Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

So just anyone that complains about something on the internet is an SJW to you? Even if the sentiment being expressed is the exact opposite of what SJWs actually are?
Opposite how? They whine and complain that Broly is not Canon and are thinking Broly not being canon is unfair to fans of DBZ/Super. SJWs of anime pretty much who's feelers are hurt and going to be hurt after episode 100.

The only way I will accept Broly as canon is if they actually bring him in to the anime with an actual broly story/arc. I just can't accept Broly's name being mentioned in passing in one episode one time as proof that "OMFGWTFBBQROPFLCOPTER1337s0rz BROLY IS CANON NOW YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" I just can't accept Broly being made Canon in that way.