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God and his angels are hilarious. They are obviously not all knowing since witches get away with crap all the time, but they are ridiculously powerful. Michael's words are a pile of contradictions. Why do they even care about what witches do in the human world if they treat humans like wheat? Preserving this illogical "order" has become their purpose, but what purpose that "order" serves is lost on me. It's not like the witches can ever compare to them in power, so fear of revolt is out of the picture. It's like they are maintaining rules that are there just so they can be exercised. Does heaven even get anything from maintaining order? Do they get powered by belief just like the other supernatural beings, and by purging those and leaving only the Church they become more powerful? That sort of makes sense if they weren't so OP right now.
I really liked Viv's speech. I also loved the fact that she was ecstatic she could finally say what she always thought. God knows no love. If you look at (their?) reality, that makes perfect sense.