Results 1 to 3 of 3


  1. #1
    ok, when i click on the download, it does the file download and everything but it use to ask me where to save but now it doesnt and the bittorrent screen says "Estimated time left: Failed!" and "ERROR Problem getting response info - Errno 2 no such file directory - (then it puts the directory here).

    is anyone else has this problem and fixed it some how, please help me, i tried making the folders to that directory by my computer wont let me... weird, thanx


  2. #2
    Go the the BT Support part of the forum....

  3. #3
    i used to have the same problem. For the moment instead of clicking on the link, you can right click it, and save de torrent file into your computer. Then execute that file from your computer and all will be ok

    To solve the problem and have your explorer working ok, I delete all temporary files, and some objects from the temporary internet files that seem to be bad installed.

    I know i wasn´t clear, so ask again if you have any problem.

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