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Thread: Dragon Ball Super

  1. #1301
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    There's still the fellows from whichever universe who are hiding their contestants (the ones who appeared to have 8 individuals but still contained 10 beings).

    Vegeta trying out Ultra Instinct was pretty funny.

    Punching through the head of someone would normally make you concerned about killing them. But whatever, good riddance.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #1302
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Punching through the head of someone would normally make you concerned about killing them. But whatever, good riddance.
    Well, I think that form, whatever it was, was just some kind of giant energy construct and not her actual body.

  3. #1303
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    There's still the fellows from whichever universe who are hiding their contestants (the ones who appeared to have 8 individuals but still contained 10 beings).
    I have a feeling they are there to pad their numbers for when time runs out and aren't strong at all

  4. #1304
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Here's to hoping Universe 6 loses and Piccolo fused with those other two. That way a part of their Universe lives on. Also a nice power boost for the guy.

  5. #1305
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Well, I think that form, whatever it was, was just some kind of giant energy construct and not her actual body.
    It most likely is given how this worked, but as someone from a different universe you wouldn't know that, and you'd be risking disqualification because of it.

    Back to Ultra Instinct, I think it's weird that Goku's punches are lacking power because of it. UI is about speed and reacting to threats. That's the whole mechanism of it. Performing the best attack when the opportunity opens up would be its offensive application, but to suggest that Goku hasn't mastered offence by having him throw light punches doesn't fit the mechanism at all.

    Instead, if Goku loses UI for an instant during attacks and makes himself vulnerable because he's thinking then it'd be much more in line with how we're told UI works. It'd be effectively similar to how Hit used his timeskip at first.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #1306
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    Here's to hoping Universe 6 loses and Piccolo fused with those other two. That way a part of their Universe lives on. Also a nice power boost for the guy.
    That's my hope as well. That, as they start to get beaten by Piccolo and Gohan, the U6 Namekians will fuse together.

    And then, after being defeated anyway, knowing that once they are thrown off, U6 will be erased, they ask Piccolo to fuse with them so that the Namekians of U6 can "live on" inside him as you said.

  7. #1307
    that would be what? 5 of them in there?

  8. #1308
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Well, regardless of what Dragonball Abridged would have you believe, Namekian fusion doesn't seem to work like any of the other fusions.

    There's no hybrid personality there. One Namekian absorbs the other and the other just kind of disappears.

  9. #1309
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    It most likely is given how this worked, but as someone from a different universe you wouldn't know that, and you'd be risking disqualification because of it.

    Back to Ultra Instinct, I think it's weird that Goku's punches are lacking power because of it. UI is about speed and reacting to threats. That's the whole mechanism of it. Performing the best attack when the opportunity opens up would be its offensive application, but to suggest that Goku hasn't mastered offence by having him throw light punches doesn't fit the mechanism at all.

    Instead, if Goku loses UI for an instant during attacks and makes himself vulnerable because he's thinking then it'd be much more in line with how we're told UI works. It'd be effectively similar to how Hit used his timeskip at first.
    from what i understood UI is not about "Reacting" to threats, more than disconnecting his brain from his muscles and letting them act on their own.

    there is a thing called muscle memory, for example if you do the same task a number times you can actually keep doing the same task without thinking about the task and even with closed eyes, think of UI as an advance technique of muscle memory. in the end goku has been fighting now for more than 45 years (he is 44 right now but that doesnt counts all the years in the time chamber) and has been training with god like powers for 2 years so his body is already accustomed to the same task over and over and over.

    so right now his body is moving on its own in the most fluent way possible, and when doing so he is using as less energy as possible so by keeping doing the same kind of movement his punches are way weaker because they have almost no energy

  10. #1310
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Why did nobody have anything to say about last week's climax to the biggest fight we've had so far in this arc, but this stupid episode has 10 replies to it already?

  11. #1311
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I ask a similar question whenever I see this thread being updated all the time.
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  12. #1312
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    UI is lazy writing. The way they are describing UI is that you do not need to think. Pretty much Meditate and forget even training. Muscle memory plays zero part in how they are describing UI.

    UI can be obtained by the weakest person just from meditating and clearing your mind. Not thinking is the key then UI is pretty much for anyone and everyone.

    That's not a technique or even a form of anything. That's pretty much just the state of mind. Which makes absolutely no sense at all because that throws training out the window and forgets the strengths of each character and gets rid of the notion of Super Saiyan and then there is really no need to strive to better yourself or become strong.

    You can take Yamcha and within 30 seconds can have UI and just demolish everything.

    Also, the state of being really angry is also the same exact state as UI. When a person is angry there zero thinking. UI is pretty much a joke.

  13. #1313
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    UI can be obtained by the weakest person just from meditating and clearing your mind. Not thinking is the key then UI is pretty much for anyone and everyone.
    Good. I'm sick and tired of upgrades only Goku and Vegeta can make use of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    That's not a technique or even a form of anything. That's pretty much just the state of mind. Which makes absolutely no sense at all
    Except that it's based on a real martial arts philosophy.

  14. #1314
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Good. I'm sick and tired of upgrades only Goku and Vegeta can make use of.

    Except that it's based on a real martial arts philosophy.
    A philosophy is one thing, and a state of mind is another.

    Unless you have the intent to kill, you will never win a fight. This was Bruce Lee's Philosophy. He is correct in saying that. So these martial artists can preach a free mind all they want. Bruce is perhaps the fastest and strongest martial artist we ever had and that was all due to him having the intent to kill.

    This free mind or no mind philosophy is pretty much bogus horse crap.

  15. #1315
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    Bruce is perhaps the fastest and strongest martial artist we ever had and that was all due to him having the intent to kill.
    Uh... okay...
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  16. #1316
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    @ Muscle memory

    -First of all, in case anyone is confused, muscle memory is a misnomer. Muscle has no memory. What constitutes as "muscle memory" is synaptic adaptation in the brain whereby you form shortcuts and pathways so that learned movement is performed without conscious effort. You don't actively perform each minute correction/input to your muscles with conscious thought. You instead tell it to perform a "macro", for lack of a better comparison. Muscle itself has no memory.

    Back to real world application (and DB application), Muscle memory is still a learned task. The whole part of training is that you use your moves so much that it becomes ingrained. Ideally then in a fight, you just react and punch according to your sensory input. You already "know" how to fight thanks to your training, you just have to perform the correct moves when the time comes. That's where your learned "macros" come in. You don't think about "what-ifs". Just do it.

    UI is not about learned muscle memory and is totally about reacting to threats. Remember them saying that Goku's fighing in UI is not like Goku at all? Remember him being all limp and relaxed initially? He's not using the stances he's trained to. He's not applying the usual movements that he's accustomed to all this time. His body is reacting to threats and dodging in quick manner, with as little movement as possible. The last bit is because once you've dodged enough, the "threat" is no longer a threat.

    In this way you can think of UI as being efficient - because your body only moves enough to evade the attack. That's not to say his muscles conserve energy such that he should only punch with "efficient, but less than max strength". In fact, I don't even think there's such a thing as "efficient, sub-max strength".

    As for Yamcha obtaining UI, he totally could. But he won't be much good at all. Remember Sasuke's sharingan allowing him to see moves but not evade them? The same application happens here - UI lets you remove your "thought process" as a limiting factor to your speed. You'll act as fast as your neurons and muscles will allow without you thinking about whether the move is correctly performed or timed. And through training, Goku's body has become faster than Yamcha's, and stronger than Yamcha's. UI lets your body reach is maximum current potential by eliminating neural inhibition. It doesn't let Yamcha suddenly match SSJB speed or power.

    @ the Bruce Lee having killer intent - I don't think so. Pretty sure killing intent means you intend to kill - and if Bruce Lee intended to kill anyone, they'd already be dead.


    Ultimately, UI in DB is really Mushin in real life. In DB, Goku seems to react in ways which can differ from his usual fighting style. In real life, Mushin relies on you performing whatever you've trained in already. It will allow you to react quickly to stimulus, but you are still a practitioner of your style and a product of your training.

    -and it should have no impact on power output.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 11-28-2017 at 12:46 PM. Reason: Tidying up.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #1317
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    This free mind or no mind philosophy is pretty much bogus horse crap.
    Guess what, all martial arts philosophies are horse crap. Intent to kill, empty mind, none of that has any actual scientific effect on how a fist impacts a body. It's ALL just shit some guy made up.

    We get it, you don't like the bullshit made up philosophy of Mushin, but you like the bullshit made up philosophy of Bruce Lee. Good for you. It's a fucking cartoon, nobody cares which made up philosophy you think fits better or not.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 11-28-2017 at 12:47 PM.

  18. #1318
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Bogus versus Science.
    Part 2.

    The masters' minds will certainly be empty after that.
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  19. #1319
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    @ Buffalobian

    Obviously the writers never researched that part about less energy due to less movement cause Goku is depleted after 30 seconds of almost no movement and in worse shape than he was. Also, why is Goku on the verge of death every time he goes UI? The whole aspect of UI is total BS and I don't think the writers even know what the hell they are talking about. UI is not even close to this Mushin.


    Why you always butthurt over comments?

    The intent to kill is more valid than you wish to not believe. Without the intent to kill, you will never survive. Remind me again how many years did Bruce Lee go undefeated? Some can argue it's because he was the first Mixed Martial Artist. THAT a lone does not make him as fast as he was or as strong as he was. Bruce Lee was as far from Mushin as any true Martial Artist.

    This UI is just a bogus Deus Ex Machina construct so they can make characters like Videl and Yamcha valid again by making it so everyone can obtain something without putting in any actual training or effort. Which is LAZY writing from the DBS team.

  20. #1320
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The very idea of emptying your mind and allowing yourself to react to the flow of battle without unnecessary thoughts is what makes UI the DB equivalent of Mushin. Whis does not lose stamina or become hot/sparkly/tired while using it. It's a state of mind, not a physical power-up, or a physically draining state of the body. That's what he taught Goku.

    As for why Goku becomes all hot, why he only gets into this state after getting utterly owned, and why he only does this after absorbing a ton of energy or seems to drain "stamina", it's anybody's guess. They haven't explored this in great detail. Whis is guessing that Goku is breaking out of his shell, whatever the fuck that means.

    What we do know is that UI doesn't, and isn't, the above physical attributes. Whis has demonstrated this already.

    Regarding intent to kill, can you find me somewhere where Bruce has actually advocated this?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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