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Thread: Dragon Ball Super

  1. #1061
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

    So just anyone that complains about something on the internet is an SJW to you? Even if the sentiment being expressed is the exact opposite of what SJWs actually are?
    Opposite how? They whine and complain that Broly is not Canon and are thinking Broly not being canon is unfair to fans of DBZ/Super. SJWs of anime pretty much who's feelers are hurt and going to be hurt after episode 100.

    The only way I will accept Broly as canon is if they actually bring him in to the anime with an actual broly story/arc. I just can't accept Broly's name being mentioned in passing in one episode one time as proof that "OMFGWTFBBQROPFLCOPTER1337s0rz BROLY IS CANON NOW YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" I just can't accept Broly being made Canon in that way.

  2. #1062
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    Opposite how? They whine and complain that Broly is not Canon and are thinking Broly not being canon is unfair to fans of DBZ/Super.
    What does ANY of that have to do with social justice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    SJWs of anime
    That's not even a thing!

    You're using the term wrong. Please look it up. Calling people SJWs already warrants an eyeroll. Using it wrong is worth a full-on double facepalm.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Mon, 07-17-2017 at 12:40 AM.

  3. #1063
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    What does ANY of that have to do with social justice?

    That's not even a thing!

    You're using the term wrong. Please look it up. Calling people SJWs already warrants an eyeroll. Using it wrong is worth a full-on double facepalm.
    Not using it wrong. You're the one that obviously does not like being told the truth, just like any true SJW. SJW does not = Super Jehoveh Witness. It stands for Social Justice Warriors. They are whiners and cry-=babies, much like broly fans who think Toriyama is unfair to them for not making Broly Canon. As I said, SJWs of anime. Whether you like it or not, Broly will not be made canon. Whining won't change that.

    I am going to enjoy the delicious salty tears next week when all the so-called fans quit DBS over two reasons. One is Broly not being made canon. The other is Caulifla achieving SSB (She may not but I have dreams) lol. SJWs of anime will be out in full force on youtube, twitter and probably facebook and forums like this one to post their disgust. Just imagining the saltiness to come is just too thrilling.

  4. #1064
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    Bardock was mentioned to Goku by Vegeta first and then by Frieza, right in the manga/anime?
    Nop, no sir.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  5. #1065
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    Not using it wrong.
    You absolutely ARE. I even gave you a goddamn link explaining how.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    It stands for Social Justice Warriors. They are whiners and cry-=babies
    They are whiners/crybabies about specific things. Specifically, social justice things. More specifically, only one side of social justice things. People complaining about things that have nothing to do with social justice aren't SJWs.

    Like someone whining on the internet about how the new Spider-man is black is not a fucking SJW. They're the exact opposite of an SJW.

    The canon status of Broly is not a fucking social justice issue. Except the people who are mad at him being replaced by Kale because she's a women. And those people...ARE THE OPPOSITE OF SJWs!
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Mon, 07-17-2017 at 06:51 AM.

  6. #1066
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    You absolutely ARE. I even gave you a goddamn link explaining how.

    They are whiners/crybabies about specific things. Specifically, social justice things. More specifically, only one side of social justice things. People complaining about things that have nothing to do with social justice aren't SJWs.

    Like someone whining on the internet about how the new Spider-man is black is not a fucking SJW. They're the exact opposite of an SJW.

    The canon status of Broly is not a fucking social justice issue. Except the people who are mad at him being replaced by Kale because she's a women. And those people...ARE THE OPPOSITE OF SJWs!
    Clearly you do not understand what a SJW is. Those whining about Broly not being canon and hoping he will get a mention so he can be canon, much like you, are SJWs. The ones threatening to stop watching DBS if brolly is not made canon and if Caulifla gets SSB are exhibiting the exact same actions as SJWs. They speak the same way and threaten when things don't go there way. SJWs of anime or DBS if you want to be technical. You're half - assery of understanding of what a SJW is, will not change the facts on what they really are.

    So... when Vegeta was was telling Goku his dad created the energy ball that mimics a full moon and that his daddy was one of planet Vegeta's greatest scientists(This is the English dubs though of DBZ), that does not make his daddy canon?

  7. #1067
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    Calling people SJWs already warrants an eyeroll.
    Why would that cause an eyeroll? Calling SJW SJW is a-ok.

    Anyway. Shadow Kill clearly doesnīt know what a SJW is. I hate SJWs as much as any sane person, but any argument over Broly being canon or not has NO relation to SJW-bs. Thatīs just dumb. Please stop thinking youīre in the right, Shadow Kill. You really are not.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  8. #1068
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    Clearly you do not understand what a SJW is. Those whining about Broly not being canon and hoping he will get a mention so he can be canon, much like you, are SJWs. The ones threatening to stop watching DBS if brolly is not made canon and if Caulifla gets SSB are exhibiting the exact same actions as SJWs. They speak the same way and threaten when things don't go there way. SJWs of anime or DBS if you want to be technical. You're half - assery of understanding of what a SJW is, will not change the facts on what they really are.
    How many people are threatening to quit DBS if Broly is not made cannon? where are you getting this from? How many people do you realistically think are going to quit because the character that was always said to be non cannon is confirmed to be, as a matter of fact, non cannon? he`s been non cannon for the last 98 episodes and broly fans still watched the show even when there was 0, zero, ZERO mention of him. People that want broly cannon have absolutely nothing to lose, people that wants him out of continuity however, can lose.

    Also, the SJW thing, I`ll just say this, you`re wrong, stop.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dictionary and shit
    so·cial jus·tice war·ri·or
    noun: social justice warrior; plural noun: social justice warriors
    a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.
    There`s nothing politically correct (or incorrect) about Broly`s cannonical status, NOTHING.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill View Post
    So... when Vegeta was was telling Goku his dad created the energy ball that mimics a full moon and that his daddy was one of planet Vegeta's greatest scientists(This is the English dubs though of DBZ), that does not make his daddy canon?
    Is a 100% mistranslated piece of dialog that has been mocked for decades over how horribly wrong it was dubbed cannon? No, it is not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vegeta
    "We Saiyans realized that we were at the mercy of the moonlight on whatever planet we were on, unable to control the length of day or night. It was completely unpredictable and held our power at a disadvantage... until we discovered a way to artificially create our own moonlight!"
    Last edited by UChessmaster; Tue, 07-18-2017 at 07:43 AM.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  9. #1069
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Why would that cause an eyeroll? Calling SJW SJW is a-ok.
    Eh, it's just a lazy insult. And like this thread proves, lots of people use it wrong.

  10. #1070
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    SJW is not an insult. Itīs a descriptor for a certain kind of people.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #1071
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    SJW is not an insult. Itīs a descriptor for a certain kind of people.
    Conservative nutjobs use it as an insult regardless of its meaning, which I kinda think is what he was trying to attempt here.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  12. #1072
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Rational people use it, too, and they donīt use it as an insult.

    Similarily, SJWs use "Gamergator" as an insult, when thereīs noting bad about Gamergate.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #1073
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Rational people use it, too, and they donīt use it as an insult.

    Similarily, SJWs use "Gamergator" as an insult, when thereīs noting bad about Gamergate.
    SJW are most of the time the obnoxious people that cry at the first reason they can, because they choose to be triggered for the most mundane thing. they are called "warriors" sarcastically because they will start a fight at any chance they get.

    that's why calling someone a SJW is an insult/degrading verb.

    a SJW would cry foul about Kale not being her own character and just being a female version of broly instead of saying "oh wow, they finaly gave us a female SSJ AND the one and only Canon Legendary SSJ being female"

  14. #1074
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    To be more accurate, the term SJW started out positive, but gradually became negative, normally referring to overly zealous and sensitive defense of social justice views.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #1075
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Rational people use it, too, and they donīt use it as an insult.
    I have literally NEVER heard a rational person use it before. I've only ever seen it used interchangeably with terms like "snowflake", "cuck", and "libtard".

    Naturally, I just kind of tune out anyone that expresses their views that way.

  16. #1076
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    I have literally NEVER heard a rational person use it before. I've only ever seen it used interchangeably with terms like "snowflake", "cuck", and "libtard".
    Then youīve heard it now *raises hand*
    I wouldnīt use "libtard" because Iīm way more liberal than typical sjws. A cuck is something specifically different. And I donīt know about "snowflake" ... maybe people who like waki?

    Naturally, I just kind of tune out anyone that expresses their views that way.
    As opposed to not tuning out people that are obnoxious feminists or otherwise annoying, irrational social justice activists? Iīm sorry, but I will forever fight idiots who support censorship in games just because they canīt differentiate between real and fictional girls. Or people that are outraged because Pokemon asks you "are you a boy or a girl?" and call Nintendo transphobic for it. Or hypocritical people that only want to apply their morals towards selected minorities and throw the same morals over boards when it comes to straight white men (aka the devil).

    Sorry, itīs just that I have to deal with such idiots every single day, and Iīm tired and angry when I hear someone say that those saying "sjws" are the bad ones ...

    Dragon Ball!

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  17. #1077
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    As opposed to not tuning out people that are obnoxious feminists or otherwise annoying, irrational social justice activists?
    No, I tune those out too.

    There are just certain key phrases that when you hear someone use them in comments you immediately know "this person treats their politics like it's a team sport and reading any further is going to be a poor use of your time".

    "SJWs are ruining [blank]" is generally one of those phases.

  18. #1078
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, thatīs unfortunate then, as I tend to use "sjw" as neutral denominator (although one with a negative inherent meaning). I generally hate how those people (and itīs not (only) the ones that use "sjw" in your manner, Darth) are extreme without any willingness to talk to each other and find a compromise. "Youīre 100% for us or 100% against us" is the typical thought pattern of ... see, and I donīt know a better, more fitting word than "sjw" to use here ;> Someone recently told me he calls them "Neo-Puritans", maybe thatīs better? However, I wonīt call them "progressives" or "liberals", because thatīs what I am, and I donīt associate with these extremists.

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  19. #1079
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Well, thatīs unfortunate then, as I tend to use "sjw" as neutral denominator (although one with a negative inherent meaning).
    No, I get it. You're using it specifically against people complaining about objectification of women, and equating that with censorship.

    As opposed to, say, the people who use the term every time a woman, racial minority, or LBGT person or character appears in something it wasn't in before.

    For example, the people that are currently complaining about how "SJWs have ruined Dr. Who" because the new Doctor is a woman.

    It's two completely different issues that get covered by the same umbrella "SJW" term. Because SJW, by it's nature, covers any social issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    "Youīre 100% for us or 100% against us" is the typical thought pattern of ... see, and I donīt know a better, more fitting word than "sjw" to use here
    Yes, but it's just as typical a thought pattern on the opposite side.

    As I said, it's treating political and social viewpoints like it's a team sport. Neither side cares about the actual repercussions to society. They just care about their "side" winning.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Thu, 07-20-2017 at 03:21 PM.

  20. #1080
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    As I said, it's treating political and social viewpoints like it's a team sport. Neither side cares about the actual repercussions to society. They just care about their "side" winning.
    Thatīs the big problem. There is zero willingness to compromise, not even an attempt to understand differing opinions.

    I remember how a certain other forumīs community went nuts after Hillary had established the term "deplorables". From then on, social justice activists would call all Trump-supporters "deplorables". As time went by, they didnīt stop there, but actively implied that itīd be better if all Trump-supporters were dead.
    Now, Iīm far from a Trump-supporter, but as a humanist, it just irks me to no end when ANYONE is wished death upon. Especially when there are real reason behind anything. Rural America isnīt racist because they enjoy being racist. But social justice activists had decided that these peopleīs feelings and lives didnīt matter. Itīs at that point where I question a movement that so vocally support blacklivesmatters, homosexuals or any other group: You want to make more people happy? Then donīt fucking exclude anyone! sigh
    Yeah, talking with racists is difficult. But you will never be in the right if your solution is to simply kill all racists to achieve peace. By the same metric, we could simply kill all minorities and have peace, too ...

    Aaanyway, this is getting to long a post now. Iīm simply tired and frustrated by ... everything thatīs going on, especially the American side of the globe. Itīs like everybody has become an idiot and it doesnīt matter who you take a look at.

    PS: I criticized the female Doctor Who, simply because I always hate it when established characters are changed on a whim. Would hate it just as much a if female character was turned male, or a black one white, etc.. But instantly, I was mocked as a right-wing women hater. :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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