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Thread: Overlord

  1. #21
    Watched all 3 episodes, first two were alright going through the motions of entertainment, but the 3rd episode I thought it was great. Really violent too. Looking forward to more of it.

  2. #22
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    It's an interesting aspect Momonga's emotions are stunted due to being an undead, yet he realises it himself, as a player.
    Intellectually he's intact, and he's experienced emotions before so it all makes sense.

    Albedo's armour was great. I never expected that despite forewarned with "fully armed". Grasp Heart would easily become my favourite spell as well. It's the epitome of assassination really.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Very shrewed developments Momonga is steering. Glad he still has, at least intellectually, some compassion for the weak.

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 4 - HS

    - - -- - - --

    I'm starting to think Ains would really benefit from having another player around. Right now he has nobody in whose company he could relax. He must always play the role when in his own people's company. Actually he needed to play a double role when in the human village. No doubt his new undead mentality will help with that, but as we see continuously, he still needs to act. Naturally it's far better this way since it's a major positive aspect of the character, as opposed to simply watching a story of some regular demon king leading his troops. It's kind of sad he needs to stay in the role the most in Albedo's company.

    Another great episode, divided between Ains's calculations and straightforward asskicking. Good thing these were still early opponents as he's been quite OP so far. As much fun as it has been to watch people standing and staring in awe before dropping dead. No doubt there are tougher individuals out there, just waiting for a chance to face him. But until then he needs to be at least this powerful since he's just an ignorant leader of a tomb of monsters whereas the opponents are old empires and kingdoms. Being a monster, he's by default an enemy to the humans, creating another weakness.

    He needs to let his underlings do some fighting, though. Albedo only got a tiny chance to show her skills now. I want to see her fight more! And the rest of them as well.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Episode 4 - HS

    - - -- - - --

    I'm starting to think Ains would really benefit from having another player around. Right now he has nobody in whose company he could relax. He must always play the role when in his own people's company. Actually he needed to play a double role when in the human village. No doubt his new undead mentality will help with that, but as we see continuously, he still needs to act. Naturally it's far better this way since it's a major positive aspect of the character, as opposed to simply watching a story of some regular demon king leading his troops. It's kind of sad he needs to stay in the role the most in Albedo's company.

    Another great episode, divided between Ains's calculations and straightforward asskicking. Good thing these were still early opponents as he's been quite OP so far. As much fun as it has been to watch people standing and staring in awe before dropping dead. No doubt there are tougher individuals out there, just waiting for a chance to face him. But until then he needs to be at least this powerful since he's just an ignorant leader of a tomb of monsters whereas the opponents are old empires and kingdoms. Being a monster, he's by default an enemy to the humans, creating another weakness.

    He needs to let his underlings do some fighting, though. Albedo only got a tiny chance to show her skills now. I want to see her fight more! And the rest of them as well.
    Was disappointed with the action and level of violence. I think episode 3 spoiled me.

    Just in case, there's a scene after the credits in this episode.
    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 07-28-2015 at 10:22 PM.

  6. #26
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    As expected, nothing is scarier than pissing off Alberdo. Nothing

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  7. #27
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    And at the end Albedo is looking all happy and barely containing herself when she is thinking that he was so freaking cool.

  8. #28
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 05 - HS

    - - ---- --

    I can't blame the adventurer; the maid warrior is really beautiful. Even if she thinks all humans are vermin.

    This episode brought my first gripe with this show, which is quite remarkable considering we are already 5 eps in. Namely the overlord is a part-timer subplot. He complains he doesn't have money, but since he's a level 100 player, he must have tons upon tons of gold, silver, and precious stones stashed away. So what if the coins are foreign? Just melt them and cast into bars so nobody is none the wiser when seeing them. Gold is gold. A coin from medieval times was only worth as much as the metal it was made of is worth. Something costs half a silver? Snap a silver coin in half, and voila! There were coins only because it could save a little time from weighing, thus speeding up business, and various powers liked to feel proud with their own coins.

    I don't expect him to toil like a n00b for a moment, though, so I guess my worry is purely academic. We are already seeing a third power that's going to mess with his first mission, after all. In the end he knows so little that no matter what he's doing in the city or no matter who he's talking to, he's always going to learn a lot, and that knowledge is what he's after, the money doesn't matter.

  9. #29
    Wished episodes were longer, really enjoying this one even this episode was purely a set-up one.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    This episode brought my first gripe with this show, which is quite remarkable considering we are already 5 eps in. Namely the overlord is a part-timer subplot. He complains he doesn't have money, but since he's a level 100 player, he must have tons upon tons of gold, silver, and precious stones stashed away. So what if the coins are foreign? Just melt them and cast into bars so nobody is none the wiser when seeing them. Gold is gold. A coin from medieval times was only worth as much as the metal it was made of is worth. Something costs half a silver? Snap a silver coin in half, and voila! There were coins only because it could save a little time from weighing, thus speeding up business, and various powers liked to feel proud with their own coins.

    I don't expect him to toil like a n00b for a moment, though, so I guess my worry is purely academic. We are already seeing a third power that's going to mess with his first mission, after all. In the end he knows so little that no matter what he's doing in the city or no matter who he's talking to, he's always going to learn a lot, and that knowledge is what he's after, the money doesn't matter.
    Well since I've read the LN I don't know how much they'll expand on this but he has a few reasons for not using any of his gold, they just skipped it in the adaptation so far. Just felt like mentioning that it's more because of the adaptation than his actions.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
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    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  11. #31
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The entire adventurer subplot for info is ridiculous. He is ridiculously powerful. He can just interrogate some dude for that info without wasting so much time. In fact, he could've gotten tons of info from angel priest in the episode before this, but he didn't. If this is about him being moral, well, he pawns humans left and right just because they don't agree with him.
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  12. #32
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The entire adventurer subplot for info is ridiculous.
    I wouldn't be so adamant about the ridiculousness. Let's not forget he's a player, even if this new reality kind of messes with his emotions. But still he's practically speaking in the position of a gamer whose favourite game got a massive new expansion. No doubt a part of him just wants to go adventuring and experiencing the new place just like he used to, despite the fact he's vastly OP and few things could oppose him. Thus that part doesn't bother me as it makes sense. Just the earning money part was stupid, I guess because I don't know what Fireheart knows.

  13. #33
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Then he should say that in his monologue. It's a problem of delivery. He explains his adventurer scheme as if it's some brilliant plan when it really is a time waster. If he just wants to have fun, that's fine. Make sure that's what you tell the audience. A single internal line like, "What player wouldn't want to OP the early levels of an RPG?" should suffice.

    Even if that did happen though, I still don't like it. This feels like the author's wish fulfillment of starting an adventure RPG at level 100... which is exactly what is happening.
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  14. #34
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I suppose he's taking his responsibility as the lord of the tomb seriously enough that he had to come up with excuses even to himself. He did note much earlier that he needs to infiltrate and check out the city personally. That's more or less confessing he just wants to adventure. I do agree that taking such a formal way around it by joining guilds and shit is very dodgy writing. It's not like he would be expecting to hit the main story of the game or anything by doing that. He's merely out to learn about the world and the powers within. Hardly any need to join the guild as a newbie for that. In fact it poses the danger of revealing too much. In the end every second he spends learning about others by socialising, the others will also equally learn about him. The others just have little to hide, whereas he has everything to hide. Even if he wanted to check if the adventurers' guild has other players, there would be other ways to do it.

  15. #35
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I dunno, flooding the new world economy with the ludicrous amounts of gold that the tomb has is probably a very bad idea. Word will get out very quickly and they'll have an army at their door, potentially including other Level 99 player characters. Like showing up in a favela and asking if they can cash a travelers check for $10,000.

    He already screwed up without realizing it by giving out a potion before seeing what the denizens of this world are capable of making on their own.

    I imagine he thought about the gold, but missed the less obvious aspect of giving away super rare items that he (as a caster/crafter) feels are basically trash.

  16. #36
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Shinta, remember what he said, that they should move forward assuming the enemy is stronger than they are? He's moving with caution. It's not a bad idea.

    All this talk has made me keen for another Elder Scroll game

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  17. #37
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I dunno, flooding the new world economy with the ludicrous amounts of gold that the tomb has is probably a very bad idea. Word will get out very quickly and they'll have an army at their door, potentially including other Level 99 player characters. Like showing up in a favela and asking if they can cash a travelers check for $10,000.
    Umm... Yeah. I didn't actually mean he would buy the whole capital city. He would ruin no economy by having some cash in his pockets, to use whenever he needs to, in shops and taverns, within reason. He's walking in a suit of armor that makes the other adventurers drool, so it's far more suspicious he has no money. They'll think he stole the armor from somewhere, or even murdered and robbed his former lord and then fled to this city.

  18. #38
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Shinta, remember what he said, that they should move forward assuming the enemy is stronger than they are? He's moving with caution. It's not a bad idea.
    So he gives away a potion without considering its value even though he should know better being a level 100 player?

    Moreover, proceeding with caution and exposing yourself to great risk of discovery (like he is doing right now) does not compute. Even his random attempt at "leading" the conversation with the mission receptionist to get a high difficulty bronze job is poorly written. He could've just asked for it. His ignorance was no less exposed with his outright bragging.

    The biggest problem with the current development isn't his motivation. It's his execution. If even the audience, who is certainly not as familiar with him about the game, has better and faster ideas than he does, then his actions come off as illogical. Illogical is fine if he himself is fine with it, but if he actually believes his adventurer roleplaying is a good idea, well, it makes the entire thing unbelievable.
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  19. #39
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    So he gives away a potion without considering its value even though he should know better being a level 100 player?

    Moreover, proceeding with caution and exposing yourself to great risk of discovery (like he is doing right now) does not compute. Even his random attempt at "leading" the conversation to get a high difficulty bronze job is poorly written. He could've just asked for it. His ignorance was no less exposed with his outright bragging.
    He stuffed up the potion thing. It was a rash decision forced on him when his maid was ready to kill the guy. Kind of like a certain hostage in another show.

    I didn't have a problem with the conversation. It wasn't exactly his intention to ask for the highest bronze quest. He didn't even know there were limits to what he can and can't do with his rank or how strictly they were enforced. If he just asked, he'd seem like a noob and also be declaring that he can't read when they point him back to the board (lazy bum). Now instead, his request was fulfilled (by an obligation of sorts) because the counter staff knocked him back.

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  20. #40
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It WAS his intention to ask for the highest bronze quest. His internal comment at the end of that conversation says that much. His tantrum about wanting a mission that is not available for his rank screams noob more than anything else. The better execution would be: "I'm a bad ass, and so is my friend. Give me the hardest bronze quest here." Done. That way, he just looks lazy or wants to check if there are other jobs not put on the board, much like the job he got with his new friends.
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