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Thread: Aldnoah.Zero

  1. #41
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Agreed. Being good at strategizing is one thing. But when Inaho doged the enemy Kataphraktīs attack by swiftly circling him, I had to call BS. When not even trained soldiers couldnīt do such maneuvers, he shouldnīt either. In other words: You canīt be both Lelouch and Suzaku at the same time, come on!

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #42
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yes you can, but Inaho didn't do that. Suzaku would have destroyed the enemy with just his skills alone. It took Inaho a lot of luck, being underestimated. and help from an unexpected source to survive.

    He would have died barring any of those, and this episode even explicitly stated how unnaturally reckless he was. He isn't great in this episode, but extremely lucky. If you had to criticize something, that would be perfectly valid.
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  3. #43
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The comedic moments in this episode made it for me. The exoskeleton and the crane girl's "Guess not".

    Rayet seems to be less of a threat than I thought.

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  4. #44
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    This show keeps giving me Battletech vibes all the time.
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  5. #45
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I really hate the "Inaho is a genius," declaration.

    It has less to do with genius intellect and more to do with being underestimated, Orbital Knight arrogance, having two competent friends, and just enough time to experiment. Like shinta said, it is more luck and recklessness, combined with not losing his head.

    The series makes it abundantly apparent that the Terrans have no chance if the Martians go all out (like dropping rocks). They've been lucky enough to get hit by one Cataphract at a time, and Inaho/Inko/Calm get time to play around and figure out its gimmick after the enemy pilot has gotten cocky from killing soldier who don't observe.

    Inaho tried the HE rounds same as the other soldiers, but then switched to AP rounds and it worked. But this pilot wasn't as cocky as the last and adapted. The pincer plan also failed. But they had always intended to hit it with a crane. The trio knew what they could do at the base, while the Orbital Knight was wandering into unfamiliar territory with a backpack of arrogance from his earlier kills.

    Furthermore, the dateless and tardy commander also figured out the plasma saber trick he was using, and ordered her artillery fuses disabled, firing them as kinetic weapons too. In a few seconds after arriving in range. So Inaho isn't some Zero type genius, and he's not any more skilled than his sister is (probably the opposite) at piloting. Calm is on par with Inaho in piloting.

    The difference is that this trio stays calm and watches what the enemy does, while the enemy exhibits their arrogance and gets burned for it. Even Calm, as pissed off as he is and basically ready to murder a Martian he sees on foot, behaves in accordance with his namesack. Inko is often bewildered at what's happening and skeptical of their chances, but she's levelheaded in battle once it starts. The enemies we've seen lose their shit almost immediately, because they are so convinced they have overwhelming superiority.

    This isn't genius, this isn't skill. It's the Art of War.

  6. #46
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    It's just Inoha who keeps thinking up the strategies though. Try, analyse results, did it work? No, try something else. Repeat. But he did think ahead with the container bash.

  7. #47
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I really hate the "Inaho is a genius," declaration.

    It has less to do with genius intellect and more to do with being underestimated, Orbital Knight arrogance, having two competent friends, and just enough time to experiment. Like shinta said, it is more luck and recklessness, combined with not losing his head.
    Once again Ryll declares that he is not impressed and would definitely have been able to pull off the same thing were he in Inaho's situation. Ryll you are so fucking smart how are you not emperor of the galaxy yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    You canīt be both Lelouch and Suzaku at the same time, come on!
    My name is Lelouch and I approve this message.

    Yeah that is the one thing that bugs me. I wish they split the skill sets of brains and brawn among the two protagonists.

  8. #48
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    (A) Get off my dick.

    (B) It doesn't take a genius to see that high explosive rounds don't work. It doesn't take a genius to switch to armor piercing rounds. It doesn't take a genius to stop the blade by grabbing the other robot. It doesn't take a genius to lure the enemy to where they can be hit with a shipping container from the crane you've been hanging around all day.

    Using the environment against an opponent who is unfamiliar with the area does not require genius intellect. Inaho isn't L-elf, he isn't Lelouch, he's not Yagami Light or L. He's observant and doesn't get panicked. That's it.

  9. #49
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    (A) Get off my dick.

    (B) It doesn't take a genius to see that high explosive rounds don't work. It doesn't take a genius to switch to armor piercing rounds. It doesn't take a genius to stop the blade by grabbing the other robot. It doesn't take a genius to lure the enemy to where they can be hit with a shipping container from the crane you've been hanging around all day.

    Using the environment against an opponent who is unfamiliar with the area does not require genius intellect. Inaho isn't L-elf, he isn't Lelouch, he's not Yagami Light or L. He's observant and doesn't get panicked. That's it.
    (A) I wouldn't group L-Elf in the same category as Lelouch or L, at all.

    (B) Being able to calmly come up with that plan under those conditions IS a form a genius. He certainly isn't Lelouch, but that is clearly obvious by the complete difference in character. That's not to say he isn't a genius. He's actually a totally opposite form of genius than Lelouch. Lelouch is a genius strategist, Inaho is a genius tactician. No matter what you say I'm confident you would be shitting your pants and would not have come up with that plan when you have a giant robot lazer samurai minutes away from killing you and everyone you know.

  10. #50
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Hmmm... did they cut something out? 20:55 - 21:15 was really odd.

    I have to agree with Ryll on this one.
    He looks (and is) clever, but thats because the other soldiers are preforming so poorly... "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king"

    No matter what you say I'm confident you would be shitting your pants and would not have come up with that plan when you have a giant robot lazer samurai minutes away from killing you and everyone you know.
    That's unfair, Inaho has autism, Ryll has not... probably, heheee
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 07-29-2014 at 01:49 PM.

  11. #51
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krayz33
    Hmmm... did they cut something out? 20:55 - 21:15 was really odd.
    It did look weird. The logical sequence of events seemed to be that Inoha got up using the crane (but not very far??), Martian gave chase but took a shot, so retreated. The students just sat still afterwards.

    It was very weird indeed.

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  12. #52
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 5 is out

    Well, fuck the experience of a well-trained soldier, right? Who needs experienced mech-pilots, when you can just depend on a school boy.

    Fucking anime tropes at full-force :/

    Also, how exactly could this last scene play out? "Your majesty, thereīs a chance that this boy will come here and tell you your daughter is still alive. Thatīs how you will know heīs a villain. Also, he might not come since I have no idea whatīs about to happen. But please let me wait here with you. Wanna play cards?"

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #53
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Err, "Your majesty, earth is trying to deceive us." period? Then luckily, some brat suddenly popped in, and the dude in the room beforehand just bleeped out, waited, and used the opportunity?

    It was obvious the guy only found out about the princess fan at that point.

    About the anime trope comment, yes the young genius is indeed an anime trope. I hope this episode has made that clear by now.
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  14. #54
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    About the anime trope comment, yes the young genius is indeed an anime trope. I hope this episode has made that clear by now.
    As others have said in this thread, itīs less about Inaho being a genius and more about experienced soldiers being idiots.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #55
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Yeah unfortunately I have to agree. This is like Code Geass with Lelouch being an average person and everyone else just being dumber than your average school girl. Damnit...what a half-assed job.

  16. #56
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Well in this ep they didn't plan to depend on him. He went out by himself. But I have to say I am liking him more and more.
    He thinks ahead and prepares, hoping it should be enough. I'm sure there will be an episode where that shit just won't work just to show him wits don't work all the time.

  17. #57
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Also, how exactly could this last scene play out? "Your majesty, thereīs a chance that this boy will come here and tell you your daughter is still alive. Thatīs how you will know heīs a villain. Also, he might not come since I have no idea whatīs about to happen. But please let me wait here with you. Wanna play cards?"
    This is one of the worst sins in fiction period. It's a horrible cliché, and it is simply lazy writing. Whenever someone can resolve a situation, there is always the pure coincidence that someone else on the opposing side was already there to taint opinion or otherwise discredit it.

    The only thing worse is when the only person who can resolve things peacefully is tragically, accidentally, or randomly killed an unrelated third party. Assassinating messengers is fine, because it implies a deliberate plan by one side. But it is all too often the person holding the key to diffusing the situation is prevented from doing so by "tragic" fate. I was legitimately surprised the Emperor didn't just die from old age or something fucking stupid like that.

    At least Slaine can try again or otherwise still act, which he'll figure out the moment the war resumes.

    It's also not really clear why Rayet is convinced that the princess telling the commander and only the commander will lead to her death by the enemy. Rayet may still be devoted to the cause I suppose. Having the Earth forces know that they didn't kill the princess would put them on even footing with the Knights of Misinformation. Of course the princess is too stupid to think for least Slaine had the right idea, though he couldn't wait for proof he would need to tip the scale.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 08-03-2014 at 05:29 AM. Reason: grammatical dumbassery

  18. #58
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    It was obvious the guy only found out about the princess fan at that point.
    Was it obvious? Count Saazbaum said to look into the actions of a certain "someone" before. I'm inclined to think that this "someone" was Slaine, since he was Sir Trillram's pilot. He then predicted this move and planted the lie beforehand. I still blame the King for being dumb though, unless Saazbaum managed to be very convincing off-screen.

    I had a feeling Inaho's PJ with patches was an analogy for reactive armour, but it would seem stupid to use the term like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    It's also not really clear why Rayet is convinced that the princess telling the commander and only the commander will lead to her death by the enemy.
    She's worried that information would be intercepted and that the ones with ulterior motives would attack the ship I suppose. The other idea is that she hates all the Martians indiscriminately, so would rather the war drag on and have some more die instead of letting them get away.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 08-03-2014 at 05:54 AM. Reason: saw Ryll's post.

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  19. #59
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Was it obvious? Count Saazbaum said to look into the actions of a certain "someone" before. I'm inclined to think that this "someone" was Slaine, since he was Sir Trillram's pilot. He then predicted this move and planted the lie beforehand. I still blame the King for being dumb though, unless Saazbaum managed to be very convincing off-screen.
    How did Saazbaum know Slaine knew of the princess being alive though? I don't think Slaine ever mentioned it to anyone except the King. I find it more convincing that it was just coincidence and human discrimination, even if it is indeed a bit lazy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    She's worried that information would be intercepted and that the ones with ulterior motives would attack the ship I suppose.
    I think this was what she implied when she said she didn't want to get dragged in. Rayet simply didn't know how anyone else would use the information. If they did try to communicate it, chances of what you mentioned are reasonably high enough to avoid doing so.

    I don't think the soldiers were being idiots. They were surprise attacked during a cease fire by an over powered enemy (that swats hundreds of bullets with a sword LOL). I don't get how you can see that as being idiotic. I would think that a trainee managing to come up with the idea of the armor, pull it off with his piloting ability, then decide to tilt the ship so both machines fall into the sea, and have the courage to risk not being able to eject on time and dying, and do the same shit almost every episode, is NOT being normal.

    Inaho isn't anime super genius maybe, but far more than satisfactory in a more realistic setting.
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  20. #60
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    How did Saazbaum know Slaine knew of the princess being alive though? I don't think Slaine ever mentioned it to anyone except the King. I find it more convincing that it was just coincidence and human discrimination, even if it is indeed a bit lazy.
    I'm more inclined to believe that Saazbaum didn't believe that the Terrans had any way of defeating a Kataphract without someone helping them. Since Slaine is a Terran, knows some of the martian secrets, and was assigned to the killed moron, he'd be suspect number one when a racist martian noble is on the investigation (as well as another one being the victim).

    It's just fortunate for him that not only was Slaine very likely involved in the actual killing, he is also suddenly quite knowledgeable about their whole conspiracy. Saazbaum basically had every suspicion confirmed.

    What was bullshit was that he already knew enough of that in order to dissuade the Emperor from looking into what Slaine was actually saying. He shouldn't have been able to give such a convincing argument without learning what Slaine knows before he said it.

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