probably former inmates or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Also fuck Pina. See, Kraco, this is where youīre simply wrong. Painting a picture where Zolzal is sooo bad and evil. Guess what, if the Empire had been such a healthy place all along, none of that shit could happen now. Those lifeless looking prison guards? They didnīt come into existence yesterday. Pina at best simply ignored how rotten her homeplace is. Sheīs the worst, a dumb, naive, uncaring aristocratic bitch that tries to act all high and mighty when itīs not her call anymore.
    And no idea why you think Tyuule acts out of her league. Sheīs Zolzalīs right hand as I predicted :P
    When did I ever say it was a good place? The old emperor was also a villain who managed to get all of the nearby kings to thrown their armies against the Japanese to greatly weaken their power. He also allowed Zolzal to wage his genocide war campaigns. Who knows what else happened during his reign. However, it was still a much better place than right now for the human citizens.

    Tyuule is a nonhuman slave. Her people have no rights whatsoever. Only humans have any rights. Currently only those humans that don't resist Zolzal's (that is, Tyuule's) plans at all. She's a contradiction. She only gained her position because Zolzal has the wits of a rubber boot but an ambition the size of a mountain, so he's constantly relying on her because alone he would have no idea what to do. Too bad he's so stupid he doesn't even realise what Tyuule is doing is destroying his realm.

  11. #571
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    When Zolzal wins at the end, Iīll accept your apology!

    (yeah, yeah, Itami and his harem are immune to failure ... )

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  12. #572
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 23 - HS

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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    When Zolzal wins at the end, Iīll accept your apology!
    It doesn't really look like Zolzal is winning anything. He can't wipe his own ass anymore without asking Tyuule first. It's getting really funny now when Tyuule doesn't even bother to act like a slave in front of Zolzal himself, let alone anyone else. Zolzal is so hopelessly stupid that he needs her input for any single decision, so she can afford to act like this and straightforwardly suggest suicidal actions with no need to try to mask them as anything else. I'd be quite surprised, though, if Tyuule was totally satisfied with allowing someone else to kill Zolzal if and when her plans are nearing the finish line. Surely she wants to be the one to do the last deed, and preferably so slowly that she'll have time to explain to him how she used him to destroy his own empire.

  13. #573
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think Mfauli was just kidding the entire time and just stating what he wishes would happen. Everyone knows Zolzal is gonna get this kinda treatment sooner or later.

    Pina is seriously overreacting. They keep slaves all in those rooms all the time...
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  14. #574
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Why is Gotwoot offline so often? Not the first time it was unavailable for several days. I have to try and channel my reaction from when I just got done watching this. Uh.

    This anime was written by the most obnoxious feminazi, wasnīt it?! This was maybe the worst episode in anime in ... forever. Kraco, please explain to me how this episode was fun to watch. Please. I cannot see it. So we have stupid Zolzal (who turned out to be as stupid as he was shown in the beginnin; so much for my hope thereīd be a surprise) and his helpless soldiers getting slaughtered by the JSDF, accompanied with glorifying music and ... weīre supposed to cheer for that? To find that exciting?!

    This series has it ultra backwards when it comes to tension, excitement and drama. Because there never was. The one chance for drama was when loli girl hoped to be saved by Sugawara-sama, but even then the anime just shat on realistic behavior and had the sitation resolved within minutes of it occurring. No tension, no excitement. And now this episode. WOOHOO, thousands of male knights are slaughtered without the slightest chance of fighting back, while female soldiers and the lady knights all survive. Of course, Zolzal gets ridiculed, too, and Tyuule gets what she wants. Then this JSDF leader waits for NO reason, only to maw down another 100 soldiers to save Beefeater and Blondie.

    And then Iīve probably forgotten about some shit that deserves to be called out. Oh, how about stupid ass Pina? As shinta said, sheīs just in prison, dumb bitch. Although it makes no sense why the JSDF wouldnīt just go in an free her. Itīs not like there is any resistance.

    Fuck this shit, fuck this anime.

    I really canīt tell if this is the most obnoxious feminazi power fantasie, or if the author is the biggest egotistical white knight and just went like "alright, I am Itami. I get the girls, I save them from the evil guys, and they love me forever. Ok, letīs start working!" :|

    Kraco, again, please tell me how that was enjoyable. And donīt you dare reply with "it was fun to see Zolzal losing", because that was so obvious from the start, there cannot have been ANY satisfaction about that. When Light loses at the end of Death Note, when the king loses at the end of Code Geass, when Ganon loses at the end of The Legend of Zelda, THAT is fun to witness, because these enemies were competent, they put up a fight, so beating them down feels good (although Iīm a Light-fan). This episode was as if I killed ants. Except when I kill thousands of ants, Iīm not celebrated.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #575
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think the show is trying to get sympathy from the viewers as fellow denizens of the modern (Japanese) era, so you root for the JSDF because you are part of their team, not the other world's.

    Good or bad, I don't think the show ever wanted show any tension in these kinds of scenes. It's intended to be a one-sided massacre to satisfy pawnage fantasies.
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  16. #576
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I celebrated when I killed thousands of ants because those ants were being fuckers and biting my balls in my sleep. I used to think badly about it but getting bitten again drove that thought away.

    The idea is that you feel the same way about the prince taking political prisoners and shit. Your disappointment was bound to happen since your hope in Zolzal x Tyuule was founded on nothing but your own hope. Evidence all points otherwise. It was bound to happen.

    Pina wasn't rescued since JSDF didn't know about her. They were to evacuate Jade palace primarily, along with other supporters. The princess was supposed to be safe in her palace with the prince.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #577
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Kraco, again, please tell me how that was enjoyable. And donīt you dare reply with "it was fun to see Zolzal losing", because that was so obvious from the start, there cannot have been ANY satisfaction about that.
    Nah, the gradual progress of watching Tyuule use Zolzal to destroy his own empire is the entertaining part. Zolzal has an ego the size of Mount Everest, but the wits the size of a single grain of sand from a beach. The empire was handed to him by Tyuule, and he was all ecstatic and immediately launched his petty tyranny thinking he's the greatest man... on whatever planet it is. Yet most of his actions were in fact designed by Tyuule to ruin the very empire, not make it stronger like Zolzal was all the time imagining. How is that not funny?

  18. #578
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    So you think this was an enjoyable anime, because one helpless villain got defeated? Because thatīs what it comes down to.

    Would Death Note have been as great, if L had caught Light in episode 1 from him posting on Twitter "awesome, I found this book that can kill people I write in it!"?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #579
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I liked you better when you rooted for Squealer. At least he was intelligent and had his own manner of agency.

    Now you're just whining.

  20. #580
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Not because but how. One evil character defeats another evil character. There's certain style in that. The role the Japanese had in that was like the role a natural disaster. Besides, Zolzal could have become a solid emperor just fine, had he used his own head or those of capable advisors. But unfortunately he's so brainless he made an enemy of the state his highest confidant and got rid of all the actually wise and skillful people. But then again, even Numenoreans did that, so it happens to better people as well.

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