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NeoCybercoin Akame ga KILL Mon, 07-07-2014,
09:46 AM

shinta|hikari You are certainly not... Mon, 07-07-2014,
11:19 AM

NeoCybercoin Ha, okay. I did not see that... Mon, 07-07-2014,
11:25 AM

vejita613 I was expecting a lot of... Mon, 07-07-2014,
01:50 PM

shinta|hikari I was afraid they were going... Mon, 07-07-2014,
01:58 PM

KrayZ33 This was great.. I want more.... Mon, 07-07-2014,
03:40 PM

lelouch A bit sad his friends are... Tue, 07-08-2014,
12:27 AM

neflight86 Not as powerful as I remember... Tue, 07-08-2014,
01:23 PM

Buffalobiian HS - Episode 02... Mon, 07-14-2014,
09:34 AM

NeoCybercoin Yeah I agree during the day... Mon, 07-14-2014,
09:39 AM

neflight86 Ep 2 felt much better. Guess... Mon, 07-14-2014,
02:01 PM

Penner I read a little in this... Wed, 07-30-2014,
02:16 PM

NeoCybercoin Yep, I am still loving the... Thu, 07-31-2014,
09:32 AM

lelouch Did anyone else not realize... Fri, 08-01-2014,
11:11 PM

shinta|hikari Hehehehe. Fri, 08-01-2014,
11:56 PM

NeoCybercoin Yeah, once it's done with the... Sat, 08-02-2014,
10:12 AM

Crash Just watched all the eps, and... Mon, 08-04-2014,
05:08 PM

KrayZ33 I would like to point out... Fri, 08-08-2014,
11:01 AM

Kraco Yeah, he's pretty decent. The... Fri, 08-08-2014,
11:24 AM

David75 When he met the illusion of... Sat, 08-09-2014,
01:08 AM

Penner I thought he didn't even get... Sat, 08-09-2014,
01:21 AM

NeoCybercoin No, you're right. He based... Sat, 08-09-2014,
09:35 AM

Penner [HorribleSubs] Akame ga Kill!... Mon, 08-11-2014,
12:43 AM

neflight86 Good stuff. Speedy ep that... Mon, 08-11-2014,
12:49 AM

Penner Damn that was awesome. Mon, 08-11-2014,
01:10 AM

Buffalobiian Now that was cool. I hope... Mon, 08-11-2014,
02:25 AM

Kraco It was good to see one going.... Mon, 08-11-2014,
02:49 AM

MasterOfMoogles The fight against crazy girl... Mon, 08-11-2014,
03:28 AM

Kraco Mine never seemed like a real... Mon, 08-11-2014,
05:26 AM

NeoCybercoin Yeah she was holding the... Mon, 08-11-2014,
09:46 AM

shinta|hikari Jumping towards the dog that... Mon, 08-11-2014,
11:23 AM

KrayZ33 Hmm, that wouldn't have made... Mon, 08-11-2014,
11:53 AM

KrayZ33 That argument is stupid, no... Mon, 08-11-2014,
12:19 PM

Kraco The main rebel army seems to... Mon, 08-11-2014,
01:28 PM

KrayZ33 As you said, they are pretty... Mon, 08-11-2014,
03:19 PM

Kraco Yeah, my main problem wasn't... Mon, 08-11-2014,
03:47 PM

Buffalobiian As previously said, you can't... Tue, 08-12-2014,
05:02 AM

KrayZ33 but... Tue, 08-12-2014,
11:06 AM

KrayZ33 Don't get me wrong, I can't... Tue, 08-12-2014,
01:23 PM

Ryllharu me if I'm wrong... Tue, 08-12-2014,
04:03 PM

Kraco Episode 7 - HS... Sun, 08-17-2014,
01:03 PM

Ryllharu I think it would have been... Sun, 08-17-2014,
05:16 PM

NeoCybercoin But Bulat is full on Homo so... Sun, 08-17-2014,
05:58 PM

Ryllharu That's why Esdeath falling... Sun, 08-17-2014,
06:38 PM

Buffalobiian That Alucard voice! Nakata... Mon, 08-18-2014,
04:35 AM

NeoCybercoin Come on, he's a bad guy with... Mon, 08-18-2014,
09:30 AM

Crash Is it wrong that when Bulat... Mon, 08-18-2014,
01:21 PM

KrayZ33 I hope that we'll see the... Mon, 08-18-2014,
02:00 PM

Kraco Episode 8 - HS... Sun, 08-24-2014,
12:33 PM

David75 He brings back 3 new arms...... Sun, 08-24-2014,
01:28 PM

NeoCybercoin You would certainly hope he... Sun, 08-24-2014,
01:36 PM

shinta|hikari He wanted to quick level. It... Sun, 08-24-2014,
09:39 PM

Buffalobiian "Evolved" or not, Tatsumi's... Mon, 08-25-2014,
08:36 AM

Ryllharu The last of the beast killers... Mon, 08-25-2014,
05:43 PM

lelouch You would think Night Raid... Wed, 08-27-2014,
11:53 PM

Kraco Episode 9 - HS... Sun, 08-31-2014,
02:29 PM

Penner Damnit, what's going on with... Sun, 08-31-2014,
03:50 PM

lelouch I would quit night raid and... Sun, 08-31-2014,
04:11 PM

NeoCybercoin You do know you are fucked if... Sun, 08-31-2014,
04:15 PM

shinta|hikari But she's a virgin. She knows... Sun, 08-31-2014,
10:11 PM

shinta|hikari Isn't Esdeath like perfect?
... Mon, 09-01-2014,
07:50 AM

lelouch Episode 10:
... Sun, 09-07-2014,
11:46 AM

Buffalobiian Yes, but that doesn't mean... Sun, 09-07-2014,
12:51 PM

lelouch I feel like the string guy... Sun, 09-07-2014,
01:01 PM

NeoCybercoin Man Esdeath is getting bigger... Sun, 09-07-2014,
04:48 PM

Ryllharu I don't know why he didn't... Sun, 09-07-2014,
05:09 PM

NeoCybercoin Think that's because she... Sun, 09-07-2014,
05:52 PM

Buffalobiian But being a part of Night... Sun, 09-07-2014,
08:35 PM

shinta|hikari Only the professor knows... Sun, 09-07-2014,
09:16 PM

lelouch Is it just me or do the... Sun, 09-07-2014,
11:14 PM

shinta|hikari A guy who controlled water... Sun, 09-07-2014,
11:19 PM

David75 Tatsumi didn't have sex with... Sun, 09-07-2014,
11:27 PM

NeoCybercoin And not sure if it was a bad... Mon, 09-08-2014,
04:06 AM

KrayZ33 its not "free"
They made it... Tue, 09-09-2014,
10:35 AM

Buffalobiian HS - Episode 11... Sun, 09-14-2014,
02:55 PM

Kraco Tatsumi carrying Akame... Sun, 09-14-2014,
03:14 PM

lelouch Awesome episode. About time... Sun, 09-14-2014,
03:19 PM

Buffalobiian I was pleasantly surprised... Sun, 09-14-2014,
09:13 PM

shinta|hikari So our MC is just an APC.
... Sun, 09-14-2014,
09:42 PM

Ryllharu I could not understand how... Mon, 09-15-2014,
03:41 AM

neflight86 Specifically, Mine said in... Mon, 09-15-2014,
11:42 PM

lelouch I still think strings will be... Tue, 09-16-2014,
12:12 AM

Buffalobiian HS - Episode 12... Mon, 09-29-2014,
08:34 AM

NeoCybercoin Well they did tone down the... Mon, 09-29-2014,
08:45 AM

Penner God damn i love this show.
... Mon, 09-29-2014,
08:56 AM

shinta|hikari Best part of this episode:
... Mon, 09-29-2014,
12:02 PM

NeoCybercoin With the current pace I think... Mon, 09-29-2014,
01:47 PM

shinta|hikari I'm not trying to. I love... Mon, 09-29-2014,
02:59 PM

NeoCybercoin Then you are going to love... Mon, 09-29-2014,
03:53 PM

Xelbair Esdeath is the best dere.... Mon, 09-29-2014,
05:54 PM

lelouch This is my favorite show this... Tue, 09-30-2014,
09:40 AM

Kraco Episode 14 - HS... Sun, 10-05-2014,
04:12 PM

lelouch I was relieved to see Tatsumi... Sun, 10-05-2014,
04:38 PM

Buffalobiian Oh Esdeath, why are thou... Sun, 10-05-2014,
08:41 PM

David75 Honestly, as bad as the... Mon, 10-06-2014,
09:52 AM

Buffalobiian Interestingly, both Esdeath... Mon, 10-06-2014,
10:08 AM

Kraco Esdeath and Tatsumi's view of... Mon, 10-06-2014,
11:20 AM

NeoCybercoin Her only 'redeeming' quality... Mon, 10-06-2014,
12:11 PM

KrayZ33 It's really difficult to not... Mon, 10-06-2014,
02:49 PM

Penner HS - Episode 15... Mon, 10-13-2014,
11:33 AM

Buffalobiian I was going to suggest that... Thu, 10-16-2014,
12:21 AM

neflight86 16 is out.
What an episode! Sun, 10-19-2014,
02:10 PM

Kraco Kurome's necromantic Imperial... Sun, 10-19-2014,
02:52 PM

Ryllharu I was pretty disappointed in... Sun, 10-19-2014,
02:56 PM

NeoCybercoin Well...pretty sure Chelsea is... Sun, 10-19-2014,
05:06 PM

lelouch Tatsumi is a sorry excuse for... Sun, 10-19-2014,
05:09 PM

DarthEnderX I just watched all of this... Thu, 10-23-2014,
11:46 PM

Kraco Episode 17 - HS... Sun, 10-26-2014,
12:09 PM

lelouch Holy fuck that last scene was... Sun, 10-26-2014,
01:03 PM

NeoCybercoin Really dude? ISIS?
Anyway,... Sun, 10-26-2014,
01:59 PM

Buffalobiian Or she could have had her... Sun, 10-26-2014,
08:29 PM

shinta|hikari Kurome is a monster. Being... Sun, 10-26-2014,
10:33 PM

Buffalobiian That sounds about right.
... Mon, 10-27-2014,
03:13 AM

lelouch Ip Man would have loved... Sun, 11-02-2014,
05:44 PM

Ryllharu Lubbock and Tatsumi are the... Sun, 11-02-2014,
08:37 PM

shinta|hikari Isn't walking around with an... Sun, 11-02-2014,
09:38 PM

shinta|hikari Even if, or especially if... Sun, 11-02-2014,
10:25 PM

lelouch I still have no fucking clue... Thu, 11-06-2014,
06:18 PM

Buffalobiian HS - Episode 16... Sun, 11-09-2014,
01:31 PM

KrayZ33 Suzuka is (was) kinda hot,... Mon, 11-10-2014,
12:41 PM

KrayZ33 That is not true they were... Mon, 11-10-2014,
02:32 PM

Buffalobiian So true. And her end was also... Mon, 11-10-2014,
09:10 PM

shinta|hikari They should at least change... Thu, 11-13-2014,
10:26 AM

shinta|hikari I mean, not disguising... Thu, 11-13-2014,
12:13 PM

shinta|hikari She was being badass, that's... Thu, 11-13-2014,
06:02 PM

lelouch They never showed the... Thu, 11-13-2014,
08:05 PM

Buffalobiian HS - Episode 20... Sun, 11-16-2014,
01:21 PM

lelouch Yeah like I've been saying... Sun, 11-16-2014,
03:08 PM

NeoCybercoin kinda sucks they... Sun, 11-16-2014,
05:12 PM

DarthEnderX Man. This series is such a... Sun, 11-16-2014,
11:02 PM

NeoCybercoin Depending on how it plays... Mon, 11-17-2014,
06:05 PM

DarthEnderX Well, obviously I'm still... Tue, 11-18-2014,
05:04 AM

Kraco Episode 21 - HS... Sun, 11-23-2014,
02:02 PM

NeoCybercoin They ruined the potential... Sun, 11-23-2014,
06:46 PM

DarthEnderX Bleh, lost two members of the... Mon, 11-24-2014,
02:57 AM

Kraco To beat Esdeath the whole... Mon, 11-24-2014,
03:33 AM

KrayZ33 I really want to see Wave... Mon, 11-24-2014,
02:57 PM

shinta|hikari One by one, maybe. All of... Mon, 11-24-2014,
03:31 PM

lelouch So they sacrificed Susanoo... Mon, 11-24-2014,
03:45 PM

Buffalobiian Najenda herself doesn't have... Mon, 11-24-2014,
08:44 PM

KrayZ33 Susanoo is dead... and why... Tue, 11-25-2014,
06:02 AM

shinta|hikari I used the word even to... Tue, 11-25-2014,
08:39 AM

shinta|hikari That's because Esdeath didn't... Tue, 11-25-2014,
01:35 PM

KrayZ33 I am not?
well, at least... Tue, 11-25-2014,
03:40 PM

shinta|hikari That last one is a big jump.... Tue, 11-25-2014,
04:24 PM

NeoCybercoin Akame ga Kill! - 22 [1080p... Sun, 11-30-2014,
03:26 PM

Kraco Yeah, it looks like hasty... Sun, 11-30-2014,
04:30 PM

shinta|hikari Kurome's motivations were all... Sun, 11-30-2014,
09:04 PM

David75 It's only the second time,... Mon, 12-01-2014,
12:18 AM

shinta|hikari That's what I was complaining... Mon, 12-01-2014,
07:39 AM

Kraco Uh... No. If her sole purpose... Mon, 12-01-2014,
09:45 AM

shinta|hikari You do remember that Kurome... Mon, 12-01-2014,
12:11 PM

DarthEnderX Episode called "Kill the... Mon, 12-01-2014,
05:15 PM

shinta|hikari The mecha is ridiculous.... Mon, 12-01-2014,
09:03 PM

Kraco Episode 23 - HS
-... Sun, 12-07-2014,
02:05 PM

NeoCybercoin Goddamnit, the transformation... Sun, 12-07-2014,
03:43 PM

shinta|hikari Uh, Tatsumi died. Mon, 12-08-2014,
12:12 AM

David75 Since the show's title is all... Mon, 12-08-2014,
12:33 AM

Kraco I actually have a problem... Mon, 12-08-2014,
02:49 AM

KrayZ33 eh....hmm
It's not like I... Mon, 12-08-2014,
02:50 PM

shinta|hikari I think Leone will come to... Mon, 12-08-2014,
04:08 PM

shinta|hikari Hey, this show deserves at... Mon, 12-08-2014,
04:47 PM

NeoCybercoin Didn't Kurome resurrect... Mon, 12-08-2014,
04:56 PM

Buffalobiian I Leone could resurrect... Mon, 12-08-2014,
10:01 PM

shinta|hikari Leone was never around a... Mon, 12-08-2014,
10:43 PM

Buffalobiian The difference I see with... Mon, 12-08-2014,
11:14 PM

shinta|hikari Considering how much he likes... Mon, 12-08-2014,
11:33 PM

DarthEnderX More importantly, they were... Tue, 12-09-2014,
05:30 AM

NeoCybercoin Esdeath isn't going to revive... Tue, 12-09-2014,
10:25 AM

Kraco Technically speaking he... Tue, 12-09-2014,
12:19 PM

shinta|hikari I'm not sure if Esdeath... Tue, 12-09-2014,
02:01 PM

NeoCybercoin She is evil and... Tue, 12-09-2014,
03:24 PM

shinta|hikari Is there enough reason to... Tue, 12-09-2014,
03:52 PM

shinta|hikari You didn't understand my... Fri, 12-12-2014,
10:18 PM

Kraco They should first kill the... Sun, 12-14-2014,
05:11 AM

shinta|hikari What he said.
Akame should... Sun, 12-14-2014,
09:18 AM

NeoCybercoin Horriblesubs- Akame Ga Kill... Sun, 12-14-2014,
12:37 PM

Kraco It was an annoyingly... Sun, 12-14-2014,
04:06 PM

Buffalobiian Best scenes were:
... Sun, 12-14-2014,
09:57 PM

shinta|hikari I simply don't want Esdeath... Sun, 12-14-2014,
11:19 PM

DarthEnderX Typical bullshit... Mon, 12-15-2014,
05:24 AM

KrayZ33 Kinda odd that a "guy" in... Mon, 12-15-2014,
03:16 PM

NeoCybercoin Now that this is over, I... Mon, 12-15-2014,
04:34 PM

shinta|hikari Seconded. The manga pacing is... Mon, 12-15-2014,
05:15 PM

DarthEnderX So, the manga is still going... Mon, 12-15-2014,
07:37 PM

shinta|hikari Yes it is. Mon, 12-15-2014,
10:53 PM

neflight86 I must chime in that, aside... Thu, 12-18-2014,
01:00 PM

Buffalobiian It works though, particularly... Fri, 12-19-2014,
06:35 AM
Mon, 12-08-2014, 11:14 PM
The difference I see with Esdeath is that her power's always been about freezing external things. Her imperial arms was always a damage-dealing type like Mine's, while Tatsumi's and Leone's have been user-stat-increase types that give the individual a boost. Never has its power manifested outside of its user.
It's possible I suppose, given the nature of this adaptation. Transferring her Imperial Arms to him would seem more plausible however.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
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