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Thread: Dragon Ball Super

  1. #361
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForteCross View Post
    its also pretty fucked up that trunks doesnt seem to recognize goku... which is weird... i hope they address that properly...
    Isn´t it obvious that Trunks suffers from some kind of PTSD? Seeing the appearance of Goku´s reminded him of Black Goku, who just killed his mother and love interest. Which, btw, was super-gruesome. The way you could see future Bulma fade away as her body was evaporated by Black Goku´s energy. On the other hand, May´s death was super pointless. "I´ll buy you some time, Trunks, go!" - Trunks keeps lying on the ground, watches as May is killed. lol.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #362
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    EIGHT! There are eight beans! I'll be counting Dragonball!

  3. #363
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    EIGHT! There are eight beans! I'll be counting Dragonball!
    One bean when Vegeta is heavily wounded.

    One bean when Kuririn accidentially hits Gohan.

    One bean when Beerus gets hungry.

    One bean when future Trunks fails.

    One bean for Black Goku, so Goku can fight him at full strength.

    And three beans for Goku after he used 100x Kaikoken SSJGB, because ... BECAUSE!

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #364
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 49 is out

    this arc continues to be strong. HOWEVER, with Goku Black appearing already in front of the heroes, I fear that it now devolves in another stupid fight.
    What made the DBZ-arcs so great was how it had lots of stuff going on, lots of confrontations between various characters. See Cell, where we started with C14 and C15, then C16, C17 and C18 were introduced, kicking everybody´s ass. Then basic Cell arrived and it turned into an exciting hunt that ended with him going to imperfect and perfect Cell. If nothing happens next episode, it´d be as if we went straight to perfect Cell :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  5. #365
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, Super seems to have a real problem with giving it's main villains worthwhile lieutenants. Although the tournament arc didn't have that problem for obvious reasons.

  6. #366
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    The problem is Goku. With the exception of Vegeta, he´s so much stronger than everybody else that you cannot build a proper story around it. Any villain that Piccolo, Kuririn, Gohan and Co. can fight, will be a piece of cake for Goku. Any villain that is a match for Goku will decimate the others.

    This wasn´t the case in past DBZ arcs. During the Freezer-arc, even Kuririn managed to be of use, and Vegeta and Piccolo both got their fair share, before Goku took over. Tenshinhan, Trunks, Vegeta all put up a good fight against Cell and the cyborgs, before Goku and Gohan joined. Even during the Boo-arc, we had several threads of hope that would all entertain good fights (Super Gotenks, Mystic Gohan, Vegeto).

    But these days there´s Goku and then not much else. :/ If only Chichi would shut up, then Gohan and Goten could join the training. Makes me wonder why little Trunks isn´t heaps stronger than everybody, surely Vegeta puts him to training.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  7. #367
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    The problem is Goku. With the exception of Vegeta, he´s so much stronger than everybody else that you cannot build a proper story around it. Any villain that Piccolo, Kuririn, Gohan and Co. can fight, will be a piece of cake for Goku. Any villain that is a match for Goku will decimate the others.

    This wasn´t the case in past DBZ arcs. During the Freezer-arc, even Kuririn managed to be of use, and Vegeta and Piccolo both got their fair share, before Goku took over. Tenshinhan, Trunks, Vegeta all put up a good fight against Cell and the cyborgs, before Goku and Gohan joined. Even during the Boo-arc, we had several threads of hope that would all entertain good fights (Super Gotenks, Mystic Gohan, Vegeto).

    But these days there´s Goku and then not much else. :/ If only Chichi would shut up, then Gohan and Goten could join the training. Makes me wonder why little Trunks isn´t heaps stronger than everybody, surely Vegeta puts him to training.
    Vegeta is too busy training to surpass Goku to train trunks.

  8. #368
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    episode 49 is out

    this arc continues to be strong. HOWEVER, with Goku Black appearing already in front of the heroes, I fear that it now devolves in another stupid fight.
    What made the DBZ-arcs so great was how it had lots of stuff going on, lots of confrontations between various characters. See Cell, where we started with C14 and C15, then C16, C17 and C18 were introduced, kicking everybody´s ass. Then basic Cell arrived and it turned into an exciting hunt that ended with him going to imperfect and perfect Cell. If nothing happens next episode, it´d be as if we went straight to perfect Cell :/
    it can always go the way that full strength black cannot move through time so now they will just prevent his invasion into the past.

    also no one seems to talk about trunks description of black, "he already destroyed a number of planets". and him having those earing of the kaio-samas... i hope that black is some kind of future god of destruction that goku and vegeta will need to surpass.

    both of them going sayain blue and then fusing for the sake of the future timeline would be epic, if they won a god of destruction by that way and then birus banning their fusion because he is afraid would be funny as fuck....

    another theory (mainly because i am drunk and my imagination is running wild) is that maybe black was actually part of birus dream instead of goku, and for the first time he will be fighting for the good guys against a future/alternate god of destruction

  9. #369
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForteCross View Post
    if they won a god of destruction by that way and then birus banning their fusion because he is afraid would be funny as fuck....
    I want that to happen!

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  10. #370
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Man, between the music, Akiriyama's art style, and the content of the plot, this episode really triggered my Chrono Trigger nostalgia.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Mon, 07-11-2016 at 10:18 PM.

  11. #371
    just saw the episode, pretty much just a plot connection/padding episode...

    i really liked the new scene flashback to old dragon ball Z where they tried damn hard to make bulma seem younger (which actually worked)

    on the other hand, i am starting to dislike the pilaf gang, while most of the time they act like a bunch of kids, suddenly someone pointing out that they think and talk like older people is just inconsistent and not fun anymore...

    also did they just developed vegeta's character by getting pissed off at goku for not prioritizing him as a companion for training?

  12. #372
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Pretty sure Vegeta is just pissed that Black Goku killed his wife.

  13. #373
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    It´s all good so far. Although it´s kinda cheap to show us flashbacks and such. It really goes to show: Goku is the problem. It´s impossible to have an exciting plot with this super powerful super shounen hero.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  14. #374
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    Hm... starting to feel like filler for me or at least being dragged out the long long way. :/

  15. #375
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I just realized, if some of the other universes have any badass Namekians, Piccolo could merge with them and get a powerup to make him relevant again.

  16. #376
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    episode 52 is out

    Nice episode. But damn, I couldn´t help but feel that for half the episode, Trunks was thinking "omg, wtf happened to Gohan, pls, Black Goku, kill me now!"

    Goku visiting Black´s real identity feels dumb, though. What could possibly go wrong ... except him becoming BLACK GOKU?!

    Another thing that came to mind: Do we know how many episodes this Super-series will be getting? 52 episodes already. Sure, it´s a long call from DBZ´s 291 episodes, but considering the more modern pacing, that´s already a lot of episodes. I wonder if the tournament after the Black Goku-saga is the final arc.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  17. #377
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    I heard 100 somewhere, but ill bet popularity will extend it.
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  18. #378
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yay...the good ol' self-fulfilling prophecy trope. In investigating future Black, they showed him the time rings and started his obsession with Goku.

    I like that Zamasu seems to have a different fighting style than everyone else. Seems like he uses aikido-style redirection instead of the usual straight punches everyone else uses.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 08-02-2016 at 09:18 PM.

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
    I heard 100 somewhere, but ill bet popularity will extend it.
    I think they said 100 based on whether or not it would still be popular. For the future sake, lets say 200 due to how popular it is in Japan at the moment.

  20. #380
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post


    Yay...the good ol' self-fulfilling prophecy trope. In investigating future Black, they showed him the time rings and started his obsession with Goku.

    I like that Zamasu seems to have a different fighting style than everyone else. Seems like he uses aikido-style redirection instead of the usual straight punches everyone else uses.
    they are starting to get a bit over their heads...
    at first we had robots and a evil corp(dragon ball)
    then an alien race invades earth and we got a space traveling adventure (freezer saga)
    then a time traveling adventure (cell saga)
    then a weird as fuck evil alien...
    after that we started fighting gods, and a multi verse.

    but now we are fighting gods of a different multi verse at a different time line :\ its like a cluster fuck of all the plot lines possibles... the worse that can happen is that black is using past goku's father body or future goku's son (goten) body...

    so from what i understand, zamasu is in charge of universe 10 earth's planet, and after he fought an alien living in earth from an alternate universe he decided that all humans in all universes are dangerous and should be exterminated... he might as well paint his own face and call himself the joker because he is insane as fuck...

    regarding the fight, it seem that zamasu was calmer and fought with his brain but still got overwhelmed by the sheer power and persistence of goku.

    also there seems to still be an open door for retribution for this new kaioshin, not for the future one but for the present one, seeming like "his ki was different" as to "his ki wasnt evil yet"

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