Alternate Title: Chaika the Coffin Princess
Description: Tooru Acura, a retired soldier lazing his way through life, encounters Chaika Trabant, a sorceress carrying a coffin. After escaping certain death together, he follows her in hopes of finding a purpose for the first time in a long while. The two travel with Tooru's sister, Akari, in search of a mysterious item that Chaika claims she has to find.
HorribleSubs - 01
Anime-Koi - 01
I loved the first episode.
MC heroine speaks broken sentences like she can barely speak the language which is, hopefully more to due with her being a foreigner or rather than something than brain damage or like she's artificial. Her weapon is a huge anti-material magic rifle...and it is exactly as multipurpose as it sounds. There is a scene where she tries to bake with it, and miraculously manages to not outright destroy the kitchen (while still ruining it).
Two siblings are saboteurs/sappers from the army, so their skill set is slightly more unique and they remind me of Randel from Pumpkin Scissors with a little more sanity.
It's a good pairing, because the two siblings are competent at close range combat and the physical skills that Chaika needs, while she is strong enough to actually destroy powerful opponents given enough time to cast her spells. Tooru is also really bored and needs something to do, and Akari needs Tooru to stop being useless before she kills him out of spite.
This gave me a strong Scrapped Princess vibe for some reason, and it turned out to be written by the same guy! He also wrote Outbreak Company recently, another series I loved the hell out of, coming off a lot stronger than it appeared at first glace. Given that history, there is a good chance I'll enjoy this.
Aside from Tooru, the main cast are both newbies, which brings a fresh feel for me since I can generally get distracted by seiyuu for a while if I recognize their voices.
The animation feels a little on the rough side at times, but BONES is apparently doing three series this season. The quality does improve a little toward the end of the episode, so their staff is probably strained to the limit.