"Soul Eater Not! is a side-story to the main series, focusing on a freshman halberd named Tsugumi Harudori, who befriends two other meisters, Meme Tatane and Anya Hepburn. All three take part in the NOT (Normally Overcome Target) class at DWMA and learn to control their powers in order to overcome their difficulties to have a normal life, as opposed to the battle-oriented EAT (Especially Advanced Talent) class taken by Maka, Soul, and their companions." -Wikipedia
Genres: Action, comedy, supernatural, school life, shounen
Links: AniDB | ANN | Official
Download: Episode 1 - HS
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One of the shows I was looking forward to. This won't be as good as the main story, or at least the manga and the portion of the anime that followed the manga, but this will still be a treat for a big Soul Eater fan such as myself. The occasional cameos of the old characters really boost the eps as well. Of course I enjoyed watching this in an animated form, like any manga. Just seeing the ridiculous sun again was so nice. The original story had some weight with the madness and heavy fighting I don't expect in this story, at least not nearly to the same degree, but there ought to be some.
Both shows are by Bones, but this felt graphically slightly different. I don't think that will really matter since the emphasis in this one isn't on asskicking. Production values were quite average, but it should work with the story.
I'll definitely keep watching.