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Thread: Grisaia no Kajitsu

  1. #1
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Grisaia no Kajitsu

    "Trying to become something that he isn't, Kazami Yuji transferred himself to Mihama Academy --- a school with only five female students and prison-like features. He was told that every student in this school have their own 'circumstances' (himself included) and that he is not required to do anything about their situation as he asked for a 'normal' student life. Will Yuji find his solution here in Mihama Academy?" -Wikipedia

    Links: AniDB | ANN | Official
    Download: Episode 1 720p | 1080p - HS

    - - - - -- -- - -

    One of the shows I was looking forward to as the source is among the better VNs I've read. As opposed to many VNs, I also read it entirely, every route. It has very interesting stories and decently varied and thought-out characters. The main character is undoubtly one of the best: Just the first seconds of this episode will reveal he looks like a fricking killer, not the naive, innocent type that high school anime usually sports, regardless of fighting capabilities. This guy is like a mix between Clannad's Tomoya's dry, witty jokes and FMP's Sagara's mentality.

    I have no idea how this will play out considering it's impossible to cover everything in the hugely different routes. But I'm looking forward to good episodes, no matter what. The fanservice was quite blatant every now and then, and of course censored to boost BD sales, but it can't be helped. At least it's made funnier by the dude's expression that says he doesn't give a shit about some school girl flashing panties or boobs.

    I'll surely keep watching unless the story and characters are ruined.

  2. #2
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    That first ep certainly did not do justice to the source material. Let's see what happens next.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #3
    The MC's expression just makes the whole thing. He doesn't put up with any crap.

    I don't know how I feel about the black bars. I wonder if the whole thing will be like this.

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    It's too bad they had to go with the late night lens flare & panty shot pandering, as I expect the story could really stand on its own. Looking forward to the next ep for sure. Also, ditto on Yuuji's "99 problems but you ain't one" blank stare being hilarious.

  5. #5
    I don't know, his stare is almost even better because of the panty shots.
    Like, when the two girls are wrestling on the sofa there is a close up of pantsu, and then it cuts to his face with that look like he's disgusted that he has to put up with this.

  6. #6
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That was great.

    I missed all the characters so much.
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  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    I don't know how I feel about the black bars. I wonder if the whole thing will be like this.
    I'm wondering about the same thing. I certainly don't see any reason for it. Maybe it tried to mark this episode as an intro, and the rest of the eps will be normal. I certainly hope so.

  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 2 - HS

    - - - - - -

    Looks like the black bars (or rather the wider, big screen aspect ratio) are here to stay. But I'm getting used to it, so it's fine. I guess people with 16:10 screens would be more bothered, the sadness bars being even bigger than in the more common FullHD 16:9.

    I continue to like this. Yuuji is slowly falling in, despite telling otherwise to the principal. Or at least externally he is, with all the other girls save Sakaki chatting with him as if he had always been there. I'm glad we still got a few scenes with the empty eyes killer gaze. That really makes his character, along with the overly calm demeanor.

    The beginning of the VN was long and I doubt I'd even remember all the things that happened during it, but nevertheless it'll be interesting to see what they will try to include here, and how the story will develop later. It feels like Sakaki is getting a lot of attention, but on the other hand she's the one to stand out right now, not accepting Yuuji as readily as the others.
    Last edited by Kraco; Mon, 10-13-2014 at 02:36 AM. Reason: Forgotten word

  9. #9
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This adaptation made me hope for a Grisaia no Meikyuu adaptation. Hopefully, if this makes enough cash, the rest of the VNs will get translated.

    Meikyuu is by far the best, this being the 2nd. They can just cut out Rakuen if they want, or edit it to make more logical sense.

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  10. #10
    There's going to be a kickstarter for the whole series in November:

  11. #11
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I screwed up my English (alcohol ftw). What I meant was I hope that the rest of the VNs are adapted to anime. It would allow a much larger audience to access the amazing story in the 2nd VN. The third was meh, so I'm fine with it being cut out.
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  12. #12
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    gotta say, yumikoŽs constant murder attempts are just not funny. If it wasnt for his superior dodging skills, heŽd be dead. Fun :/

    Also, my current ranking:

    1. Makina
    2. Amane
    3. Maid-girl

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    So from what I gather she thought a guy in an all girl school would try and rape all of them. Plus she seems to care about her friends and combined with the fact that she couldn't find anything on the guy she tried to kill him just to be safe?

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    All of them are abnormal students, or abnormal humans, as has been said a few times already. Under those circumstances I don't think Sakaki trying to murder Yuuji is supposed to be funny. This isn't a comedy series but a series with comedy.

  15. #15
    Yumiko for worst girl.

  16. #16
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 6 - HS

    - - - -- - -

    I don't think I'd anymore recommend this show to anyone. It's like it's trying to cover every girl's story in 12/13 eps. Naturally it's utterly impossible, and thus we end up with bullshit like this episode (and the previous one). Some said this anime is going to be a failure like this, but I maintained a slight hope the plot would instead stick to a single girl and thus build a decent story, only borrowing some comedy from other routes, for example. But, alas, no. This show is doomed. Who knows what the studio and director imagine they will achieve with this.

  17. #17
    The problem is that there is no single true route in Grisaia, and none of the girls' stories could really carry it by themselves.
    They did okay with Michiru, though with so much content left on the cutting room floor, it lacks a lot of the emotional impact it is supposed to have.
    Yumiko is the worst, though, so hopefully they'll do a better job with the remaining 3 girls.

  18. #18
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm fine with them cutting Yumiko's route. It was the least interesting one anyway. They needed to do this in order to allow the Makina route to happen. This change was actually welcome because I got to see new content.

    What should be animated is Grisaia no Meikyuu. I hope that this adaptation earns enough to warrant that.

    @Ryll - Looks like Kraco made your fears come true.
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  19. #19
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's fine, I dropped it at episode 2. As much as I was liking the blond girl (and kinda liked the maid one), I found zero motivation to watch this show. It just wasn't interesting. I had downloaded episodes 3 and 4, but still hadn't watched them weeks later.

    The rest of the characters just fell completely flat. Given the cast, I can say that the only reason I was drawn to the two I did like was their VAs. The others simply weren't engaging at all. The first two episodes gave me no reason to care about them or want to learn more.

    When I realize I don't care about the characters or what happens to them, I drop the show.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 11-10-2014 at 04:05 AM.

  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    @Ryll - Looks like Kraco made your fears come true.
    If I interpreted it correctly, Ryll's worry were people who would never be satisfied with an adaptation, even if it was a good one, instead complaining about every single difference between the source and the anime. However, no matter how you look at the recent development in this show, it's bullshit. Though I admit Michiru worked strangely well, but that's probably only because she's such a goofy character that it might not matter. It doesn't change the fact that using 20 mins to reveal a traumatised person's background and fixing it is laughably superficial. It's no better than the UBW movie. Except that this show doesn't have superb visuals.

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