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Thread: Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de

  1. #41
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    This show ended right when it was about to start. I liked it very much... a shame they use Anime only to boost LN sales nowadays.
    I hope this will get a 2nd season someday.

  2. #42
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    This show ended right when it was about to start.
    I get the feeling you didn't understand what makes this series really great.

    They cut out as much of the action as possible because it isn't about the little Fairy War at all.

    It's about the "unfairly powerful" Virgin Child/Andou's Group (edit: Plus Kudou) proceeding with their ordinary lives while all this shit is going on that they are miraculously ignorant of. Granted, one of the other most powerful people is protecting his little sister until the end, but the fact that their group doesn't even bother to figure out why they have these superpowers is why this series stands out in a sea of LNs with similar premises, but are bland generic shit.

    This show ended exactly where it should have. What makes it great is that it shows you none of the cliché LN stuff, and instead shows all the in-between stuff that is normally skipped.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 12-24-2014 at 08:48 AM. Reason: can't forget Mirei!

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Nah, why introduce supernatural stuff if you skip it in the end.
    It's meant to keep this show interesting and going. Why introduce several side characters, villain groups and even the war and rules itself.
    Without it, its just another school - slice of life show with a harem ending (that means nothing was resolved in the end)
    and shows/LN like SNAFU do a better job in that regard in my opinion

    This show ended exactly where it should have. What makes it great is that it shows you none of the cliché LN stuff, and instead shows all the in-between stuff that is normally skipped.
    I don't know, this show had clichès happening left and right, all the time. This in-between stuff is normally not skipped either.. in fact, isn't that pretty normal in anime? Having a rival in love, conflicted feelings, not wanting things to change, "MC has to choose me", Beach episode, Pool episodes, dates that are not considered dates, everyone falls in love with MC, MC is weirdo but a very nice guy and reliable etc. etc.

    I don't believe anyone seriously believes it was a good idea to end this show here because the group finally understood that they love Andou and can continue their life with that in mind, it ended here because it is the perfect cliffhanger. The girls will begin to chase Andou even more, they are no longer oblivious about the "Fairy War" and might have to act now. To sum it up... "if you want to know what will happen to the cute girls you grew to like so much, please buy the LN"

    I'm not saying it's "unfair" or "they've no right to do that"... it's just one of the reasons why I prefer shows like Aldnoah Zero. I *might* be able to see a proper ending and conclusion but its rather unlikely for LN shows nowadays (or always was-)..
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 12-24-2014 at 01:22 PM.

  4. #44
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm with Ryll on this one. The title itself suggests that the intention of the show was to have a slice-of-life story with the supernatural powers in the background. Usually, it is the romance and comedy that takes the background while the battles are the main point.

    The anime can and will serve as advertising for the LN, but that doesn't mean the story that the anime told was intended for that. Keep in mind that the books existed with the same story way before it became an anime. It was already a slice-of-life story with random powers from the start, not because the anime creators wanted it to be so for advertising. As to why it ended at this point, one word: budget.

    If you want the shounen supernatural battle stuff, you will get tons of those in the coming season. We have 4 of those coming in, which somewhat indicates how cookie cutter they are.

    This show was a breath of fresh air because it added twists to the usual tropes and made the powers something ridiculously secondary. It will probably go in a different route in the LN eventually when the fairy war and the like are expounded on, but who knows. In the end, it will be a matter of preference. Someone who likes action more would prefer that. I personally want less fighting and more Juurai being cool as a chuuni (and moar Sayumi).
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Wed, 12-24-2014 at 02:12 PM.
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