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Thread: Shounen Hollywood

  1. #1
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Shounen Hollywood


    It takes place at a fictional theater called Hollywood Tokyo in Harajuku, where members of the idol group "Shounen Hollywood" develop their talents with diligent work and studying.

    I donīt even know how to start this, but ... I really enjoy watching this anime. Itīs a fresh coat of paint to see idols that arenīt only male, but also realistically depicted in terms of age, meaning they look like their intended age, without any signs of moe-ism and the likes. Which makes their voices sound weird at times, because they really sound young, when their appearance, in other typical anime, would be that of an adult already.

    The "story" is a bit heavy on the emotional side, and I cannot shake off a certain gay-feeling to it (no offense lol), especially when Iīm also watching Free! Summer. What truly hooked me on this anime, though, is that the president, God-san, looks just like an anime-version of Nintendoīs Eiji Aonuma, the producer of the The Legend of Zelda-series. Once youīve noticed this, itīs just too hilarious not to watch this


    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I would like to keep watching just for the sociopath boss of that theater. If you take what he says at face value, he comes off as deranged and dangerous. The no-nonsence tone in which he says things like "They're not really your friends, and if they are, they will betray you once you become an idol" in ep 2 mixed with how seriously the men listen to him are unnerving.

    Obviously the show isn't framed that way, but I believe it is much more entertaining to watch when I scrutinize all of the unhealthy advice he gives his trainees as a manifestation of mental illness. The lines, for the most part, seem to fit that just as well as... whatever he is being portrayed as (detached father figure, maybe?)

  3. #3
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    wat a shit show lel

  4. #4
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    This fifth episode was probably one of the worst 20 minutes of anime Iīve seen in quite some time.

    Three things:

    - why would anyone within the audience enjoy such a play?
    - why would anybody think creating such play and spending time and money on it would be worth it?
    - why would the anime production team spend A WHOLE episode showing this lame play?

    Iīm truly baffled.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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