Episode 1 - http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=download&tid=571398
Episode 1 - http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=download&tid=571398
Well, that was very girlish, though it should be expected, eh.
I guess it is Sailor Moon, no more, no less. Will keep watching for the nostalgia.
Made no sense that the Youma left Naru´s mom alive instead of just killing her.
"She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court
I wonder how the first ep of the original run was, but that one was really hard to watch. VA and character art is awful.
I like how some backgrounds are animated, 80's style, because that's where I come from. But that really was the only thing that I liked.
Since I wasn't a fan from the original run at the time, I guess I can't be hooked to that one.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
It's largely frame for frame the original manga. There are some different elements that have been smoothed over, but it is pretty spot-on.
It is also interesting to hear the original VAs mixed in with a lot of newer, younger VAs filling in for the other roles.
The sad part is that all I hear when Usagi speaks is Excel.
This adaptation is meant as a nod to both the manga readers and fans of the old show, if you're neither ( or if you're Mfauli ) you really have no business in this thread.
That was amusing. I can't say I'd be a fan of the original show since I only saw few random eps in the 90's (dubbed to Swedish to boot, if memory serves), but I can try to watch this for different reasons. At the very least I find it remarkable how they managed to dig up such old-fashioned visual and oral style. Naturally the old VAs might get back into the mood to sound like something from early 90's (or 80's), but I wonder how younger ones will fare, if necessary, since towards the late 90's the female voicing in anime got more realistic (in my opinion) and far less annoying. I don't generally like how the young female VAs sounded in anime back then, but considering how this episode was so funny and comedic (not because of literal jokes), I think I might be able to stand it.
This is like some archetype and thus academically interesting. Not really knowing the story at all, I was positively surprised there seemed to be dudes on both sides: the good and the bad. I feared this was basically an all-girls show, although I did know it at least had some parents present.
I'll keep watching for now.
I used to watch in high school. Mainly for teenage boy time.
Was not amused years later to find out Zoisite was a dude...
I have the internet now. So I don't really have any reason to watch this.
Thank God.
It's so mighty convenient that the princess happened to have four beautiful female guardians, and the prince happened to have four handsome knights. Naturally when the four knights and four sailor guardians met, they instantly fell in love, perfectly matched with no overlapping or other problems. It's all about love!
Such a pink show.