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Thread: Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji

    Alternative Title: Wolf Girl and Black Prince, オオカミ少女と黒王子

    Genre: Comedy, Romance

    Plot: (spoilers for ~3 episodes) Erika talks to her friends about boyfriends and romance, but in all her sixteen years she's never actually dated anyone. She thought her lies had reached a limit until one day she takes a surreptitious photo of a good looking guy she saw in town. She brags that he's her boyfriend, but it turns out that his name's Kyōya Sata and he goes to her school. She tells him what's going on and he offers to admit to her lie, but it turns out that under his sweet exterior he's actually a malicious sadist. Seizing Erika's weakness, he orders her to be his dog.
    -ANN edited

    Links: ANN, AniDB, MAL, Official.



    Boy was this show a difficult watch at first. She's miserable, her friends are assholes and Kyouya's was a dick. Until Kyouya's transition from dickhead to male-tsundere, the whole process was painful to watch. In a sense we're empathising with Erika and the show's been successful in that department. We get annoyed when her efforts seem futile and we get hopeful when Kyouya throws her a bone every now and again. The difference is that we're not hopelessly in love with this show like Erika is with Kyouya, so those painful experiences don't nearly make up for all the shit he throws at her. At least this all changes later on. He gets protective, her friends are less assholish (and overall don't matter anymore) and more often than not it's Kyouya who has to prove how serious their relationship is.

    The show's done well to go without any real love triangles.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 12-20-2014 at 01:27 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #2
    This is my guilty shoujo pleasure for this season.
    Somehow, all of the characters are terrible people that I find very annoying, but it is still funny to watch.
    Erika is just a complete idiot and Kyouya is a horrible person.

    The only decent people in the show are like her only friend San-chan and maybe Kyouya's friend (though he's a huge idiot).

    The introduction of Kirito (I don't remember his name, but he is voiced by Kirito from SAO, so we'll go with that) has been pretty hilarious. Especially considering he has a harem in this show, too, and wonders why Kyouya doesn't have a harem. So funny on so many levels.

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The first episode was enough for me. I'm not much of a fan of pure school setting romance shoujo, even if it has some superficial complications like that master-dog relationship.

    Akatsuki no Yona serves as my shoujo show of the season much better.

  4. #4
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    +1 for AnY, one of the shows I can watch with ease and wait for. Not stellar, but really nice.

    For the show in the subject, I've had great difficulties adapting to the low quality of the chara design. When that happens, it means the show has nothing in it for me. Because honestly, I've been watching shows with downright awfull chara design and animation... but with stories that kept me watching.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #5
    I'm watching Yona, too. But man, it is so slow to start off.
    The plot is so convenient, too.

    At least in this show, I feel like the characters drive it rather than very convenient events (like meeting priest dude or mr. dragon village man).

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I'm watching Yona, too. But man, it is so slow to start off.
    The plot is so convenient, too.

    At least in this show, I feel like the characters drive it rather than very convenient events (like meeting priest dude or mr. dragon village man).
    Uhhuh. And just what kind of an amazing plot would a high school drama have that would be convenient for the characters? There's no such thing. The only choice left is to have the characters drive it.

  7. #7
    Well sure.
    I'm not saying the plot is really that interesting in either show. They are pretty typical shoujo after all.
    At least in this show, things happen because Erika is stupid. In Yona, everything is fated or random chance or whatever.

    It doesn't really matter that much, but I'm just tired of the "fated chosen one" storyline.

  8. #8
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 12


    I'm satisfied. It's not in the same league as Kaichou wa Maid-sama, but was a nice watch in the end.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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