Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
As the leader of their section, she should've taken measures to fix the problem, not get randomly pissed and leave to do solo practice. It's funny how the person who was dumped and the quasi-bitch Kumiko were the ones to help, but the cool and dependable Asuka just threw a fit. No wonder she didn't want to be president of the club.
Nah. I'm sure she would have helped if it was something music and performing related. However, Sapphire's issue had nothing to do with anything relevant. Members are supposed to deal with their private issues on their private time. Of course Kumiko and Hazuki would help since they are Sapphire's friends and that's what real friends are for. Asuka isn't her friend, though. You might be correct about it being one of the reasons why Asuka wouldn't want to be the president: Since members might easily imagine it involves stuff it's not supposed to involve, like fixing bloody relationship slumps. People aren't machines, yes, but that goes both ways.