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Thread: Nanana's Buried Treasure

  1. #1
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Nanana's Buried Treasure


    Disowned by his father, Jugo Yama has run away from home to the island of Nanae. He begins to live by himself, only to discover his room is haunted by the ghost of Nanana Ryugajo. She was murdered ten years ago, and her killer must be found before she can rest in peace. Before her death, Nanana collected things from all over the world and hid them throughout the island. Using the mysterious powers of these hidden items, they should be able to find the culprit. As Jugo begins his hunt for her collection, however, he discovers he's not the only person searching. - ANN

    This was one of my favorites this season. It ended early at episode 11, but the entire thing was a very refreshing take on the common shounen LN story. The protagonist can be petty and cunning, while still being hot-blooded. Tensai is just golden, and even Nanana, the type of character I usually hate, eventually grows on you.

    Give the first 3 episodes a try. You will not be disappointed. It has mystery, comedy, lots of action, and even hints of romance.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  2. #2
    Dang, is 11 the last one? I haven't watched that one yet.

    There is a lot of nonsense in this show, but it is still very fun to watch.
    Definitely pretty high up there in my ranking for this season.
    Tensai is the best.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    only watching this for Tensai, some of the fights and Terraria, the story is all over the place and where Jugo's (and everyone else's) motivation is comming from is uncertain at best

  4. #4
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think the entire point of the series is a clarification of their motivations. It is intentionally made hard to understand, and is part of the mystery aspect. The later episodes elucidate why everyone is doing what.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

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