Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
Asuka was pretty annoying this episode. She got mad because Midori is a good person?
I thought she threw the tantrum because she was envious when people started to talk about relationships. On the other hand, I'd have to side with Asuka. It's not cool to drag everybody down for such a minor reason. The whole affair didn't even involve Sapphire. Nobody found anything wrong about Hazuki's effort, and she's the one who should be feeling the worst. At least the issue got sorted out promptly enough.

Bullying Reina would be so unprofessional, childish, and unproductive that I certainly don't want to see it. It would bring down the whole band's level, which in turn would hurt all of them.

It's too bad about Nakagawa. I wonder if she's quitting soon. It wouldn't be strange at all. She is a victim of the band sucking earlier, in a manner of speaking. Not everybody can be like Asuka in that sense. It's team play, after all, even if the strength of the team depends on the individual members.