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Thread: Charlotte

  1. #21
    Just watched the first episode, didn't care at all for it... I think this was pure shit. Not sure if I'll be giving it more of a try.

  2. #22
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Overall I felt the same way about Little Busters. Angel Beats was okay. I never got terribly excited about that show, but at least the setting and mystery was engaging to a point. The side characters made that show as well. CLANNAD would have to be the last KEY show I got into.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Overall I felt the same way about Little Busters. Angel Beats was okay. I never got terribly excited about that show, but at least the setting and mystery was engaging to a point. The side characters made that show as well. CLANNAD would have to be the last KEY show I got into.
    Never tried Little Busters, but I tried Angel Beats after hearing good things about it, but didn't get into it either.

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I liked Angel Beats a lot. Not as much as Clannad, but still a lot. Little Busters I ended up dropping somewhere towards the end, I think. I have a feeling I'll drop this show after an episode or two. There seems to be absolutely nothing I'm looking forward to here, not even a single thing.

  5. #25
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 04, 05, 06, 07


    Well, RIP Imouto :'(. Please don't let this be the end of that. I still need to see more of that bitch who got her killed and see what happens to her.

    Sending fake girlfriend in there was pretty low.

    Tomori can only make herself invisible to one person, so how she hid from all those gansters we'll never know. She couldn't have escaped the intelligence (lol) network of regional gangs.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 08-16-2015 at 06:21 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #26
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This series is garbage.

    After the promising first episode, it's been downhill basically the entire time, though the cliché Yusa/Misa episode was okay.

    It's not engaging, it's hard to care about any of the characters, and KEY is even writing the whole thing wrong. They go for the cheap drama hits well before the viewers might actually care about the characters. Nao tells her family's tale of woe right in the second episode, this happens at the midpoint, and it feels like the rest of the episodes are just "esper of the week," solving a problem before it really even becomes one.

    When you compare this to KEY's older work, the shortcomings of Charlotte are blatant. Kanon, Clannad, Angel Beats and even Air all give the viewer time to become emotionally invested in the characters before throwing in the sob stories. The viewer get connected and feels sympathy for the characters.

    Charlotte just throws it in your face. "Look! This is tragic, you should feel bad! Look how bad things have gotten. Feel pity! It's sad. Right? RIGHT?!" This recent development felt more like a chore they had to do. The development is too abrupt in either direction, so it cheapens all of it and makes it unbelievable. The sister wasn't even a major character and barely got screen time. They made her into a melodrama plot device from the start. They stuffed her in the fridge.

    Then you realize what the problem is. It's not KEY at all. It's Maeda Jun alone. And he can't write for shit. Angel Beats was a fluke. Music he's good at, I'll give him that.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 08-16-2015 at 07:25 AM.

  7. #27
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    You are correct. The formula was evident this episode, and when that happens it usually means it's failed.

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  8. #28
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I actually enjoyed this most recent episode in a perverse way. If I had actually cared for any of the characters, things might have been different, but since I didn't care, it was rather interesting to see the dude tumble down into the darkness. Laughing like Accelerator when beating those punks was the icing on the cake. I'm only sorry it didn't last longer but was all solved in a single episode, no less than by the girl who doesn't genuinely give a shit about any other human being in the world, aside from as tools, either tools to be used or tools that give her the kicks when she feels self-righteous messing with their future and imagining she saved them from a terrible fate.

    I don't think Tomori being there was such a problem for those times, Bill. She probably distanced herself for a while when shit happened. Yuu didn't actually do anything that surprising or abrupt when he had settled down. Tomori would have been able to count on finding him again even if she left for a while, like she must have from time to time.

    I think I'll still have a look at the next episode. It would be beyond funny in a ridiculous way if Yuu is back to the school and back to serving under Tomori to save strangers as if nothing had happened. Even more funny if he goes around apologising to people for having caused trouble. That would be the perfect point to drop this shit.

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    Not to be morbid, but I liked the way they started the episode with the doctor saying "oh, she passed away". I don't often see in anime characters taken away without dramatic, 1/3 episode long tear-soaked deathbed farewells. I liked the suddenness and lack of ceremony, swiftly followed by the decent. It took me until he was making a break for it to suspect she was following him. Hopefully this will be utilized for some character development ikn the future, or indeed the whole episode may feel pointless in retrospect.

    Off topic, but I take it that KEY is a visual novel company who's other popular works have been also adapted into animes?

    Also, mutilation and agitated assault are no-nos, but it is at the first puff that you really shed your humanity. That was a bit humorous for the wrong reasons.

  10. #30
    This latest episode was hilarious. I don't think it was supposed to be, but I found it very amusing.

    I fully expect them to find someone with a time travel power to save his little sister.

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Off topic, but I take it that KEY is a visual novel company who's other popular works have been also adapted into animes?
    Yeah. Key is a part of a game studio called Visuat Art's, which is why you see those two names oft together.

    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    Also, mutilation and agitated assault are no-nos, but it is at the first puff that you really shed your humanity. That was a bit humorous for the wrong reasons.
    I'd like to say because drugs are such a big deal in Japan, but in reality it's because of Tomori Nao. For her the standard greeting seems to be to turn herself invisible and kick people in the face. When she wants someone to leave her in peace for a while, she doesn't ask them to step out of the door, she kicks them through the window from the third floor. So, yeah, she thinks extreme violence is a natural part of the everyday life of a healthy person. That, of course, is only due to what I said before: Humans have no value to her, other than as tools.

  12. #32
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I loved this episode. Made me cry. I'm now rooting for the main pairing. I love how crazy she is, silently observing him while waiting for him to reach rock bottom.
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  13. #33
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I found the episode more enjoyable than some of the previous ones, but just the way they executed this (as Ryll said) made it seem like a standard formula (let's make something, then throw in a curveball/death around episode 6/7) that doesn't work well when it's blatantly obvious.

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  14. #34
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I started out not caring for Tomori, but this episode made me change my mind. She may seem heartless and cold, but she does care about her friends. Taking leave from school to wait for Yuu to recover while watching (and therefore condoning) all he did was psychotic but really impressive. She understands really well how to lose the one single family member you care about, and even then she knew that Yuu's suffering was more severe because Ayumi is actually dead and it was so sudden.

    I've always liked Yuu and Ayumi, so this tragedy really hit me hard. I don't really mind if it's formulaic. That just means it's not new, which is almost everything nowadays. I empathize really well with fictional characters, so Yuu's plight was heartbreaking.
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  15. #35
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    She may seem heartless and cold, but she does care about her friends.
    My memory isn't the most reliable thing around, especially with series I don't find particularly likable, but I can't recall a single scene that would have suggested she really cared for her so called friends. I know abuse and clear assaults have gone for great humour in manga/anime for decades now, but there's still a certain kind of formula to it, as it probably arises from the slapstick/tsukkomi comedy. Here, however, I can hardly find any humour associated with anything related to Tomori. She doesn't treat her student council like friends, hardly even like humans, just a tool she's using for her own ends. At least that end is finding and supposedly helping psychics, but that's still only her own interpretation and goal, and she does it whether those found people want it or not. She was sorry for Ayumi's death because she couldn't save her. So, in the other words, what made her sorry was the failure of her plans and precautions, not the fact somebody died.

    I would hardly call stalking Yuu for days and observing his miserable downfall an act of a friend. The former crush did what a friend would, even if she failed. Tomori was just coolly biding her time until she judged the moment was right and ripe, and then she rescued her valuable tool. Not a friend. A tool that was about to be ruined beyond repair, which would have been a pity.

  16. #36
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The former crush was a hypocrite. So are the idol and glasses guy. And they all failed in helping him.

    Tomori was the one who saved Yuu, with unmatched effort and dedication. It's pointless to argue her motives because it'll end up as a difference in interpretation, but results speak for themselves.

    EDIT: Just wondering, if the two main characters do end up together (as really close friends or as a couple), will that prove your interpretation of Tomori wrong?
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  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I just don't know what to think about this, it feels so all over the place....

    Tomori was the one who saved Yuu, with unmatched effort and dedication
    Ya because she got a plot-bonus... MC turned 180° again, just like he did in the past they "recruited" him, you'd expect him to either get seriously angry at her or ignore her, which is what he did to his former crush and that was *before* he went apeshit.

  18. #38
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    EDIT: Just wondering, if the two main characters do end up together (as really close friends or as a couple), will that prove your interpretation of Tomori wrong?
    Possibly or even likely, of course depending on if there's any love to be found there and if she can change even a little bit (like become at least a tiny bit cute). Actually my impression of her could be proven wrong easily enough, I'm not that adamant about it. Something about her currently just rubs me the very wrong way, leading me to my conclusions.

  19. #39
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I, on the other hand, like cold and stone-faced characters like her. She was pretty generic until this episode. Her lack of morals and abnormal dedication are pluses.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Ya because she got a plot-bonus... MC turned 180° again, just like he did in the past they "recruited" him, you'd expect him to either get seriously angry at her or ignore her, which is what he did to his former crush and that was *before* he went apeshit.
    Because she sacrificed so much time and energy to watch over him and stopped him when she thought it was absolutely necessary. Physical addiction is a hard thing to get over especially for depressed people, so she had to step in when he reached for drugs.

    All his other friends just gave up after he pushed them away. Tomori was really smart about her intervention. She never even gave him a chance to push her away until she revealed herself, and when she did, she used Ayumi's recipe to worm her way into his heart. That took brains and a lot of thought.

    About the violence vs drug thing, it was pretty obvious why Tomori stopped him. Taking drugs isn't an extra sin that goes on top of his fights. Drugs would make every other wrongdoing he did much worse because he'll lose any form of restraint. Couple that with addiction, and you get to a point of no return.
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  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    All his other friends just gave up after he pushed them away. Tomori was really smart about her intervention. She never even gave him a chance to push her away until she revealed herself, and when she did, she used
    He was just about to smack her when she said "do you want to be a drug addict, thats so horrible, you'll stop being a human being"
    and for some reason he broke down to that and started accepting the fact that he is doing something wrong.

    The thing is, you don't do that in his position, unless Female Lead is talking to you of course.

    where's the "Stop telling me what to do, why do you even care, fuck you" or "get out of my life, I don't need you"
    Why is he even agreeing on eating something with her or let's say, agrees to do something at all. Ex-girfriend did basically the same and he at least put up a fight with her that time around. (And as mentioned before, that was before he went into emo-hell)
    Dunno, she didn't do it better or worse, she did the same, she got a plot-buff imho. You can't even say she stayed close to him all this time, because she wasn't. Just standing there doing nothing is not helping him or being persistent about it, it's as if you arn't even there.

    You could say he felt embarassed about it once he found out that Tomori saw everything...but I wonder if you really care about if you arn't already really close to that person. That'd explain his behavior now, but is in itself unrealistic if we consider how the show started.

    And by unrealistic I don't mean that it isn't a possibility that he already has serious feelings for her, it's more like that itself is unbelievable character development/story writing.

    edit: Now that I think about his, his character went from manipulative -> rebellious -> submissive -> tame -> honest -> grieving -> depressive -> crazy -> tame -> submissive in 7 episodes, not bad.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 08-17-2015 at 01:17 PM.

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