Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
I don't think so. When you know more and have more skills, your creativity is also boosted. Soma has lived all his life in Japan, so he would know nothing of great many things out there in the wide world. He might know some exotic (in Japan) things his dad tried back at the restaurant, but considering it was a place for affordable food, I doubt his dad used overly much imported stuff. However, go to India or Europe, and you would find everywhere stuff that would be rare in Japan (or vice versa). Soma is still highly lacking in that sense.
That "sense" isn't creativity. That's knowledge. Making something good with limited knowledge and ingredients is creativity, like the bacon wrapped fake-meat potato, the honey bourguignon, the canned fish burger, and the mackerel onigiri chazuke (all of which make little sense in reality, btw).

Of course, having more information and experience expands what he can create, but that isn't being creative. That's merely application of knowledge. Doing something different or applying something in a new way falls more on the grounds of creativity,