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Thread: GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

  1. #201
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Actually, that logic works for dragons as well. Just don't build your houses anywhere near its territory. If it decides to fly and pawn you, you just run, pray, and/or give up.

    The same applies to catastrophes. Typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. claim many lives every year even if humans try their best to avoid and prepare for them.
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  2. #202
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Are Washington, Berlin or Paris built in earthquake or tornado zones? no? q.e.d.

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  3. #203
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Are the castle and cities of their world built near the dragon's nest? No?

    And there are several capitals around the world that suffer from typhoons, earthquakes, and floods, such as Tokyo and Manila.
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  4. #204
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    ffs, shinta, unless we attain new information that says otherwise, a dragon is a free-minded being that can fly wherever it wants to. You canīt take precautions against it, which is why i was wondering how the people in this world deal with it.

    tsunami are singular events with predictable "attack patterns". Earthqakes are countered by using specially built structures. So ... what is in place to "counter" a dragon? I can accept this "it is what it is" attitude for smaller villages, but again what if it decides to fly towards the capital of a major nation? King and everybody forsaken their wealth on a whim? hard to believe.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    ffs, shinta, unless we attain new information that says otherwise, a dragon is a free-minded being that can fly wherever it wants to. You canīt take precautions against it, which is why i was wondering how the people in this world deal with it.

    tsunami are singular events with predictable "attack patterns". Earthqakes are countered by using specially built structures. So ... what is in place to "counter" a dragon? I can accept this "it is what it is" attitude for smaller villages, but again what if it decides to fly towards the capital of a major nation? King and everybody forsaken their wealth on a whim? hard to believe.
    I'm going with "Magic Caster summoning of Ainz Ooal Gown or Narberal Gamma".

  6. #206
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Mfauli - You do realize that the other world is a backward one right? That is the premise and point of this show after all.

    "It is what it is" makes perfect sense. Even in our world, before the advent of earthquake prediction devices and specialized buildings, people just lived with it. The same goes for typhoons and the like. People read the patterns and tried to stay out of the way.

    The same can be said for dragons. A creature has behavioral patterns, territories, etc. Learning about those and staying out of its way is a perfectly feasible way of dealing with it.

    That said, I think the king (or someone under him) is controlling the fire dragon. It attacked a village right after the king said he wanted to burn the villages on the way to the capital (scorched earth tactics) to stop the foreign invaders.
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  7. #207
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure they mentionned the dragon's rampage was something unusual. But that was in the early eps so I don't remember clearly.

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  8. #208
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I'm pretty sure they mentionned the dragon's rampage was something unusual. But that was in the early eps so I don't remember clearly.
    Yeah, but that doesn't mean someone with suitable knowledge and power couldn't have initiated it. It's not like the villagers would know the king sent the dragon there. They would only know a dragon came and burned everything down. It would be a different matter if the king was using it all the time. I reckon there are some difficulties and restrictions since the dragon never attacked the JSDF base. Assuming it was indeed sent by the king.

  9. #209
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Someone shot it in the eye with an arrow in the first place. Who that is remains to be seen.

    It doesn't seem to be Tuka's people, but then again it may be. She knew that firing at its good eye was a good way to drive it off.

  10. #210
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    nothing here answered my question, though: how do the natives deal with a fire dragon?
    You send them virgins, like any other story.

    The was looking for Tuka, but now he wants to try Dark Elf.

    Other than that, normally people try blinding the dragon and force it to crash. Then they swarm it with numbers. Dragon scales have a price, which means at least they're obtainable somehow.

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  11. #211
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Dumb episode with lots of annoying scenes.

    What I will ask, though: So how do these people deal with fire dragons usually?
    They don't, it's as simple as exactly is that a problem?
    If a village gets destroyed, they'll resettle somewhere else.

    It's pretty much like asking how animals deal with humans destroying/taking over their habitats
    Bigger castles are probably at least able to defend against it (with heavy casualties of course) with magic and siege weapons.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 09-16-2015 at 11:49 AM.

  12. #212
    Looks like they decided to split the series:

    The 12th and final episode of the GATE (Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri) anime announced on Saturday that the series will continue with a second cour (quarter of the year) in January. The second cour will cover the "Flame Dragon Arc."

    Not sure if it'll return as a continuation of the series, or if it'll come with a different title.

  13. #213
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Episode 12 HS 1080

    So we have to wait till january ?

    Little detail... It's officially "millefeuille" and it a pastry that combines some ideas from italy but is credited to french creators...
    It was somehow hard to accept how it was presented as a japanese cake. Or it's just I'm oversensitive... Or I'm more inclined to point that out in an anime that sometimes gives nationalist vibes.

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  14. #214
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Or I'm more inclined to point that out in an anime that sometimes gives nationalist vibes.
    Sometimes? This is 100% comedically nationalistic. It's so hilarious, especially when something so blatantly non-Japanese is praised as the culmination of Japanese ingenuity. That's no propaganda or anything like that, it's parody. The series would be terrible and insufferable if it was that full of serious nationalism. When it's comedy, it works.

    Poor dark elf, but the officer's words were of course correct. It would be a big deal if they invaded a part of another country without an invitation. I reckon the dark elves have pretty much nothing to do with the government of the land within they live, so it must have sounded next to incomprehensible in her (long) ears. The best course of action would be to get a permission from the ruler of that land, but that might be difficult. The ruler probably doesn't give a single shit about the elf tribe, but allowing foreign forces to cross the border would be troublesome. Only if there was a danger of the dragon attacking other places, the situation might change.

    Good call for the dark elf to antagonize Itami right off the bat. If Itami wasn't so asexual, she might indeed be better off offering her body. Not that he would easily accept in his bothersome position of high publicity.

  15. #215
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    This anime makes so little sense, itīs frustrating at times. I can understand that somebody would seek help because of that dragon. But not only is it slightly arrogant to assume that nicely asking and giving some money will solve all problems. Itīs also infinitely ridiculous that, DESPITE somebody whoīs in charge told her they wouldnīt be able to help, some underlings then proceed to instill hope in her, saying "Itami might do it". Not only are they undermining the chain of commands, it also begs the question why Itami, whoīs not the leader of the whole thing, would be able to solely decide to send in forces to help with the dragon.
    It makes NO sense.

    Other than that, this anime really has no story. Every episode feels like a complete fresh start. And now, 12 episodes later, still nothing of importance has happened. It feels like weīre still in the introductionary phase of the story. This show does such a bad job, always switching between characters. I donīt care enough about this dark elf as to spend a whole episode on her. Show me when she finally meets Itami again, thatīs enough. I want a coherent story where I can follow a hero and see him develop and progress whatever story. Everything is spread so thinly, thereīs no meat in this anime.

    All of the above may sound very harsh and you might wonder why I keep watching it then. Well, this anime really feeds off its initial premise and setting: Our present real world clashing with a stereotypical fantasy world. It sucks that this concept couldnīt be used in a more competent, interesting way.

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  16. #216
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    It makes NO sense.
    It makes plenty of sense for two reasons: Itami is a celebrity and he has connections to the denizens of that fantasy world as well, not only in Japan. In the civilized world the armed forces can only do what the civilians allow them to do, in practice the elected politicians. The self-defence forces rightfully are worried about the political situation because that's where all of their mandates come from. However, precisely because it's the civilian world (an otaku world in this series) and because it's politics, Itami can do much more than regular generals and colonels. If somebody else does it, it's careless abuse of power, if Itami does it, it's heroics serving human rights and justice.

    This isn't really supposed to have a story. Did the second world war have a story? No, it was just a sequence of events with much causality. Forcing a linear, clear story into this series would have ruined what little there is to ruin.

  17. #217
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Last I knew, Itami is still part of the Japanese army forces. It doesnīt matter that those medieval folks see him as a hero. He has to obey Japanese law and his armyīs chain of command. So it makes no sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Did the second world war have a story?
    Thereīs a ton of fantastic WW2-movies that tell great stories.

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  18. #218
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Last I knew, Itami is still part of the Japanese army forces. It doesnīt matter that those medieval folks see him as a hero. He has to obey Japanese law and his armyīs chain of command. So it makes no sense.
    He's a hero to the Japanese as well. It was last time said in this very episode. He's an even bigger hero after the diet hearing, especially among the younger folks and everybody tired of rotten politicians.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Thereīs a ton of fantastic WW2-movies that tell great stories.
    This isn't a movie. It's trying to depict a war and it's consequences, not the story of someone or a group of someones. We do have main characters, though, since nobody would watch this show (or buy BDs) if there weren't any. However, it's fine for me they avoided a strong story. Makes this more realistic (as funny as it is to use that word when talking about this series).

  19. #219
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Makes this more realistic.
    Calling you out on BS.
    Many times over in this thread people told me "this show isnīt going for realism" when i criticized that the one thing that makes this anime interesting (clash between reality and fantasy) is ruined when you donīt depict our real world in a realistic manner. Now youīre praising it for its realism. Please choose one :/

    And it doesnīt matter if Itami is a hero for the Japanese. Heroes in our real world donīt get special treatment when it comes to military matters.

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  20. #220
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's a structural choice, not tied to whether the story, setting, or characters are otherwise realistic. If you want absolute realism, then you haven't seen a single realistic war movie in your whole life, nor will you ever see, unless you watch a movie made out of pure video footage from a real war. Won't have a really strong story and main characters, that one. There was an anime reaching for that, about a fictional future war, called Flag, and it was a bitch to watch, as interesting as it was otherwise. Something like the American Sniper was quite an interesting war movie, but it didn't tell about a war. It told about one man in the war.

    What military matters? He gets special treatment what comes to political matters (in good and bad, as I'm sure he made plenty of enemies). Politicians tell the military what to do. The military obeys the best it can.

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