@Kraco - Will the lizards and all these random characters introduced in S2 appear again in S3 based on what you know from the books? Because if they don't, WTF was this season?
Oh well.
No complaints then.
Instead of 6 episodes if reptile sex, I'd like to see just one episode with a sexy scene featuring that blonde adamantite class leader chick with the big boobs.
Not Kraco but whatever, Lizards might have some minor appearances depending on if they include those scenes or not. Looking back on the books they don't really have a big presence, it's mostly in this arc and then they show up here and there throughout the books. Most arcs from now on will focus on the humans or Ains side.
You are here alone again
In your sweet insanity
All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
When all the world turns away to leave you lonely
Nabe chilling with her friends was the best scene in this episode. I'm also over Evileye now. She's also not that strong after all, she was just lucky to run into someone who was weak against bug spray.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I actually really like Evileye. She might be the only thing I liked in this entire season. Loli vampire immortals that aren't "ohohoho" (Shaltear) types are kinda rare.
Shaltears Human form looked pretty dope though. I prefer that Vampire over Evileye...
Evileyes "fall for Momon" was so quick, it was pretty unbelievable, she should've had some form of pride considering that she is probably the strongest adventurer "mankind" has to offer. (Even by anime standards)
Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 04-04-2018 at 10:16 AM.
That's why she fell for him. HE was the strongest adventurer of mankind in her perspective and also saved her life... The strong favor the strong and whatnot.
People have fallen in love for much less.
If they had had one episode less of lizardmen, they could have included a bit more of Evileye's thought processes. As it is, how could it have been anything but quick with so few seconds to spend on it?
Lizardmen could've been done in 2 episodes, 3 if you include the whole Ice Roach part. 5, or was it 6? was an absolutely stupid choice on the director's part. They have to understand that anime =! light novel. You can't just skim over boring parts and focus on important plot points.
You can totally skip adapting unimportant parts and focus on exciting action scenes instead and have a great adaptation.
All the readers who keep complaining about missing details in the adaptations of their favorite works should watch Overlord (and last parts of UBW) so they understand what the alternative is.
I'm a little confused as to how Brain knew that Shaltear was Shaltear. So looked NOTHING like she did the last time he saw her.
I don't have any problem with this season. Less parts getting their full focus is only a problem if it's at the expense of better parts. But since the series is going to continue on, that doesn't seem to be the case. There's nothing we "aren't getting" because the Lizardman arc happened.
True, but the slow pacing makes it a boring watch. I would prefer not having to force myself to watch this just to get to the good parts. I want most, if not all, the parts to be enjoyable.
Like, even if they animated the rest of the Haruhi LNs, I'd still think Endless Eight was utter pretentious garbage.
So, is it fair to guess that the person that shouldn't be killed was Climb? Or why did Shaltear stop herself?
That actually confused the heck out of me. That whole scene made little sense.
As for nailclipper recognizing Shaltear despite the disguise, I'm guessing it's a presence/aura/powah level thing.
There's a good example of what should have gotten a little more focus at the expense of the super details about lizard society: Brain's character arc.
Probably one of the best parts of this season.
In S1, he goes from arrogant fighter who is reasonably sure he's number 2 in the whole country, if not several (guard captain guy being noted as #1) to quivering baby who found out his ability barely even registers on the full scale of the world. Someone not even worth killing.
S2, he starts from rock bottom, gets bitched out, gets back up, helps useless Climb...
/Ryll is found in a moat with a slit throat.
/Ryll gets resurrected.
...helps Climb gain more confidence after the boost that Sebas gave Climb, and starts helping Climb reach his own potential. He begins to accept that there are many people in the world far stronger than him (like Sebas), but Brain can aid people at his own bracket just as effectively. He's still a master of his trade and skill sets as a swordsman.
Then, when he strikes at Shalltear again, he's doing it not because he needs to prove his strength, not because of his arrogance. He faces her to gain time for the others, fully expecting to die. But he breaks her nail instead.
He's proven that he was never at his peak potential back in S1 and like he discussed with Guard Captain Guy. He still has more places to grow. He became stagnant, and now he's not.
That's a damn good character arc we could have used to see a little more of, and less lizard porn.
I would've also liked to get to know Evileye more, considering she was one of the most powerful on the human side (well she is a vampire though...).
I totally did not need to see tails slapping the ground 5x in one episode, and many more times after that...