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Thread: Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

  1. #141
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I believe the conversation was necessary to understand Archer.
    Without it you wouldn't even begin to see what Shirou awaits if he decides to follow "his" ideals.
    UBW Archer is, so to say, Kiritsugu incarnated ... and the viewers, who watched Fate/Zero right before this, know what happened to him and what he felt when he came to realize what he has done.

    I still have problems to decide who is in the right between the two.
    It's also worth noting that Archer never says anything about having to fight his own self in the past.. as if it's the first clash between the two in the "loop"

    What happened to Archer(Future Shiroe) during this/his Grail War? Won't Shiroe's (present Shiroe) life and fate change, after all, he "met" his regrets and might be able to change/overcome what will happen because of that.

    I'm not sure if I'm reading too much into it ,but to me, after what happened in Fate/Zero:
    Fate/Stay Night: Fate is the first loop, and Fate/Stay Night:UBW the second. (that's totally not a fact)

    UBW-Archer knows alot more about Saber than Shiroe himself - Fate Shiroe had a very close relationship with Fate-Saber
    Fate-Archer never really confronted Fate-Shiroe, he disliked him (alot) but not even slightly as much as in UBW.
    Thus, Fate-Shiroe - and by that Future-UBW-Archer (this is getting complex) - realizes he has to stop himself after what happened to him. (after he turned into a guardian himself etc.)
    and UBW is the loop where Shiroe has a chance to escape his fate(for example) by knowing what will happen and having Rin by his side... and if that's not possible, at least he can look at himself and have no regrets, because he *decided* to do it this way, fully knowing the consequences.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 05-17-2015 at 05:41 AM.

  2. #142
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Without it you wouldn't even begin to see what Shirou awaits if he decides to follow "his" ideals.
    That's why UBW is the best route for Shirou. Rin won't take that shit from Shirou and will see to it that he won't turn into Archer, as much as she liked Archer.

  3. #143
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Shirou/EMIYA, Rin, and Saber only get full characterization across all three routes. Hell, even doofus Shinji.
    You get fragments of their true motives and personalities from each. The different events result in those four reacting and showing very different sides to themselves.

    (Illya's third route characterization is essentially repeated by Fate/Zero).

    Shirou will become EMIYA any time he succumbs to despair and decides to continue to be a hero despite failing. Kiritsugu retreated from the world when he failed Iri and Illya. EMIYA just keeps carrying on because he's as much of an idiot as Shirou, believing his failures can be overcome by working more.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 05-17-2015 at 05:24 AM.

  4. #144
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    The whole summoning heroes from the future is just crazy when you think about it. Paradoxes and stuff. The Guardians/Heroic Spirits exist outside of Time. So right from the first moment the Counter-Force had all the Heroic Spirits it would ever have even if the people such as Emiya haven't even been born yet. Not sure if I even got that right. Stuffs funny to think about.

  5. #145
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 21 - HS

    - - - - - - - -

    It's so satisfying to see Shinji suffer. If that had happened to Rin like Gil planned, it would have been a crime against all things moe, just like poor Ilya's death was. However, it happening to Shinji was justice.

    I'm happy the long exchange between Shirou and Archer is finally over. I feel like the dialogue wasn't handled as well as it could have, though perhaps my memories of the VN are a bit dim as well, what comes to this particular scene. It was all blown out of proportion, possibly precisely because it took so long here.

    I'm not looking forward to dolphins in the next ep, haha. Let's hope there won't be any! I am looking forward to Rin getting embarrassed.

  6. #146
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The Archer vs Shirou episode should've been cut in half. The main content in this episode + some clips of the previous one should've been more than enough to explain Archer and Shirou's situation. So far, that's the only blatant error Ufotable has done in this adaptation.

    The other problems are mainly from the source content. Again, we have the villain spouting death flags for himself and letting the heroes go. Again, we have heroes standing around waiting to be PWNed by Gil's magic portals. Again, we have Archer dallying like crazy even though he keeps screaming he wants to kill Shirou. The last 2 episodes felt as orchestrated as hell, but that's because of the script.
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  7. #147
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    Is there any reason for me to watch this since I was satisfied with how Stay/Night ended and I am wondering is there a reason to watch this version and discard the first?

  8. #148
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's a different path so it's not really discarding the first even if you watch it.

    That, and the animation in this one is incomparable to the first. It's like comparing crab sticks (which has no crab at all, btw) to real crab. You just can't.
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  9. #149
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    Lol K. I may check it out. Thanks!

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The Archer vs Shirou episode should've been cut in half. The main content in this episode + some clips of the previous one should've been more than enough to explain Archer and Shirou's situation. So far, that's the only blatant error Ufotable has done in this adaptation.

    The other problems are mainly from the source content. Again, we have the villain spouting death flags for himself and letting the heroes go. Again, we have heroes standing around waiting to be PWNed by Gil's magic portals. Again, we have Archer dallying like crazy even though he keeps screaming he wants to kill Shirou. The last 2 episodes felt as orchestrated as hell, but that's because of the script.
    it did felt way to long. the whole fight lasted 3-4 episodes for a series that wont have many episodes to begin with. also the battle itself was pointless, because they created a paradox that each time emiya and archer clashed emiya got stronger, but at the same time archer would get stronger too because emiya himself was stronger...

    now the second half of the episode was brilliant, for me that i know nothing about the grail they finally explained wtf happened in fate/zero which puzzled me for too long!

  11. #151
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That paradox doesn't make sense. Shirou slowly caught up to Archer, with Archer being his peak. Hero Emiya won't get any stronger because of that.
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  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    That paradox doesn't make sense. Shirou slowly caught up to Archer, with Archer being his peak. Hero Emiya won't get any stronger because of that.
    it all depeneds on how the flow of time works in this series...

    if there is a single timeline, then changing an aspect on the past would change that aspect on the future. in this theory if shirou learned something faster from archer than he would have if he had to do it alone, then shirou would have more time to learn new things AND would have died stronger than before, thus making archer stronger too... if the flow of time works like this then there is another time paradox present: the 2 swords they keep using, emiya from the future used them from the beginning because he knew how to create them, but emiya from the present copied them from himself, in the end "nobody" created them.

    if there are multiple timelines, then changing an aspect on the past would create a new future altogether. in this theory if shirou learned something from archer, then it would created another future where a different hero emiya would be stronger so it would be possible for emiya to caught up to archer without any problem.

  13. #153
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This was explained. Hero Emiya is ripped from time because he is a guardian. Archer isn't Shirou's state when he died. Shirou sacrificed a peaceful death in exchange for eternity, power (that he did not have), and yes, height. Saber even mentioned that killing Shirou won't do anything to Archer. Archer was just desperate and grasping at straws (and being an ass).
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  14. #154
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Lancer's lot in this grail war is just unfair. The guy is so much more honorable, fair, and just than Archer.

    Even in this arc where he gets a chance to show off, he still somehow gets the shaft.

    Fuck Emiya. The guy is a bitter douchebag. Lancer is the only true defender of justice. Even Saber is still selfish, she regrets pulling the sword from the stone, the flashbacks were clear enough. Lancer? He'll even betray his masters to save an innocent girl.

  15. #155
    Episode 24

    - - - - - - - - -

    Is it just me or did they make the final Archer with Shirou's face on him look a lot better than the movie UBW and the VN did? It looked weird, feminine, and photochopped in the old UBW and VN but here Archer actually looks like both Archer and Shirou, very naturally, almost like it made you wonder if you just didn't see the resemblance until then. Kudos to the new artist for that.

    Was nice to hear some of the original music as well.
    Last edited by Kraco; Tue, 06-23-2015 at 04:51 AM. Reason: Episode number

  16. #156
    Man, that Emiya vs Gilagmesh fight. So good.

    No idea how they're getting a whole 20+ minutes out of what's left, but whatever. The original material Ufotable has made so far has been good, so I'm interested to see if they'll have anything new.

  17. #157
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfMoogles View Post
    No idea how they're getting a whole 20+ minutes out of what's left, but whatever. The original material Ufotable has made so far has been good, so I'm interested to see if they'll have anything new.
    I'll gladly accept some Rin+Shirou flirting!

  18. #158
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Guessing next ep will have a bunch of Shirou monologue and perhaps a short view of what happens next. I mean in the VN if I recall correctly it was mentioned that: ((both he and Tohsaka go to London and he studies under her ( heh...under her.)))
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 06-23-2015 at 11:54 AM. Reason: whiting out spoiler

  19. #159
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I wish they do a uber happy disney ending.
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  20. #160
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Well I guess he could make her a Unlimited Disney Works.

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