so, with HXH about to end and having recently rewatched Shingeki no Kyoujin, I started thinking about it again. Gantz is, thematically, similar to SnK, except multitudes better. Itīs gruesome, itīs full of cool action, itīs interesting. And, most of all, itīs concluded. No fear of filler, because you donīt know when the manga might continue. A studio could plan the whole thing from start to beginning, without any uncertainties.
So, why is it that nobody does it? Yes, there is the old anime that covered the very beginning of the story. But thatīs it. It didnīt even reach the best parts.
Have there ever been any explanations? Or are there maybe actually rumors for a new anime version?
Seriously, Gantz simply seems to be a perfect match for the current anime Zeitgeist, it would be super popular. How come?