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Thread: Plastic Memories

  1. #41
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The office is full of people, Tsukasa and Isla included, whose priority is to never let a giftia expire. I don't think they are going to break that duty and tradition starting with one of their own. Tsukasa has said many times he understands the situation and he also knows the reality from very personal experience from the work. So, it's impossible. Unless Isla is lost to some dungeon and she can't get out or be found in time...

  2. #42
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Isla getting lost is highly possible

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #43
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I would not like the show to tell us Isla is a prototype with specific memory elements that make her imune to the berserk mode.I doubt they would even try, since they clearly showed us how she's constantly losing efficiency in her standard tests.
    But who,knows for sure ?

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  4. #44
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    A tragic ending fits this series. A happy one would be nonsensical considering what we know so far and would negate the message the story is trying to deliver from the very beginning.
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  5. #45
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Even the simplest tragic end would be sort of happy at the same time because Tsukasa already rescued Isla from her chosen robotic no (happy) memories route. So, she gets to experience all kinds of nice things before the end. In other words, she actually lives before dying now.

  6. #46
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Which is why I want a true tragic ending, where even that small happiness is crushed to pieces.
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  7. #47
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The newly-wed lives of Isla and Tsukasa. :3

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    A tragic ending fits this series. A happy one would be nonsensical considering what we know so far and would negate the message the story is trying to deliver from the very beginning.
    I don't know what this message is, but please don't listen to this guy. Deliver the bittersweet ending that this is going to be without pulling any bullshit tragedy.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #48
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I don't know what this message is, but please don't listen to this guy. Deliver the bittersweet ending that this is going to be without pulling any bullshit tragedy.
    The title is plastic memories. It's about the value of experiences, even if it is accumulated with so-called artificial beings. I was joking about the random tragic end, but this series deserves a proper heart-wrenching ending. A happy end is easily forgotten, but there is nothing more memorable than a well-executed tragedy reality.

    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sun, 06-21-2015 at 10:03 AM.
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  9. #49
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    As much as I have called the story poor, I doubt there's any chance of a Hollywood end, for sure. We are already seeing Tsukasa's expression darkening as the day is drawing nearer. He's a poor excuse for a man, although I can understand the theoretical question he asked in this episode, without really meaning it. It's pretty hard to agree to the loss of a loved one on an emotional level even if he logically accepts it. He should hurry up and show her the rest of the boy-girl relationship stuff, though. It's a pity if a lap pillow is all she'll ever see before she's terminated.

    The show has got somewhat better towards the end. Isla isn't anymore the only thing making this worth watching.

  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    - - - - --

    Shinta didn't get his gruesome ending, but I got the kind of rather vanilla ending I hoped to see. It felt genuinely sad and nothing foolish marred it, which means it worked perfectly. It was even rather beautiful. I couldn't help but feel a slight agitation that Tsukasa would still say or try something stupid, but he did manage to honour and respect Isla's last moments, fortunately. I especially liked how Isla sort of forced Tsukasa to do the deactivation like she did. That lifted much burden from him with the strict time limit (since he didn't need to be the one to initiate it), and it's pretty romantic her boyfriend was the one to do it. Last but not least it's good the unnecessary scene after the credits didn't show the newcomer's face. Though I suppose it did show he got back onto his feet just like Isla promised.

    This was no Shigatsu, yes, but all in all it worked decently, even with the weak eps and plots. Isla was cute, that can't be denied.

  11. #51
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Kidding aside, I actually sort of called this:

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I want Isla to be completely gone. Otherwise, everything the show built up to becomes pointless. It would be even better if the new Giftia that looks like Isla shows utter disregard of the dude, but he doesn't care either because he knows she's not the same person. He shouldn't shy away from making new bonds and keep being the nice guy that he is. That shows his growth as a person and as a spotter, giving meaning to Isla's life outside of just memories.
    We didn't see what the new Giftia looked like, but that was even better. It further proved how Tsukasa matured as a person because of his romance with Isla.
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  12. #52
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I teared up. That's the best sign you can get. Well done.

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  13. #53
    Man, I'm shocked they didn't do something stupid with the diary.

    Overall, this show was okay. It did some things right, and others pretty poorly.
    I'm satisfied with the ending, at least.

  14. #54
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Something stupid? Like what?

    edit: like this?

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  15. #55
    Something like have the new Giftia sit down and read her diary, or something.

  16. #56
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    just saw the last episode. ugh. guess im in the minority of those that WANTED a more tragic, dramatic ending.

    It just feels too unrealistic. If I KNEW that my gf was about to die, I´d do ANYTHING to prevent that from happening.

    Given the options, I´d have expected one of three endings:

    - Tsukasa exploring the very nature of Gitftias and trying to find a way to unlock the lifespan-limiter (the most reasonable route)
    - Tsukasa refusing to let Isla be deactivated and taking the risk of what might happen after her regular lifespan. Could have led to unraveling new information about Giftias. (the most practicable route)
    - Tsukasa committing suicide (the darkest route)

    All in all, this anime felt like a waste of my time. It had no real high points and the very concept of growing close to people that will inevitably die a few years later is so flawed that I could never accept it.

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  17. #57
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Options 1 and 2 aren't really dramatic (more hopeful, really), and 3 is unlikely based on his personality. I could've used more drama, but it has to be realistic.

    If this were a longer story, Tsukasa could have broken after Isla died, and a narrative of how he gets back up again could've followed.
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  18. #58
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Every year millions of people all over the world must learn to live with the fact their loved one will die soon, even if they don't know the exact date, just a doctor's estimate. I would say 0% of those people suddenly embark on a successful shounen-esque adventure to find a cure for cancer, another disease, or some permanent, congenital defect current medicine can't deal with. This series was clearly meant to be a realistic depiction in that way. The dude just had to deal with Isla dying, just like one would in RL. There were so many stupid irregularities in this story, which I have already listed earlier, that you simply have to accept that as a setting, the very core purpose of the plot.

    Your Option 1 would have been the traditional Hollywood unrealistic ending, but your Option 2 would have been spitting on Isla's face. It takes a special kind of cruelty to disregard everything your loved one stands for and selfishly do whatever you want with her fate. You have to realise Isla was working for that agency her whole life, doing exactly what was done to her in the end, all the way to the whispered, symphatetic last words. The one thing Isla never wanted to see was a Giftia going berserk after the deadline and attacking their important persons. You think she would have then wanted that fate upon herself? You think she would have wanted to be the special exemption after retrieving so many Giftia from their grieving owners? I think not.

  19. #59
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Option 1 is different from trying to cure someone from a regular incurable disease. The show failed to address any details on the Giftia technology, so it´s reasonable to think there there might be an opportunity to do something. They´re highly evolved machines, robots, androids, artificially created by humans, so there should be more control over their well-being than over that of the biological human body´s.

    As for option 2, yeah, you´re absolutely right. But it still would have been more interesting to watch, and also more realistic. It´s totally different to cope with a regular death, be it via accident or of age, compared to a Giftia who looks absolutely fine and only has to die because some engineer made it that way. It´s unfathomably more difficult to accept. However, you´re wrong when you´re assuming this version´s Tsukasa would have simply sent a deadly Isla out into the wild. I´d expect a scenario where he keeps her locked up in a safe room. He´d then have a crazy relationship with a mad-gone robot girl, growing more fucked up with every day. There´s two routes from here: Either he discovers that Giftias actually go back to normal after some time passes, something that either hadn´t been tested before or was kept secret for unknown reasons, OR he´d eventually get to understand that his beloved Isla is long gone, that what he did to her was wrong, very wrong, and that he has to undo his wrong by finally accepting reality. Followed by some self-imposed punishment, like spending the rest of his life to better the Giftias´ situation. Maybe even becoming an engineer himself. Whatever.

    The point is, all of that would have been more exciting to watch. What we got was some super vanilla pseudo-happy ending without any high or low points. It could be questioned why this anime even exists haha.

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  20. #60
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Putting aside the fact that he won't, he can't do any of that because his coworkers will catch him.

    The becoming an engineer thing you mentioned has been done before: Mahoromatic.
    The Disney somehow she retains her identity path has also been done: Chobits.
    The crazy relationship with a crazy being in a safe room: Sidonia.
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