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Thread: Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

  1. #101
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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  2. #102
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    OP was just okay. ED was just bad. F/Z simply destroys UBW music-wise.

    This episode would have been much better if they took low shots of Saber('s waki). Glad they kept the pose no matter how nonsensical it looks in animation. I hate seeing her suffer though.

    I don't remember all this plot armor nonsense being this annoying in the VN. Okay, let's just keep letting our enemies go! Archer should have given that condition BEFORE he got stolen. It would've been far more believable.

    Rin's tsundereness came off a little too exaggerated. All in all, I wasn't that impressed with this opener. I do like how the romance is established early on, giving room for development and conflict later. Shirou just one-upped all other harem protagonists by confessing to his target as early as halfway into the story.
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  3. #103
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I don't remember all this plot armor nonsense being this annoying in the VN. Okay, let's just keep letting our enemies go! Archer should have given that condition BEFORE he got stolen. It would've been far more believable.
    True, but don't forget that Caster is a romantic at heart, and someone who takes betrayals very badly. Cruel as she is, harsh as she is, she doesn't mind a valiant would-be hero rescuing a damsel (after Kuzuki changed her outlook), and equally loathes oathbreakers like Archer (from her own past). She would feel sympathy toward betrayed, idealistic girls like Rin.

    I honestly believe she respects Rin quite a bit.

  4. #104
    First 3 episodes (saw them at Sakuracon) were pretty good.
    They definitely changed/added a few things from the game, which I think turned out pretty neat.
    You guys should look forward to the next episodes, though I don't think the big upcoming fight will come until maybe 16 or 17.

  5. #105
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I don't remember Caster and Lancer fighting as shown in the OP though.

  6. #106
    I think the OP is just "cool-looking stuff".

  7. #107
    I thought the OP was pretty good. I need to download the full version.

  8. #108
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shinta
    I don't remember all this plot armor nonsense being this annoying in the VN. Okay, let's just keep letting our enemies go! Archer should have given that condition BEFORE he got stolen. It would've been far more believable.
    I think it works better to do it after. In a way he's already sealed the deal and makes Caster look like a bitch if she didn't give him something for his otherwise unconditional surrender. As Ryll says, the psychology works better this way.

    I don't remember Archer being betrayed by his ideals as a servant as per this episode's explanation. Servants are also not supposed to hold memories of each summon, removing the idea that they can become regretful through such summoned experiences. Saber is unique in that this doesn't apply to her.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #109
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Caster kills tons of people to suck mana from them. Looking like a bitch (which isn't even true in this case because Archer is a traitor) in front of his enemies is the last thing she should be worried about.
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  10. #110
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Caster kills tons of people to suck mana from them. Looking like a bitch (which isn't even true in this case because Archer is a traitor) in front of his enemies is the last thing she should be worried about.
    It's a gamble either way.

    But by doing it this way, Archer has

    1) gained a bit of her trust by going to her side (despite what was said this episode)
    2) allowed him to be in her favour somewhat. Caster knows how difficult it is to control a servant. Trading off some ex-masters' lives for a compliant servant is a win in her books.

    Caster doesn't mind looking like a bitch for her goals, but killing the two accomplishes nothing - which is why it was so easy to comply.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #111
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Accomplishes nothing except killing future enemies?

    It's a ridiculous trope that exists in tons of fiction but most crudely implemented in anime. When you have enemies, you kill them when you can. Archer can get indignant, but if he's really as pragmatic as he claims, he would still obey caster even after the two are dead. If he doesn't, Caster still has the command seals.

    I also think it bears repeating that Caster did this twice, the first time biting her in the ass because Shirou showed up in this episode.

    I understand the excuse, and I know it's mostly for the plot, but I wish they simply didn't resort to it. It feels like a cop out.
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  12. #112
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    I understand the excuse, and I know it's mostly for the plot, but I wish they simply didn't resort to it. It feels like a cop out.
    I don't know, I'd do it (if I was Caster, or some other big boss). That's because I'd believe that no mage could take me down, and with such a large army of physical combatants already I'd feel like having a little mercy.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #113
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    And you'd be defeated in the end just like them.

    It almost feels like these characters never read fiction.
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  14. #114
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Caster, best woman obviously. ♥

    I'm glad they are making her slightly more sympathetic a character, while also showing off more of her abilities. She's a fearsome opponent indeed, and if she ever had a proper master she'd have been a true threat to all but Saber. A nice expansion on her storyline. She seemed to be overall quite helpful with him initially, trying her best at least, but he opted to betray her simply because she casually showed him how much better she was. Of course she's better at magic than her summoner. If Medea says your magic workshop sucks...listen to her.

    The scene where Shirou only got zapped a little by Ilya while Rin got blasted back a good 3 meters was very funny. It makes what happened shortly thereafter so much worse. I don't remember Sella and Leysritt having much of a role in the game aside from a single one of the bad ends, seen, but almost never heard. I assume their role here was much expanded on thanks in part to Prisma Ilya.

  15. #115
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Casters background was good. Different from the VN if I recall it correctly but nice none the less. Sure the workshop was inefficient in her eyes but was it just me or was the main thing she disproved of the use of children? She even let the others go. I think that's a nice touch to show she isn't as ruthless as she seems to be at times. At least not to kids.

    From what I recall Gilgamesh never fought them in the VN. If you can even call that a fight. Pretty sure they were given these few minutes because of what you said. Prisma Ilya.

    Now I'm hoping that since they are expanding a bit, that they will show the full battle between Berserker and Gilgamesh. From what I recall from the movies it was hardly a fight.

  16. #116
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't think Medea has a problem with using children. It was more that the way he was using children was inefficient and wasteful.

    He uses 6 bodies to make a tiny crystal that Rin could make in a just few hours on her own, and then Caster uses whatever mana/prana that was just left over in the room around them and makes a huge one.

    When did she let any of them go? I don't think the clones were really even conscious to begin with. I assumed she disposed of them. You couldn't see anything behind the shattered glass when she burned the lab.

  17. #117
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Hmmm you're right. She says it's unwise to throw away lives and that she can't abide a workshop that generates a loss. But she did say that the children were unnecessary so she freed them. Though I suppose killing them could have been a freedom in some eyes. But what made you say they were clones? They never stated that did they?

  18. #118
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    They just looked like clones to me.

    I probably was mistaken.

  19. #119
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryll about best woman - Only because they killed Rider off so early

    Medea freed them, I think. I don't think they're clones but kids kidnapped outside of the city. Caster's master was about to explain their origins but only got as far as revealing that. Medea's background makes her ridiculous decision to let Shirou go twice make much more sense. Kotomine's comment about her master's reading of her past also suggested she was never a traitor to begin with. She was never cruel or evil, just forced by circumstances to act so. Excellent work, Ufotable.

    I love Sella and Leysritt in Ataraxia, where they were developed a lot. However, Gil's lines and graphic cruelty made up for the loss of those two. "In the end, humans are incapable of rewarding your purity." It was an amazing scene. I'm impressed so much of the maids' personalities shined through in the few minutes they were on screen.

    Gil's OPness is awesome to watch. The annoying brat we saw in the original FSN anime is totally gone. What we have left is the king of heroes F/Z delivered.
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  20. #120
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't see how Caster could have fallen for Kuzuki so hopelessly if she had been capable of slaying Shirou and Rin without a second through after Archer's plea, especially after Shirou obviously and heroically endangered his own life to save the girl. If that hadn't affected her at all, then her love and devotion for Kuzuki would most likely be purely false as well. And we do know it's not false. She can't be the kind of heartless villain Shinta was looking for.

    I don't mind the additions in this episode. They seem to fit in well enough with the story and give some flesh to the villains of the arc. Although I'm going to be majorly pissed off if the extra minutes spent here remove the best scene in a later episode. But then again, seeing how Shirou's smooth operator speech was included, I doubt that scene will be cut for a second time in a UBW adaptation.

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