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Thread: Summer Season 2014: Early Impressions

  1. #21
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Somehow, I must have problems with my memory. Or I do not really understand the definition.
    when I wrote that, I thought Kimi in todoke. Can't believe Soredemo didn't come to mind.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #22
    Blue Spring (Ao Haru) Ride:
    Way too shoujo for me. There just weren't any interesting hooks at all in this show. Girl and guy like each other in middle school, separate on a bad note (which was just stupid) and meet up again to find they've both changed. Neither character is very likable in my opinion so I'm just not interested. I'll probably watch another just to see who the side characters are and if there are any redeeming qualities.

    Monthly Girls' (Gekkan Shoujo) Nozaki-kun:
    Also shoujo, but I liked the comedy approach here. The characters are likable, unlike the above show. I liked the bike gag and I hope they revisit it later.

    Where the MC wants the show to be as boring as possible. I have nothing against cute girls doing random club X, but please, don't be all emo about not even wanting to do anything. Hopefully that is all resolved now and they can actually gather the members and do something. Still, this is a very slice-of-life show, so I wouldn't expect too much.

    Space Dandy 2:
    More of the same. I got exactly what I expected with Space Dandy this season (which isn't much).

    Akame ga Kill:
    The show seems like it isn't really sure if it wants to be serious or comedy, so it is stuck in this weird in-between. They play up some tropes and subvert them in obvious ways as if to poke fun, but then use other tropes straight. Hopefully this show figures out what it wants to be, because the first episode was enjoyable enough.

    About halfway through the first episode, I thought this was somehow going to manage to be as bad or worse than Gainax's survival game anime. I feel like they redeemed themselves a little with the battle. Still not expecting much from the rest of this show though.

    This seems like another "sit in a room and talk about stuff" comedy reminiscent of Seitokai no Ichizon, but the characters are a little less wacky (more like they're just awkward/weird in certain ways). I'll give it a few more to prove itself, but nothing outstanding came from episode 1.

    4 min anime about a trap? Maybe if there was something interesting at all to go on, but I think I'm dropping this one.

  3. #23
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Locodol: Well, slice of life mixed with an idol-theme. More specifically, the "manager" of a quiet, too quiet town wants to revive the townīs image. Therefore, he attempts to establish the socalled Locodols, local idols. And, of course, he uses his niece for that. Haha. Donīt know where all of this goes, but Iīll give it a fair chance.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  4. #24
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Theme isn't my thing, everything feels so under-average in that anime.

    Love Stage!

    I hope it gets funier. I like some of those shows with small funny scenes/stories. But they have to deliver, and I don't remember laughing with that one.

    Momokyun sword
    Take Momotarou, change him to a big breasted girl for fanservice. Add 4 or five celestial girls, have them fight the oni and hope to be entertained.

    Ilya 2
    Well, continuation to the first season, will watch it, eventhough that spinoff isn't my thing.

    Majimoji Rurumo
    I don't know why I watched that one till the end and maybe even liked it.
    After all, MC is your stereotype anime perv male teen, poorly drawn too. Animation is subpar. Female MC is a very old underage witch, with a nice design. Somehow, some subplot developments/conclusions were fun/unusual. Maybe that's why I liked it and hope it can keep it going.

    Yama no susume 2

    Girls like mountain hiking, girls do that in their gardens etc... well droped.

    Zankyou no Terror
    Some action, mystery and we're following some teen(?)-terrorists. That first episode didn't really cover enough material to really grasp anything conclusive. I might watch ep 2 to see how it develops, eventhough it wasn't my thing.

    Rokujouma no Shinryakusha
    A ghost, an inhabitant of the underworld, a magical(cosplay?)-girl, an alien girl, probably a goddess (or spirit) all want the male teen MC's room for their own agendas. Two of said girls wanting world domination, no less.
    All those introductions where happening so fast that it felt more than forced, like ducks or gooses (tastier) being fed for foie gras...
    In short, no fun.

    Tokyo ESP
    Diet building flying, people being slaughtered here and there by angry espers that resort to terrorism to get what they want.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #25
    I think all of the shows have aired now?

    Ilya 2
    More of the same, let's hope for some more laughs and cool fight scenes.

    Persona 4 Golden
    I didn't really understand how they were going to redo this, but so far they've kept it interesting. I like that the MC is slightly different in personality this time around, almost like he is going new game +.

    Majimoji Rurumo
    First episode was kind of stupid. I'll give it a little bit more, but I don't know...

    Momokyun Sword
    Breasts! That is what I understood from watching the first episode. This show doesn't have a very high bar and I don't expect anything.

    Terror in Resonance (Zankyou no Terror)
    Not enough to really go on in episode 1. Seems like they have something interesting though, so I'm intrigued.

    Tokyo ESP
    It is X-MEN in Tokyo. As someone who has read the manga, I'm kind of shocked they started at the climax and had a full episode of it without cutting back to the beginning. Also, LOL at the characters from Ga-Rei Zero being in this. That made my day.

    Rokujyoma no Shinraksha (Invaders of Rokujyoma?)
    At first I was like "What is this? Nanana?" But it is apparently way more ridiculous than that. Various magical girl tropes all living together? Seems amusing enough. They didn't really set up where they were going to go in ep1, but I'll at least keep watching.

    Sengoku Basara 3?
    I don't like this alternate route they're going. If they don't have more "Are you ready? Put ya guns on!" "Brast off!" or just general Date Masamune Engrish, I'll be sad.

    Looks like the only thing left is maybe Serei Tsukai no Blade Dance. I'm skipping Nobunaga Concerto and various BL/Shoujo titles.

  6. #26
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Tokyo ESP Episode 01:

    Donīt know what to think about it. This first episode went all out, lots of gruesome murders. I hate the "white girl" already - there you have an anime introducing a rather realistic, gruesome world, and then you introduce your typical, generic hot, young girl to save the day? Sucks. :/
    Will give it at least one more ep to decide.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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