Forgive my lack of reference material. I expect most people here to know what this is.

Episode 1 is out.

So... That brought back a lot of memories, I suppose. This wasn't modernized at all aside from the widescreen broadcast. It's almost as if Akira had a script lying around after the end of Majin boo that was supposed to continue the story and he/they/we just got around to seeing it. Sounds like most of the old Jappanese cast is back, which reminds me of how used I am to the English dub (and how much I dislike Goku's Japanese VA). As a first episode, there wasn't much story aside from the setup for this arc and a recap with old animation, which ironically looked about as good as this animation does, but one thing stood out to me: Maybe I'm a sucker for redemption, but I did like that Mr.Satin got to act the part of a hero for once by basically funding Goku's next training leave and admitting that he did little to save the world though he got all the credit.

TLDR; Not much to discuss yet, but feel free.