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Thread: Maria the Virgin Witch: Junketsu no Maria

  1. #41
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But that doesn't answer god's motive.

    Why did god make humans? Why does god look at them that way?

    Is it all just an experiment of sorts? If so, for what purpose?

    Basically, they are spouting all this stuff about universal laws and how they should be protected, but laws exist for a reason. For what reason do those laws exist?
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  2. #42
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If we're going along with Christianity, weren't the events something like:

    1) God created humans
    2) Humans did something wrong
    3) God punished humans (hell etc)
    4) Jesus repented for all humans
    5) God forgave them

    So now God's stance is something like "Fine, I'm no longer punishing you all. I'll just let you do your thing."

    There's also an argument that God created the world of humans for humans, not for supernatural beings to screw around with humans. As for universal laws, you can think of them as being human laws (you shall not murder) but also as natural laws (Sun rises in the east, for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction, dead people do not revive). I don't know if there's a "reason" for such things to exist, but perhaps it's to maintain a balance or order to the world.

    I think this is as close as I can get to "understanding the will of God".


    edit: going with the wheat analogy, God's take on the world "This is my farm. Don't fuck with my farm."

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  3. #43
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That just means that god's will is a mystery even in this show.

    That's not surprising.
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  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 11 - HS

    - - - -- - - -

    I can only imagine at this point Michael has completely given up on trying to understand what's going on inside Maria's head. She surely got thrilled by Joseph's confession and proposal, and the best part was that announcement in front of Michael, right after she had probably majorly pissed him off again by the grand, public magical spectacle.

    Joseph was pitiful for most of the episode and it looks like he can't fight worth shit, but at least he gathered his wits before the end. I wouldn't have guessed Galfa hated him so much, considering how relatively much time they spent together. The gap between their world views and backgrounds was just too wide.

    Ezekiel will probably be taken away, but I dare trust we will get a happy end otherwise.

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Falling in love, getting married and having kids is also part of the natural order the Archangel spoke of so I wonder what his next move is going to be. Since she did put up on grand display of magic.

  6. #46
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    You can still marry without having sex. It'll be a shame if our two owls were to never speak again.

    Lolotte's pretty amazing. She takes everything in her stride. Galfa banging someone else.. Galfa killing his superior.. Galfa losing a fight. Just another day for Lolotte.

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  7. #47
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Everything would work out fine if Michael just removed Maria's curse. Maybe they can work out a simple deal. Maria doesn't want fighting to happen around her, so she can just move to an isolated island with Joseph and the gang and live happily there until he dies. Then she can go bat nuts with magic again and deal with Michael after a generation.

    I can't believe Maria tried to back out of her confession after Joseph apologized to her. It's painfully obvious he's head over heels for her. Even the times when she said Joseph prioritized the lord over her, he was actually acting with her best interests in mind. The two lovebirds need a little more confidence in the romance department, but I guess that problem has been fixed with their engagement and all.

    The most amazing part of this episode was Lolotte carrying a man much larger than her in armor while carrying other crap and walking away like it was nothing. I seriously considered she might be a witch when I saw that.
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  8. #48
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The most amazing part of this episode was Lolotte carrying a man much larger than her in armor while carrying other crap and walking away like it was nothing. I seriously considered she might be a witch when I saw that.
    Modern day women have just gotten soft because of the chivalry movement and the church(es). Sexism is caused by the idea that women needed to be protected and submissive. That thought has pervaded to this day...and it isn't even remotely true.

    Lolotte and her crew are a good example of that.

    Compare Galfa to Joseph in regards to how they treat women around them. Joseph has this screwed up idea that Maria needed his protection and couldn't protect herself, when all she wanted was for him to stay nearby and reassure her that her ideals were not wrong. Even depowered from her near-deflowering, Maria was more than capable of fighting just with her brash behavior.

    Galfa may seem like a rat-bastard to Joseph and other knights, but he understands women. Lolotte heads right for the front lines with the rest of her crew to scavenge, and Galfa and the other mercs let them go about their business, not worrying if they're going to get caught or killed. He has faith in them. He also screwed that princess, but it sure wasn't like he forced her or anything. Hell, he barely had to seduce her. Women like sex, Galfa knows it, and she didn't protest until she got caught by her idiot suitor...and was actually only half-assed about complaining at all.

    Why are tsunderes so popular? Because they have fire, aren't submissive, and don't need that much protection.

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Joseph was pitiful for most of the episode and it looks like he can't fight worth shit,
    That's mean... Joseph is a kid, he's probably somewhere between 15-17 years old, while Galfa is a Merc with years of combat experience and in his mid 20s.
    The fact that he was able to hold out this long is impressive.

    Yet Joseph is what Galfa wanted to be, but never could.... not only because of his poor background, but also because of what the world made him do/see and probably how his surroundings changed his views about the world.

    Poor Galfa
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 03-23-2015 at 05:57 AM.

  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    That's mean... Joseph is a kid, he's probably somewhere between 15-17 years old, while Galfa is a Merc with years of combat experience and in his mid 20s.
    The fact that he was able to hold out this long is impressive.
    I wasn't comparing Joseph to Galfa. It's obvious Galfa's fighting ability would be words above Joseph's. However, Joseph looked like he had only ever hold the sword in his hand when he oiled it, never in battle or even practice. His combat sense were no less catastrophic, but I guess that natural since he had zilch experience. In that sense Galfa was right: He should have run. There's nothing more annoying than a fool who thinks he can win a fight simply because he thinks his cause is righteous (unfortunately in shounen that's usually enough).

  11. #51
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But Joseph won. By luck. And a very awesome girlfriend.

    Strength and experience are WAY overrated.
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  12. #52
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Galfa could have finished him off in 30 seconds if he had really wanted to. But even Galfa wasn't that rotten. If Galfa was a smarter man, I could almost say this was, more or less, his plan all along. He got the goody two-shoes really angry and violent, which indeed did fill Joseph with regret. It also finally pushed Joseph to propose to Maria. I mean, even a battle scarred veteran would have got progressively more and more annoyed looking at and listening to Joseph rant about Maria endlessly, yet not chase her romantically.

  13. #53
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Galfa's goal was to break Joseph, not kill him. He'll still kill him afterwards, but breaking comes first.

    And he failed. Because of random factors. AKA Luck.

    Luck is the best skill there is. Even the most powerful knight would die when hit by a renegade meteorite.

    I'm kidding, btw.
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  14. #54
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I disagree with all who claim luck to be a "skill" because it cheapens real "skill" to be something as random as luck. It's similar to when someone attributes skill to 100% talent without acknowledging hard work.

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  15. #55
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I disagree with all who claim luck to be a "skill" because it cheapens real "skill" to be something as random as luck. It's similar to when someone attributes skill to 100% talent without acknowledging hard work.
    Fortune favours the bold. That's just how it goes, especially in battle. It's super effective if the opponent is a boring person who only believes in numbers and attributes. This is why I say luck is a skill.

  16. #56
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Joseph looked like he had only ever hold the sword in his hand when he oiled it, never in battle or even practice.
    Of course he did look like that, because he was fighting someone with much more experience and much stronger than him, it's like a teacher fighting his disciple.
    Professional vs amateur.
    Champions League vs 2. league in any country.

    Doesn't mean he can't handle the sword, just means that the other person recieved way more training and practice.

  17. #57
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Allow me to repeat myself: I wasn't comparing him to Galfa. I don't know why you are. They are totally in different leagues. I doubt he could have beaten Lolotte in an honest fight, either. He's simply carrying his weapon for ceremonial purposes, which is fine as long as he stays far from battles, let alone wars.

  18. #58
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Allow me to repeat myself: I wasn't comparing him to Galfa. I don't know why you are.
    Because you are, you judge him from what you saw him doing against Galfa. He managed to defeat Levies/Conscripts and protected his comrades with his shield before this episode, showing us that he is able to hold his ground in combat.

  19. #59
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Lolotte's pretty amazing. She takes everything in her stride. Galfa banging someone else.. Galfa killing his superior.. Galfa losing a fight. Just another day for Lolotte.
    Even more amazing is she can carry Galfa in armor on her left should as if he were a little brat.
    And then I remembered she's pretty near battles all the time and does not get killed.
    I wonder if Galfa could hold a candle against her in a fair fight

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  20. #60
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hah, virgin Maria with a baby...

    .. other than that, I don't know how Michael really came up with the decision (or how God) to let Maria off. Talking to Cernunnos convinced her that Maria is more a force of nature? "I'll continue to watch you and stop you" is just postponing things. One thing that did make a bit of sense was Maria taking the initiative to forgive God, letting him back down from having to say "Yep, we screwed up. Soz Maria".

    I went and did an internet search for conclusions from the source material and ran into wiki saying:


    That all of the following are anime-only characters:


    So... the entire plot was essentially anime-only I guess?

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